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Everything posted by Lui

  1. XD I was there!!! we got meet&greet thanks to Deb!!!! we love you Deb, I sent to mika your greetings all the mexican fan club got videos and everything!!! I have too many pics from the airport and the venue!!! also I got a contact with the guy who posted those pics in the press conference an he will pass us all the pics and more!!! I need to go to sleep now but tomorrow I will pressure everybody to upload those pics and videos!! by the way: MIKA IS AWESOMEEE!!!! I don't have voice we screamed a lot!! (as I guess you heard ) tomorrow Mika is going to find his skeleton puppets, I told to his mother and to Mika where she can find them and also his mum and him loves mariachi!! I hope they can listen them live PD: here are some pics from the airport http://www.mikasounds.com/profile/album/350936/3046 see you tomorrow!!
  3. I was a lollipop too people at the airport looked at us really weird hahaha Mika and his mom were the only ones that adored the costumes Mika will be really happy here because he will find what he's looking for, monday is the day of the dead and everywhere you can find handcrafts about this day and he told me and he told in twitter about his puppets xD I can tell him where he could find him I wanna be his tourist guide!!
  4. haha yes!! well the decision to do a forum apart was because of the language but some of the members are signed here in the MFC too but we are a little shy and that's why we don't talk too much tonight there will be too many sad faces out of the venue, I hope mika get out and say hello I'm happy to have something to speak!!! to share my experience!! I always laugh about what you writes freddie!!!
  5. Thanks for your advice Freddie!!! desde la una vamos a estar ahi
  6. this is the website of the club http://www.mikamexico.com and the forum is: http://server4.foros.net/BigLolipops.html we were reaaally happy yesterday x) actually he told us about a meet & greet with the people that were there and with the fanclub but we don't know how to get info about it any ideas? we took pics and video!! I promise I will show them as soon as I have time and good news!! as far as the radio station told us, each one of us that have won tickets got two tickets and everyone of those tickets are doubles too!! but here the bad news, the showcase will be in a cabaret :S and they won't let get in people under 18 and in the fan club there are too many of them:boxed:
  7. I mean he was like giving us all the clues to search his flight, when he leaves vancouver, when he arrives to mexico, when he took the flight, it was really easy because there was only one flight from vancouver to mexico today
  8. yes!!! now I understand you!! all of you that have met him from the mexican fan club there were like mmmmm 25 people but another fans were there too because Mika was reaaally obvious with all those flight's times in his twitter I think that was his idea he wanted to be received by us!! we wanted to bring a mariachi with us but as far as I understad it is not allowed
  9. yes!!! I can't describe how amazing, generous, sweet, adorable, handsome, etc... he is I'm totally shocked yet
  10. WE MET HIM AT THE AIRPORT XD he was extremely nice, he was with us like 10 minutes or more!!! and he told us that he will tour latin america next year!!!
  11. hola a los de mexico soy parte del club de fans de mika de mex y nos sobraron unos cuantos boletos, pueden llegar temprano mañana al amapola cabaret y les podemos dar es que segun nos dieron boletos cuadruples!! mañana preguntaremos si son asi y si lo son entonces si entran!!!! el unico problema es que no entras si no eres mayor de edad :S asi que si no puedes comprobar que tienes 18 años no te dejan pasar u.u
  12. thank you very muchh Kath we will do our best without to make him unconfortable is the cranky Mika really bad? xD
  13. uhh yes, you are right girls, I guess it's not that good our idea, but, if is not in the airport, where we can go an say hello? any recomendations?
  14. THANK YOU!!! we are really happy with Mika visiting our country the little acoustic concert that he will perform, is in a little place called: Amapola Cabaret, is a fancy cabaret and just will be 400 people invited is like a showcase but the radio station called it "Presentacion de Los Premios Principales". You can win tickets only by sending messages to the radio station, is really though :S we hope we could welcome him at the airport!!! does anyone knows something about his flight?
  15. does anyone have those scans in better quality?
  16. I MEXICO HE'S IN NUMBER 8 at the top charts http://server4.foros.net/viewtopic.php?t=578&mforum=BigLolipops and in itunes Mexico he was number 1!!!!! and now he's 5°
  17. owwww thanks! mmm... so that boy is like a fat naughty little person that disturbs his mind? or am I misunderstanding? xD
  18. what's the meaing of this? There’s a one foot boy eleven stone can someone help me?
  19. que genial!! y q bueno q te apuraste porq lo quitaron en la tarde que suerte tenemos
  20. yes, I think they got confused because they haven't change the name of the album, because the single we are golden is still there to buy this was a miracle courtesy by the Virgen de Guadalupe, to remind Mika that her birthday is near!!! and he promised to come to Mexico that day hahaha
  21. two hours ago itunes Mexico withdrew the cd from the store they just are selling the single
  22. yes!! I know but It's itunes, it's not illegal I guess it won't be tomorrow
  23. OMG!!! I have the hole albuuum! it's too much happines and excitment for myself:woot_jump: but I feel myself guilty :S
  24. yes!!! you can buy the songs but I couldn't buy the hole album, I don't know if it's normal but when I click on buying the album it doesn't start the download :S so I've bought: by the time touches you good gone girl pick up off the floor I'm really excited!!!
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