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Status Updates posted by B!anka

  1. Hey, we're MFCers= crazy about Mika...we have to help each other! Don't worry about it! :wink2: Glad it worked! :biggrin2::lol3:

  2. You know what I just realised? That I don't remember seeing the large (full) version of you ZQ pic at your avvie. :aah: Could you please be that kind and show it to me too? :biggrin2:

  3. If you *god forbids* don't get to hear it. I will be able to record this one, because Screamer Radio has this function and won't ask me for any codes. And I will send you the interview to make it up to you for posting the early one! :wink2:

  4. So, it worked? I'll try to upload the interview sara posted on sendspace and give you the link. :wink2:

  5. Try this! It might work: http://www.screamer-radio.com/download/


    It is a program that can broadcast most of the radio stations and eins live too.

  6. Hi, Mana!


    Look, Katrien sent me the live version of WAG, I was wondering if I could post it up on the thread?

  7. Just because my mommy is an MFC'er and might creep in here and read my thoughts....


    about our conversation in the "How about the video for WAG?"...


    hmm...do I like the idea... :huh: I think I do! We'd finally understand (better) why is it that he's got custom made underwear. :lol3:

  8. You did, dear! It was on page 5. :wink2:

  9. Bine uite ma chinui sa ma conving sa scriu un blog, dar tot imi vine sa stau pe aici sa citesc ce mai zice lumea de melodie.


    Abia astept sa vad videoclipul! :wub2:

  10. Hehe...eu sunt bine si golden! :lol3:


    Iti place melodia?

  11. Azi e 20!!!! :boing: Inca putin, inca putin! O sa poti sa asculti nu?

  12. ahem...teacher of what, dear? :naughty:

  13. Ciao Alice!


    I have read your report and I have to say it has been the most impressive report I've ever read! Such a beautiful story you have with MIKA!






  14. "Maine e luni!"


    e o replica istorica! :lol3:

  15. I just realised that the pic up there on the right was taked at my CDH gig during "Blame it on the girls" and I was trying to let out the: "giiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIiiiiirls" as loud as possible! :aah:

  16. Oh! :doh: It's been so long since I last saw that interview! :wub2:


    Thanks! :huglove:




  17. Sorry...cam tarziu raspunsul


    Da a fost prima data cand am auzit-o ieri. Ascult radio mai mult in masina... :biggrin2: oo...hai ca mai e putin si vine luni! :yay:

  18. Hello, Adda!


    Multumesc pentru add! :wink2:


    Wow, e bine de stiut ca nu sunt cea mai mica romanca de pe aici. :lol3:

    Cum e in vacanta?




  19. Yeah, you know that's what I thought also. I met this MFC'er at the gig there and we would make fun before the gig that his dad is gone like...you know forever. And I didn't really know what he looked like. Waiting in the queue at the M&G there was this man walking out with Mrs. Penniman and I had a revelation: "That's THE daddy!" :lol3: But I gotta say something: I really can;t figure out who does Mika look like! :yikes: All of his sisters look just like their mum but Mika and his brother are aliens really! :floor:


    Ohh...marie-andree! :wub2: I really miss her and I feel sorry for her and not being able to be around anymore. Say hello to her too from me and mum. :wink2:


    Speaking of your mum, I have seen a video on youtube from before the gig at CDH and I saw her giving a present to Mika. Reformulate: an enormous present! For a moment I thought Mika would kindly refuse because it was too big, but he's such a cutie, how could he do that? My question full of curiosity is: what exactly has your mum gave him? Because I really couldn't figure out from the video. :naughty:




  20. Have you ever seen his daddy?


    See him here at 1:13 :

  21. Da stiu doar ca am plecat de dimineata cand era cam innorat si oricum imi faceam griji ca nu e o zi buna de plaja. Am fost la Neptun (prima data anul asta) si am prins un trafic cumplit pe drum si am facut vreo 2 ore pana acolo.


    aa...am ascultat guerilla pe drum si am apucat sa aud in sfarsit "Blue eyes" :naughty::yay: Sa vedem pe cat iese maine!

  22. Don't worry about it! I just want to help without getting in trouble! :wink2:

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