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Status Updates posted by B!anka

  1. imi pare rau dar nu mai am programul de splituit mp3uri. :( vezi ca am postat tot gigul lui in thread... poate il editeaza cineva.


    Deci iti spun sunt in soc! Prima data cand a zis "british singer" mam gandit fix la GM....dar nu lam tweetuit pt ca mam gandit ca nu e pt el.... DECI NU POT SA CRED>...



    se poate si vedea undeva? ( i guess not)

  3. Hey, chestia asta nu e live nu? Acum...nu?

  4. Thanks Marina! :huglove:


    This isn't live, right?



    vai... live de la Blackpool?

  6. Hey, Marina! :bye:


    Is the BBC2 session over? :tears:

  7. Hey, Ada! :bye:


    How are you?

    I wanted to tell you that I went yesterday to a film festival held in a local (quite popular) bookstore and teahouse, where I saw some Polish short movies. The festival lasts for 5 weeks. Every thursday, they show 3-4 short movies. They're done by the young directors at the Andrej Wajda (I think it's right) school of film.


    They're all very interesting! :wub2:


    Just wanted to tell you as you are the only one I know from Poland! :teehee:



    xx :huglove:

  8. a little belated perhaps: http://www.sendspace.com/file/q0h0q0

    Here is the full Dr. John! :wink2: enjoy!

  9. Hi, Anna! :bye:

    I'm Bianca, nice to meet you!


    I found the pic in the Mikagasmics.

    There you go, sweety! :biggrin2:


  10. Nici eu...astept sa vad ce materii am si dupa aceea imi cumpar caietele. In plus anul asta trebuie sami iau si manuale....bleah.

  11. Oh da....miemi spui? :tears:

  12. bine uite pe acasa.... :biggrin2:


  13. I'll try to make one in this case! :wink2:

  14. Hello, Linde! :bye:


    I saw you posted the other day in the "4 music...through the looking glass" thread and asked someone to post a full version of Dr. JOhn which initially had almost all the bridge out. Have you ever been replied? I'm looking for a full one myself! :biggrin2:




  15. Hello, Deb! :bye:


    I have an idea and wanted you to let me know if i could open a thread about it either in the "Members only" or "general chin-wagging".


    Here's my idea: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2490114&postcount=498


    Can I open a thread about it? :pinkbow:




  16. nup. AM downloadat filmon si e super. seems harmless :biggrin2:

  17. Eu il vad cu asta si merge bine: http://www.filmon.com/tv/index.php


    Pare sigur :blink::wink2:

  18. Pare a fi un interviu destul de interesant! :dunno:

  19. Why not??? :huh: E vineri seara :pbjt:

  20. te uiti in seara asta? :boing: :boing: :boing:

  21. This is for you! :biggrin2:



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