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Everything posted by Lui

  1. oww great!! haha you must be proud of your students XD

    what did thhey draw for the test?


    hahahaha I know!! I was in a friend´s party and I asked him his computer to see mika show! and everyone saw me like this :blink: but I didn't care! I love mika and I couldn't miss it!!


    it was amaziiiing!!! XD

  2. awww u_u pero no se tardara mucho o si? D:


    jajajajaja wow que cool maestro! mi maestra sustituta de frances asi era pero ya regreso la titular y ella ni loca nos pasa las respuestas DX no se si pasare :S


    ya seeeee!! me gusta la navidad :3 aca haremos una mikafiesta de navidad :D seria genial que vinieras U_U

  3. heey! I'm uploading the live stream to youtube each song separated is it alright?
  4. Lui

    BTW!!! your parcel arrived!!!

    THAAAANKS! *O* haha kimchi almost exploted XD but not too much :P


    I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the lollipop glowstick and the mika fan club banner!! they are so original and creative :D


    the pics when he sees your toy boy :mf_lustslow: perfect!


    and the CD! the pictures are beautiful! annd I like the paper of the notebook :P


    and your letter! what you said is lovely!! I want to see the snow with you! :wub2:


    I didn't know about your mother :( how is she? is she better?

  5. Lui

    haha you always surprise me! you get jobs really easy! :D


    oww =/ well... I hope you could see him again soon u_u


    wow :o those pics that you sent me are really beautiful!!! look like pictures for a calendar! :D I loooove the red ones *O* where is that place? :P

  6. mmm si quieres un dia de estos me pasas por mensaje privado tu mail, tu nombre de usuario y tu contraseña y yo te inscribo ^^


    aww si vi los conciertooos! fueron hermosos u_u no se porque no vino mika a mexico, :( segun el si queria venir pero pues a ver q pasa DX

  7. Lui

    haha sorry for the late reply I spent too much time cleaning mi private messages xD


    awww you must help to your manager to feel real love again ^^

    he sounds like a gentleman :) sometimes... mmm weird O_o he must be confused, I think he likes you but he is not shure to start something new :S


    hahahaha xD yes your love life sounds like all those smiles :P

  8. haha perdooon ya te agregue a twitter y del face te puse algo en tu muro ^^

    es q yo a veces contesto en esos y mi hermana otras veces y aveces nadie :| asi q tal vez un dia te paso q nadie contestaba jiji perdon :P


    y ya pudiste inscribirtee? :D

  9. oww a rep dominicana? O_O de q trabajaa? xD


    amo cuando los maestros te dan guias de estudio es lo mejor B)


    jajaja exacto! puenso iguaal! el año se paso volando DX

  10. oww interactive Art!! I would like to see it when it will be finished!! :D


    ouch! :(

    here in mexico the unemployment is serious too :S and more if you don't have experience working and I don't have DX


    yeees!! mika is in south america right now!! :D I wanna see pics and everything O_O

  11. Lui

    PS: the pics from the PM didn't work :( could you upload them again? :D

  12. Lui

    yeees!! :P look! 3173313830_1626385aa9.jpg?v=0

    Leonidas in Korea


    mmmm :/ difficult decision but you could make chocolates!! and coffee!! :D


    hhahaha yeah! he looks so well built!! XD


    F*ck DX yes, I understands, he can't forget old love that fast u.u

    he looks like a good boy :) I wihs good luck with him my dear :wub2:


    my love life sucks now :( I don't know what happened, the guy from the pics I showed you now ignores me without reason :boxed: and I asked him what happened, what I did different and he says nothing u.u I think he is in love with another girl :'( my heart is broken U.U I hate this feeling :(

  13. here there is the thesis and an exam about yout thesis in front of some professors :S and they ask you difficlut questions about your proyect D:


    but also you could get graduated if you have a good general grade of all your university years (I will try to get my mayor with this potion XD but my mother says that in this way I'm being mediocre -.-)


    :o a final artwork?? how could it be? like a painting or an sculpture? or something else??


    I know!! he must be writing songs ¬¬ and he will be in south america next week :( most of the artist take mexico as south america u.u I don't know why Mika didn't think the same :( (though Mexico is in north america :P)


    :o congrats to your friend!!! :D (I'm so jealous too ¬¬ hhahha) what kind of job was that?

  14. oww a donde se fue tu papa? :o


    diooos :| que horrorosos examenes DX yo tengo uno de etica en 1 semana pero es demasiado facil ademas la materia no vale :P


    jajajaja pues siii la escuela da sueño :S que mal que las bancas sean tan incomodas ¬¬


    aww mika ira a suramerica ya la proxima semana :(

  15. ohh wow! is like interactive art!! cool!! *O* modern art sometimes is werid to me but I love when there is art like this! :D


    ohh I think your gratuation proyect is like a thesis? because here in MExico a thesis is like a book or a kind of long essay where you choose a theme and you develope it and you take information from many books and you have to make research :P is it similar?


    aww yes! me too, I don't have a certain idea of what I'm going to do or where I'm going but it makes me happy to imagine ^^ we will make our dreams come true!

  16. jajajaja xD mi papa siempre quiere estar arreglando todo en casa tambien :P y como dices cuando no le salen las cosas se ponen de neuroticos y es mejor correr O_O


    :o como te fue en tu examen sin libro? xD


    yo hoy entregue 2 capitulos de la tesis que estoy haciendo con 2 compañeros :3 pero no dormi a culpa de eso DX

  17. Lui

    I searched in google about Leonidas Korea and it looks really elegant! and stylish! :mf_lustslow:


    ohhh yes!! that Sanborns Casa de los azulejos is really cool!! with murals and all those story! we should eat and drink a coffee there ^^ and spend all the afternoon there *O*


    aww I really really happy you love the necklace!! :wub2: because I was looking for something really special for sending you ^^ love you my dear Rim!


    my oh my... the guy you showed me in the twitter pics is really cute! I like his style! and he is really tall! :o hahahaha

    I'm always too slow too about love matters :naughty: as you said it is too complicated if they are not clear like "I love you" xD


    BUT TELL ME!! what do you think about him? :teehee: do you like him?

  18. Lui

    thanks!! ^^ I love make that kind of makeup hahaha :P


    btw... haha aww I don't want to spoil the surprise because I won't send it soon but... I got a skull necklace like that for you!! :D as soon as I get the chance to send it you will have your own skull necklace :D like mika's :blush-anim-cl: actually I bought them in the same place where he said he got it!


    owww DX kimchi is more dangerous than I thougth :roftl:

    yeees!! I hope the CD is ok u.u and also the glowstick! =/

    hahhahaha poor you!! they are so mean with you

    ignore them :mf_rosetinted:

  19. Lui

    owwww!! I'm really really glad the bananas were the solution! :D I will tell to my mom she will be happy to have helped you ^^


    OMG!!! Leonidas yeees!! I remember that you mentioned that place beforeeee!! is perfect!! :') I send you all the positive vibe to you to get that job!! *O*


    yeeees you should visit mexico!!! XD as you read people is really warm hahaha

    MI CASA ES TU CASA of course!! :D you are welcome ^^


    hahahahaha LOL!! all your adventures with makeup xD

    but yes, you are right, choose makeup is really difficult =/


    I have the eyelashes of one eye fine but the other eye they never get curled ¬¬ and I look asymetric xD

    and sometimes if I wear too much eyeliner my eyes get red all day long ._.

  20. yes! that hat was for a class called "art direction" :D they had to make a mask with latex and the accesories for the character, and she made the mad hatter! XD I nver saw the mask but she did a good job with the hat! :)


    owww... it looked like X-rays! but those colorful circles got movement? like a sand clock or something like that?


    mmm... I think if you want to study again you should do it! yees you should!! :D

    right now the last thing that I want to do is study ¬¬ but it is because I've been studying almost 5 years consecutively :S


    now I want to get any kind of job and going to some vacations to europe! XD but I can't find a job :(

  21. weeell my french is not really good u.u I'm still learning :)


    which other languaje would you like to learn?

  22. holaa! yo ya veo que tienes imageeen! :D es mika con pantalones azules no? xD

    y amm yo creo lo que pasa con el foro de lollipops es que cuando pide que anotes letras para comprobar que eres persona tienes que hacerlo tal y como te lo piden, asi con mayusculas y minusculas :) si no es eso avisame otra vez,


    ammm tienes facebook? ahi tambien las fans de mika socializan mucho ^^

  23. hooola!! :D

    siempre me meto aqui de contrabando jojo porque se que aqui el tiempo se pasa volando y lo ultimo que tengo es tiempo u.u


    jajajaj seee tenemos traumas con el peso D: malditas modelos flacas ¬¬


    si tuve puente pero estuve en el hospital con mi papa :P poor cierto todo salio bieen! :D aunque ultimamente esta de moleston haha


    y tu que me cuentas?

  24. Lui

    PS: look!! I painted my sister to a contest costume!! XD she didn't win but I like the final result http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs578.ash2/150003_128765733843490_100001301910449_132746_4808846_n.jpg

  25. Lui

    oww I'm scared about the kimchi too xD I remember one of the packs that you sent me was really big because of the gasses :P I hope nothing bad happens! xD

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