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Everything posted by Lui

  1. your studenst are from high school right? :S

    people from that age are like children ¬¬ my sister is like that XD and she's in high school


    poor you :huglove: don't get stressed u.u they will listen to you when they will see their low grades xD


    oww amazing! yes! a major is hard to get but important :biggrin2:


    here we have had two weeks of rain because some hurricanes :sneaky2: what about there? :o

  2. Lui

    awww don't worry! it wasn't your fault Rim!!

    REALLY I CAN WAIT ANY TIME :huglove: believe me :blush-anim-cl:


    I just a little bit worried about the kimchy XD


    I sent you the adress and phone via pm

  3. Lui

    so the cartoon of the last airbender is good? :o maybe I could watch it! XD


    the borrowers? :o is that a new movie?


    awww poor mango! now I see why you hate typhoons u.u


    hahaha I went to postal service and the lady asked me for that number and I forgot it XD

    maybe tuesday I will go again :P


    but in that screen cap that you sent me says that the parcel is still in korea?

  4. Lui

    ahh the last airbender :S a friend always wants me to see the movie, well he wanted me to see the cartoon but I didn't like it :S so.. I guess I won't like to see that movie XD well... just if he invites me and buys popcorn :P


    hahahaha I know! I haven't seen a draw queen live neither! but this was the closest that I've ever been I guess XD and I wasn't listened her reccomendations for getting better because of the properties


    thanks Rim! ^^ I'm taking the pills that she told me :D


    hahahaha XD I laughed at her! poor typhoon girl! :roftl:

    so the same happened to you? :teehee: awww sorry! :aah:


    tomorrow I'm going to send something for a friend to the post mail and also I'm going to ask if I have a parcel from South korea coming!! :D

  5. Lui

    hahahahaha XD which movie was it? (for not going to see it :P)



    I've been sick with the flu for 2 weeks and yesterday I decided to go to the doctor and my doctor looked like a drag queen O_O I wanted to laugh at her (him?) because of her fake eyelash, too much make-up, mouth full of botox and big fake boobs but I was tough enough to not have a bad behaviour and be unpolite XD... I hope she is a good doctor and I get well soon :naughty:

  6. Lui

    awww your happiness bottle! amazing!! isn't it lovely? :wub2:

    noo! don't worry my friend!!! you don't need to pay more because of me ._. it could make me feel bad u.u I can wait any time!!! always the things from mikasounds that I've bought arrive after a month :blush-anim-cl:


    no! I sent yours by land :S it's weird how it arrives so fast XD


    actually it was my first parcel send to overseas!!! O_O I thought it wouldn't arrive :roftl: but it did! I think we just need to be patients

  7. Lui

    who told you that your feet are big!!! :o

    she's really mean! ¬¬


    nop your feet are small! I'm a little bit shorter than you and my feet size 26 cm :P so I have bigger feet than youXD

  8. Lui

    I hope it arrives soo :( how long my parcel took to get in your home? :o like 10 days?

    did you send it via normal mail?


    owww Kompasu! it sounds dangerous xD here around mexico there are like two hurricanes :S and we haven't had sun since 2 weeks ago O_O


    yes... exactly!! as a mexican song says: "odio quiero mas que indiferencia" which means Hate me but don't ignore me XD is worse when a person is ignored than when is hated :P when you are hated at least people talk about you :)


    owwww Rim They were exploiting you in that old job! :( but as you said you needed experience u.u

    yes!!!! I would like to speak english with you :wub2:

  9. :S owww bad! :( yeah, when we were at the airport the people of security were rude with us u.u but mika is always so sweet :)


    well not too difficult :P is like work of an office XD I need to design some documents and print them, go for signatures of the boss and things like that... I'm like a secretary XD

    and the other part of the work is helping to the drawing teacher and he tell me to check the students and correct them if they are drawing wrong :P


    owww an internship is a full time job? so you want to be a teacher? :D

  10. Lui

    yeah!!! I'm happy that you are comnfortable in your job :D that is really amazing :)


    owww yes :S it's what my mother always says: everywhere you work you will find nasty people =/ now I see it's truth!


    wow! it's not too much work time!! :D amazing!


    greeeaaat!!!! you will be better in english!! I'm proud of you my dear Mango :D

  11. Lui

    I will get graduated in december! :D


    NOO!! the parcel haven't arrived! :( I want to recieve it!! :'(

    I hope this week arrives!


    and the typhoon don't stop the arriving again u.u

  12. Lui

    thank you for your wise words my dear Rim! :huglove:

    I think I'm going to do what you say :)


    is the best choice... I just hope when I finished the school my professor tell me again about this proposition :teehee:



    I'm going to buy my tickets for Kate Nash tomorrow!! :D she's coming in november!!! :mf_lustslow:


    how are you feel in your new job? :)

  13. sip jjajajaja esa es la idea xD soy mala :teehee:

  14. merci beaucoup Roxy!! I always wanted to know what he said there
  15. yep, V festival has the best artist always :mf_lustslow:


    hahahaha yeah!! I love my sister's pic :P she asked him to do a funny face and he accepted! she's so clever :naughty:


    yes, we met him in a meet and greet in his dressing room :teehee: because when he came he just did a presentation for a radio station and into the place where was the accoustic set they didn't allowed underage people so we asked to Mika if he could do something about it and he said that the underage fans could meet him in his dressing room before the show :aah: and we got in and he was very nice :wub2: but they didn't allowed us to film or take pics u.u


    but I loooooove his blazer :mf_lustslow: that blue one with those little buttons :wub2: is perfect XD


    yeah I'm doing my social service in my school

    I'm like the assistant of the drawing professor, and also a kind of secretary-designer for the department of headquarters of design

  16. Tiziano esta goodo jajajajaja xD

  17. goodo? xD porque le escribes a Mango eso? XD

  18. Lui

    well... I hope I could learn things and get new experiences for my future day works :P

    YES!!! :D I'm going to give my best in my social service :D


    yeah... it could be nice work in my school as a teacher... my professor suggest me to give the class of drawing and I'm a little scared to accept O_O


    awww Rim!! :tears: thanks for your kind words!!! I love you!! thanks for give me strenght for doing this :) I promisse you I'll do my best! :biggrin2:

  19. yees!!! you feel like you are there if you see the festival live online XD I always have wanted to be in one of those english festivals like V fest or Glastonbury ^^


    owww :( yes... just 3 songs u.u I feel that in England the press stop to love him :S


    social service is kind of a job but without payment!!!! D: it's like a requirment to be able to get your major, six months of working for free ¬¬ (the idea of this is give us an idea of how the laboral work is...but I think they should pay us a little XD)


    awwww :blush-anim-cl: thank you very much for your sweet words!!! I look good in that pic because of Mika :wub2: actually that is my only favorite pic of mine in my hole life XD

  20. Lui

    aww thanks for your nice words but it's no a job... well is kind of a job but without payment!!!! D: it's like a requirment to be able to get your major, six months of working for free ¬¬ (the idea of this is give us an idea of how the laboral work is...but I think they should pay us a little XD)


    ohh great!! :D I will have two korean editions of TBWKTM :P and all thanks to you my friend!!!! ^^


    woow cool! I know you are better to the others :mf_rosetinted:


    now what do you have to do in your job? :P it's good that is using a computer, you can spend your free time in MFC :naughty:


    OK! I'm going to wait to your answer :teehee:

  21. thaaanks xD yes you helped me a lot!!!!


    sorry for bothering you XD


    PS: I looove your crying milk avatar hahahaha

  22. Lui

    YES!! YES I NEED IT!! D:

    really? you could help me with that??? :tears::tears: you are an angeeel!!!:blush-anim-cl:


    and if you want I could give you money in a bank account, or I was thinking... I could send you another parcel with more mexican chili candies XD just tell me what do you preffer :)


    that magazine is beautifuuuuul *O* my favourites are the postcards :D


    PS: is this magazine different from the korean edition that you sent me right? :P

  23. Lui

    ohhh ahh now I understand why the parcel haven't arrive :P haha I have got confused XD sorry!! ^^

    awwww don't worry :) I can be patient (just a little bit more XD) hahahaa LOL


    ANOTHER ONE!!! XD hahaha what do you have to this time? :P is it better?

    I'm glad to read that you are more confortable in this one :D good luck ^^


    My social service is a kind of job, I'm like a secretary-designer of the coordinators of design department :P

  24. hi :P I'm going to bother you too about the korean edition XD

    is it secure buying in yes Asia? D: because my mom told me to check it :P


    and I check and the global site says that they send items to mexico, is it true? :S


    and the last one, you said something about the poscards... I want them too D: if I buy it in that site I will get the edition with the postcards? XD


    sorry for my crazy questions but I'm convincing my mother to buy this for my birthday :D

  25. woah!! thaanks! I found them!! and I wanna order that cd now XD

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