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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. Oh that's great, then! I'll put you up there for the Channel Islands then.
  2. Dear MFCrs, promoters of Mika on the untoured countries, It has been a whole year since we have started our movement and it seems like we have some great results! I've been going through the list of countries and discovered how many of them have had their share of a gig or are expecting one in the near future. It sure wasn't JUST because of us, but noone can deny it, how good of fans you have all been and made Mika famous (more famous) in your own country and got the well-deserved gig. Therefore I will make a list in a separate post of all the countries from the list that have got their gig or are expecting one and with all the promoters! I am so proud of this!!! Bianca xx
  3. oh ok...there was a thing with the UK...we're doing this you know, for the countries where Mika is not exactly known yet, and where he hasn't been on tour yet. There was another thread for the UK promoting, that Soaring Simpson or Marylin Mastin took care of... So...as you can see there's no UK on the list, so if you could please hold on a second to find that thread for you
  4. Ok girls! Right on! Don't forget to post the reports of your contributions!
  5. Am fost la muzeul nostru de aici unde vand the magic brau pt Mika. si mai au doar 3...unul de fete, din cate am inteles, unul GROS DE LANA care parca lam facut eu si unul acceptabil care costa 137RON! Vreti totusi sa ne mobilizam si sa punem impreuna bani sa-l luam? Ar fi bine sa fim mai multe...stiti cum e cu criza asta acum...
  6. CAMPING? EU? ...nu prea stiu sincer... stiu doar ca e la H2o camping. auch. Cam greu pana in Eforie. adica oricum concertul e la capatul Mamaiei - adica spre Navodari, nu spre Constanta. O solutie ar fi sa iei un taxi pana la gara- care va costa foarte mult, dar de acolo, nu stiu daca mai merge ceva la ora aia pana la Eforie. Puteti sa stati in Mamaia pana a doua zi. Fetele, check the romanian thread pt niste informatii.
  7. daaaa am vazuto si eu intro zi. era televizorul deschis si nu eram atenta si deodata aud: "teenage dreams..." si deja mam obisnuit asa de mult cu melodia la reclame si miam aruncat ochii si cand...Mika zambind cu gura pana la urechi. Nu credeti ca totusi a aparut cam tarziu reclama asta? Adica au fost atat de subtili orange-ul pana acum... De obicei e pe PRO-uri reclama: ProTV, ProCinema, MTV...
  8. daaaa am vazuto si eu intro zi. era televizorul deschis si nu eram atenta si deodata aud: "teenage dreams..." si deja mam obisnuit asa de mult cu melodia la reclame si miam aruncat ochii si cand...Mika zambind cu gura pana la urechi. Nu credeti ca totusi a aparut cam tarziu reclama asta? Adica au fost atat de subtili orange-ul pana acum...
  9. I could ask him for you, if he'll still have it when he comes here. I KNOW! She is so nice and always smiling and so warm and kind! I can't wait to see her again!!
  10. he sure is cute! he looks like an actor from some old movies! YES YES! I can see it! : yeah! go rebel! go BLONDE! I can't get over the fact that Mrs. P is behind you!
  11. Oh that's quite a pic! that blonde wig looks so good on you, Keti! and MRs. P is behind you!!!
  12. he looks very manly in your pic...though the hair...same as in mine... I can't see the watch anywhere!
  13. OMG! Keti I'm so happy for you! You really got me in the mood for the gig! I loooove your pic! Wooo! So many familiar faces, from Vienna in those pics! is that KAT?! Where are the pink locks? I have to say...I like Mika's outfit - the polo t-shirt and the tie!! woo! What a gig!
  14. hey! Sorry for the late reply

    a film festival = they show certain movies throughout a week or so, that follow the rules of the festival and in the end they give out awards for the winners. I, as a volunteer had to write reviews for some of the movies, take interviews from some famous people who attended the festival, things like that. :biggrin2:

    nooo, it's not a festival. They call it so, because it's Orange's tradition that every year, they bring an international artist. But in the end it'll be just Mika and an opening act. :wink2: for free! :aah:


    That sounds like a great holiday to me! :biggrin2: hmmm good films...watch some Wes Anderson's movies, they're pretty great - "the darjeeling limited" , "fantastic mr. fox" or one of my latest favourites, "the kite runner" http://thewhitefeather.wordpress.com/2010/06/26/the-kite-runner-the-film-vs-the-book/

    You can get some ideas of what to see from my blog...I write reviews there quite often. :teehee:

    take care!


  15. Inbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!! :fangurl:


    I'm good. Just went through a magic ride at a film festival that I volunteered for. MEt a lot of nice people and got to do a lot of awesome things. I'm waiting for Mika now, who's due to play his gig in 20 days here...:aah:


    you? :biggrin2:

  16. Whoa! Thanks for the report, Jazzy! It was GREAT to see you back in the corset in Imma's pic. HE DID? It seems like ingie has a story to tell...what happened? I'm a bit off track sorry.
  17. dap am vazut. e o tampenie. ok ramane cu Albert. gata gata!
  18. Ok atunci ramane cu Albert.
  19. Girls! Am o idee mai buna pt banner...adica cred ca e mai buna...nu stiu daca ne permite spatiul "We are not what you think we are We are MFC!" Petra, stii unde ma gasesti pt detalii.
  20. cum vrei, dar sa nu ramai pe afara. Nu mi-as putea ierta-o vreodata. Tocmai tu sa nu ai asa ceva.
  21. aa stiam eu ca nu's sigura ce inseamna cuvantul...
  22. ehm...oi fi eu geniala, dar nu ma cheama Trump. De unde sa le aduc, BTW? Presupuneam ca o sasi ia fiecare...are la magazinele de jucarii din toata tara...daca nu...are in mamaia peste tot.
  23. stiu, stiu. don't worry about it. Ma bucur ca esti de acord cu deciziile noastre. pai stai mah...nu o sa-l omologam cu totii pe plaja?!
  24. Dupa ore intregi nedormite si litri intregi de sudoare cazuta de pe fruntile incretite ale celor trei fete - respectiv subsemnata, Diana si Petra - s-a incheiat Tratatul celor 2 decizii. In urma acestui tratat am hotarat urmatoarele: 1. am considerat ca ar fi dragut sa facem ceva cum au facut asiaticii cu paper planes si pistoalele cu apa. Ca sa nu fim niste copy cats atat de obvious...ne-am gandit la balonase de sapun . Sistemul de produs aceste balonase, ne-am gandit sa fie pistolasele automatizate, care fac mai multe si mai frumoase. 2. am luat hotararea si referitoare la banner. Fraza finala la care am ajuns este: "If Albert is Golden, so are WE!" Asteptam parerile voastre sincere. xx
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