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Everything posted by Lui

  1. ya te agreguee! :D a ver si platicamos en la nochee ^^

  2. :o what!!?

    why your boss hates you? :S

    that is so unpolite! talking behind your back! >=O


    awwwI loved those paper planes! they looked amazing!:mf_lustslow:


    in Mika's concert who got the idea of doing that? you? :D

    and you didn't had problems with the venue for doing that? :o

  3. jajajaja super cerrebro xD

    wow que genial! yo tengo cerebro de bulimica xD memorizo todo y despues del examen lo olvido jajaja


    :o de verdaaad? xD puedes comenzar la reunion con ella! xD a la q te dije q era una señora no se conecta pero podrias enviarle un mail :)

  4. y como estudiaste si no tenias libro'? XD


    fue en casa de una fan :D pero este año no sera tan linda porq por causas del destino no pudo asistiran como la mitad y ni el chico q tocaba el piano D: pero ellos se perderan el sabroso pastel y lasagna:mf_rosetinted:

  5. wuuuu felicidadeeees!! :D suenan dificiles las materias DX pero las pasaste! genial :mf_rosetinted:



    mira! en ese album hay fotos de la fiesta del año pasado *O*


    ok! y me avisas q te dicen si hablas con ellos por msn :D

  6. :o entonces no te encuentro DX me pasas tu mail para agregarte? :D

    sii bueno jajaja asi no deberia ser pero para eso usan los foros algunos ¬¬ xD pero mejor q esten activos hahaha

  7. hahaha yes I love love it!! and a friend saw it and she is not mika fan and also love it! :D


    I'm going to try with nail polish and I'll tell you how it works xD but you can't fix yours because mika's autograph is on there *O*


    ohh yes! jónsi haha their music is interesting xD did you have fun in the concert?


    aww but are you quitting your job because of the shcool right?

  8. awww beautiful invitation!! thanks for sharing!! have fun!!
  9. hahaha yes! you can't hate mika's songs all of them are beautiful! *O*


    yeees! we need money to go to see mika in europe!! :D


    have a golden weekend too! ^^

    kisses and hugs

  10. ahhh perdon es q no me he podido conectar D: hasta ahoritaa

    tu eres lee? :P

    oww sii ya te vi en el foro mexicano :D q bueno q ya pudiste ^^

  11. Lui

    choco cakeeee!! *O* made by you? :D


    good!! *sigh* your heart can be cured easily if you don't see him often u.u


    now I'm better :) my heart is almost cured!! It took too much time :S now I'm doing exercise to lose weight hahaha


    awww so sweet your mum!


    oww so lyon is cheaper! mmm interesting! haha yes I've been searching and I can't believe! paris is more expensive thann london!! but too much! :S


    well, french is mooooore difficult than english :S but if it's your dream go for it!! :D:D

    so are you saying that in korea is not common be different? :o

    think different of the general people is not good?

  12. seee ya que acabe la inseguridad u.u


    oww deberias venir a la fiesta de navidad :3 el año pasado fue geniaaaal!


    PS: ya te envie un PM los mails de los fans de mty :)

  13. Lui

    gosh!!! I know how you feel! u_u

    I've been eating for the same reason and now I gain weight -_- and I don't have the energy to do exercise hahaha but I don't want to be fat for my graduation! DX



    did you meet him? :S how was that? DX


    ohh thank god the tumor was removed :) say hellow to your mom from me! ^^


    wow is a good plan!! :D but why Lyon? why not paris? :o

    I think january 2012 is better because you could have more time to save money :P

  14. great!! I wish you get in the school!! :D


    oww yes, but he will come back soon, I guess :) he had a great succes in south america!!


    mmmm I think I love the begining of lollipop! and I was sad because he didn't sing stuck in the middle which is ma favourite live :P


    I've been great! :D almost finishing the school! XD

    I need a job now :P I want money!! hahah

  15. yeaaaaah!!! I love the lollipop glowstick! is really beautiful! *¬* I'm in love with it hahaha!! it shines beautiful and the desiiiiign! but of course you are a profesional :mf_rosetinted:


    oww well. mine got some problems in the way and it got pealed too x'( but not too much and maybe I could paint it with white nails polish?


    watercolor are really cool but I haven't had enough practice with them so this is difficult to me =/ but you are so good with them! :D

  16. yey! ya tuvimos contacto por face xD

    ya me agregaste en el msn? :P

    a ver si ahora si te ayudo con lo de tu cuenta en el foro

    aunque sabes? xD estamos a punto de cambiarnos a otro foro hahaha :) pero aun no se cuando mejor si inscribete a ese

  17. wiiii! :D perfectooo!!! XD y yo creo q si mika fuera para alla a monterrey tambien iria yo y mi hermana y mama :D asi que nos veriamos en dos lugareees :)


    ahhhh no tengo en esta computadora esos mails DX pero cuando este en la otra te los paso :) y haber si tu puedes organizarr alguna reunion o algo xD ya que algunos fans se quejan de falta de actividad en el club alla D:

  18. heeeey!!!! how was your test for college? was it too difficult? :D


    I saw Mika in Brazil!!!! he rocked!!! it was amazing *O* good that they transmitted it live in the internet :D

    what was your favourite song?

  19. xD haha hasta parece q se cuando se va :P oww puesun dia acompañalo y karlita y yo te podriamos conocer :D


    ohhh oye... yo tengo como 10 mails de fans de monterrey XD no se si te gustaria q te los pasara? :P

  20. I uploaded the live stream song by song if someone is interested Stuck Blue eyes Billy Brown Rain Blame it Happy Ending Kick Ass Love Today We Are Golden Grace Kelly Lollipop http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31nOuyvcrgw
  21. http://www.facebook.com/maryana88 hahaha olvide ponerte cual era mi face xD siempre me pasa eso ._.
  22. tambien quieres poner un avatar? xD a ver dime tu nombre de usuario y q imagen y si quieres te ayudo ^^ si quieres agregame a mi face personal y asi te contestare mas rapido es q aqui luego no me meto porq me distraigo demasiado xD


    sii yo creo q si :( esperemos que nos de una sorpresa a inicios de año si no pues ya a esperar...

  23. Lui

    Namsan is a really beautiful place! :mf_lustslow: it looks so quiet and peaceful!

    when I'll visit korea we should go there!! :D


    yeaaaah!! it arriveeed safe and perfect :thumb_yello:

    thanks for sending me amazing presents :blush-anim-cl: they are too special to me my dear Rim, but more special is our friendship :wub2:


    I'm glad to read that your mother is better :) if is it not too much intromission... what is she sick of? =/ if you don't want to talk about it is fine I understand :wink2:


    yeaaah I know!!! studying abroad is too expensive -_- is not fair!! xD

    what are your plans! tell me! :)

  24. PS: guess what!? Mango sent me a lollipop glowstick!!! and I have it in my hands *O* it is beautiful!!!! all my friends love it! :D

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