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Everything posted by Lui

  1. me neither!! I have been looking for a job, I was in some interview this week! it's hard xD

    owww Africa!!! so cool!! I live the african Art, so colorful, and also I like the shapes :P


    I really want a job! but it's a little bit difficult, there are too many people wanting a job nowadays :o

  2. heeeey!! sorry for the late reply :P how are you??

  3. ahh casi no me paso por aqui porq esta cosa siempre me saca la sesion y odio que me haga eso ¬¬

    seeeee toca raaiiiiin!!!!! :D:D:D:D quiero escucharteeee


    mmmm yo quiero mmmm... no se 1 o 2 niños xD jajaja por ahora no quiero pero he soñado muuy seguido q estoy embarazada o q tengo niños a mi cuidado O_O sera una señal¿

  4. Lui

    hahaha I'm so glad you are in facebook and twitter too :3 we can talk more often theeere!! :D:D:D

  5. aww creo que no te he visto conectadaa D: cual es tu mail?

  6. perdon por la tardanza en responder D: es que si me meto aqui no hago nada de mi vida xD


    wow O_O ame tu interpretacion de Any other world :') se escucha taan bella!! *O*


    me gusto tanto que quisiera compartirte en el muro del facebook del clubb!! me dejarias!!? :D

  7. sorry I forgot mfc too these days D:

    it's just because if you get logged here you don't anything but drooling for mika!! xD


    how has been your new semester?? :D are you haveing fun? xD

    God, graduation proyect!! :S so complicated xD or have you decided the topic?

  8. oki! maryana8892@hotmail.com :)

    te veo por alla!! ^^

  9. now I was the one who leave MFC :P

    haha I understand, you mean something like if you are for example tiger, you are fierce or something like that?


    yes!! this year is going really fast!!

    I'm finishing my social service! in one week! and then I have to get a job to pay my trip to london! XD


    what about you? how have you been?

  10. Lui

    hahaha you go to often to movies!! I envy you! XD

    I'm glad you are fine :3 I hope you know you can tell me anything!! and maybe I'm not helpful all the time but I can listen to you


    lilac!! so stylish! my nails are purple again XD

  11. :o wow algo contrastantes tus carreras xD

    y sabes tocar algun instrumento?:D

    y porque quiere que renuncies? :S

    ya seee!! odio las inyecciones D: pero obvio duele mas sin el bloqueo epidural noo?? :S o valdra la pena no inyectarte? :|

  12. jajaja por supuesto!!! debes venir un dia!!! :D

    Mexico es genial! tan colorido y alegre!! y la comidaa!! *O* si vienes debe ser en un dia de muertos! se pone genial :3


    jajaja ya see!! cuando lo escuchas puede ser algo molesto, pero cuando ves como es de carismatico y lindisimo te enamoras profundamente de el :')

    a mi me paso algo parecido, pero hace 4 años xD cuando lo vi en gracekelly me cayó algo mal porque se veia algo presuntuoso jaja pero su voz me parecio muy interesante!

    solamente ha venido a mexico para un showcase para una estacion de radio :(

    espero que venga ya!!! igual acampare xD

  13. ahh don't worry! take your time :)

    I was just worried if you received it xD


    take care!! :3

  14. hi Christine! I hope you are fine^^

    I just wanna know if you received a PM I sent you like a week ago :P


    take care!! :)

  15. yo?? te cuento que yo vivo en Mexico cerca de la ciudad de Mexico y estudio diseño y comunicacion visual :P

    tu has visto a mika en vivooo?

  16. Lui

    owwww :( but you don't celebrate at night??? or in the afternoon?


    I read what is about that movie and sounds cute! I want to watch it too!! :3


    :( I'm so sad to read what you said u_u

    but maybe you have to wait until you live in another country, like europe to be recognized for your chocolatier art you are an artist :3


    you can't give up at all!! D:

  17. jajaja ewwww mocosos xD

    oww cirugia pediatrica!! suena complicado O_O imagino operando mini cuerpecitos :P


    woaww!! 4 niños!! como dices seria una linda familia!! :3 awww que bonito

    jajajaja sii cesarea!! que sufrimiento seria parto natural :|

  18. oww eso si estaria dificil :o creo que nadie podria decidir xD

  19. jajajaja owww entonces es mentira lo que dicen en las peliculas acerca de que el mediterraneo es la onda? xD

    me han engañado toda la vida jajaja

    pero pues no se, creo que yo prefiero el frio, al menos con este te puedes tapar, y con el calor ni siquiera puedes hacer nada para quitarlo xD a veces ni estando desnudo se quita jajajaja

  20. Lui

    awww a great family party!! :3 it must be full of fun!! ^^ I would like to celebrate lunar calendar too!

    but... I guess you don't celebrate in 31st of december right? xD


    no strings attached? what is that movie about? :o


    hahahahaha LOL!! yes, a dragon could eat a rabbit XD but we don't eat friends ^^ haha


    ahhh owwww... D:

    well you have to see the possitive side! they offered it to you! they are thinking of you because you are excellent! :3

  21. oww!! :o geniaal! y donde te gusta vivir mas? :3

  22. your year too?? is mango's year too!! :D

    oh! dragon year is next?? I didn't know!! XD yeaah!! it is supposed that your year is going to be better if you are tha animal of the year? or I'm just imaginning things? :P


    haha wow! I understand you! after middle shool the life goes really fast!

    I have a cousin who is 12 years old, and I still remember when she was born like if it was some years ago!! XD I'm shocked how fast the life goes...


    congratulations for your brother!!! :D

    tell him that his life is going to run since now

  23. ya seee!!!! nunca habia pasado eso O_O creo que las heladas de USA se stan pasando para aca :S y eso no es muy lindo! donde yo vivo que es cerca del centro a lo mas bajo es 0 grados tambien, pero mas al norte es donde estan asi de extremas las temperaturas...


    oww en Valencia!! es cerca de la playa? tengo un amigo que tambien es mikero y es de valencia, se llama Franc, no se si lo conozcas haha


    jajajajaa bueno eso si, las diferencias de vocabulario son divertidas :P pero tu si no escribes con acento!! jaja a ti no te imagino hablando eshpañolado :naughty:

  24. tambieen :D de donde eres? ^^

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