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Status Updates posted by B!anka

  1. Nu se rezerva nimic draga :lol3: Deci la gara de nord. In fata ei este ministerul transporturilor. In spatele ministerului e o autogara micutza de unde pleaca la ore fixe autocarele. Te duci, te urci, ii dai banii la sofer. that's it. :biggrin2:


    Uite aici e programul autocarelor:



    (iti recomand Simpa :wink2: )

  2. I think I had this pic (or one of them) let me look for it. :wink2:


    EDIT: here are all of the pics from that photoshoot that I have. There's the pic you wanted among them too...only that it's awfully watermarked. :boxed:


  3. gaah, don't spoil my idylic view on Budapest! :aah: . Anyway, I saw Budapest from the bus, so I can't judge it's cleanliness. I was talking about Sziget being a clean town. :wink2:


    Romania...hmmm...don't know if I've ever told you that before, but we have a saying here: "Beautiful country Romania is, too bad it's populated." so...yeah...that pretty much sums up everything there is to know.

  4. Yeah, it's 200km away from Bucharest, and by bus it takes like 3 hours, which is divine, in comparison to the train trip that takes 6 hours! :doh:


    No, I don't live in Bucharest (thank God - I don't like it at all..too crowded and too expensive...and too grey :huh: )


    I know Sziget. I past through Sziget when I went to Budapest by bus (I was actually going to Italy, but we passed through Hungary.) I really liked it. Such a small and nice town and SO CLEAN! You could tell the difference that you were in another country immediately. I'd love to visit again Budapest one day. It is one of the most beautiful cities I've seen...unfortunately for such a short time. :wub2:

  5. if it wasn't for the gig to take place in my city, it would've cost me double than the money I paid to go to see him in Vienna to go see him in another part of the country. Romania's quite expensive to visit. :huh: so...I guess I'm the luckiest of them all...I pity those coming all the way to the seaside to see him. It may be free...but the rest of the expenses will sure proove to be a lot more than it's really worth it. :blink:

  6. awwwwwwwww :tears::huglove: that is so nice of you! :wub2:


    I love it too. I got it framed in my bedroom (gah...such a fangurl :aah: ) and I get chills when I look at it. I've been waiting for this picture like...2 years. It's not that much but I can't recall anything from before that time... :roftl:


    Thank you. I really hope you'll get one too one day (in August perhaps! :fisch: )

  7. Hey dear how are you? :huglove:


    I'm sorry I havent written to you but I've been quite busy...school's taken over me. :huh:


    any depression showing?

  8. Romania too? Have you been in PARIS? :shocked: I was there too. :biggrin2:


    Where are you from?

  9. yeah. Unfortunately. :-/ :lol3:

  10. You are very welcome! I'm glad you said "Hi!" otherwise we would've been so close and not even know. :lol3:

  11. tiam trimis siggie pe mail! :biggrin2:

  12. awwww that's like the nicest thing I;ve heard about my pic so far! :tears::huglove:


    I also like that he STILL IS taller than me! :aah: and the way we're dressed: I'm in pink - all girlie and stuff...and he's in a Polo T-shirt (the one he wore in his very first VLOG :teehee: ) -all boyish. :pinkbow:


    just fangurling over my pic. :lmfao:

  13. his hair? :lmfao: I love his smile better. I call it the "colgate smile" :teehee:


    Thank you! It's more than I could ever ask for from my first official pic with Mika! :wub2: Because I don't look like an idiot! :lmfao: SInce I got braces for my teeth I don't really know how to smile and in that moment I was so happy I had just grabbed him and that he was next to me and I really didn't know how to smile...:aah: crazy!


    I'm Bianca, by the way! :biggrin2:

  14. No other way...there are some financial issues in the middle to be discusses and either way we will lose money. We don't want to hurry though as things may improve by Sunday.


    The posibilty of travelling by coach is inexistent as they're fully booked. Train...it can get up to 1000 euros pes person!!! :aah: MADNESS!


    If everything turns out for the best...I tell you, it will be the adventure of my life! :lmfao:


    I'm so sorry you missed that! :sad: Are you going to another gig anytime soon? :huh:

  15. awww thank you! :huglove:


    Mum says hi too! :lol3:


    Yeah I'm happy about that too...but I was looking forward to "Bianca in Paris" more...which seems to be less possible now because of the volcano. :crybaby: And i've been planning it since SEPTEMBER!


    By the way, I'm really sorry for your loss! (The Smolensk tragedy) I've been thinking about you when that happened but couldn't get to you to tell you that. :sad:




  16. Don't worry about it! Thank you very much! :huglove:

  17. Hello Deb!


    Can you please modify the date of the gig from Romania. The title says it takes place on the 14th of July, and it will actually happen on the 24th.


    Pretty please? :pinkbow:


    Thank you!




  18. Ok then I'll add you to the Artists group (I think I already did that anyway... :naughty: ).


    You're welcome! :pinkbow: and I'm looking forward to working with you!

  19. Hello, Robertina!


    I have just created th thread for the "Lady Jane" project for the birthday present and I put there in the first post the members of the team and I need to know what will you do: write or draw? :biggrin2:

  20. Thanks for the add.! :biggrin2:

  21. Hey.


    Yes, there is the thread about it...we only want the RSVP (sorry we're a bit overwhelmed...can't blame us :freak::lol3: ). the date of the gig is the 24th of July, 2010.


    Here are some pics of the location if you need them:



    Also here's the confirmation of the gig on our most important and influent news source, mediafax.ro: http://www.mediafax.ro/life-inedit/mika-va-concerta-la-mamaia-pe-24-iulie-5838653


    Thanks a lot!


  22. right...eu ies...o sa vin mai tarziu sa rezolv cu RSVP-ul. Iam zis lui FD dar a iesit... :huh: poate intra Deb sau altcineva...




    Take care!

  23. tztztztz ce urat. :shun::lol3:


    si totusi...vreau RSVP. :aah:

  24. O sati placa! :wink2: e misto pe aici vara...multi tarani cei drept...dar daca vrei sa stii cum e in Mamaia vara, fa o plimbare pe Dorobanti! :lol3:

  25. Hunny ai chef sa te prajesti de tot? O sa faci o insolatie... :lmfao:


    Da nush inca...mai vad...inca nu mam gandit. :dunno: K acolo la H20e practic la capatul mamaiei dinspre navodari si e cam izolata plaja de civilizatie... :huh:

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