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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. cel mai des o da pe Antena 3 in Prime time! In fine, tocmai am vazut-o de la cap la coada si iata ce parte din melodie are: "Could you believe, the same old story It never bores me, though I've heard it all before [...] Like a movie that is filled with lust, Comin' at you with a double D bust, At a bed of a wounded soldier In a rush, cuz it's gettin' older Hangin' out in the fancy bars, With the boys that can play guitar It's enough cuz I've got to warn ya, She's gonna make it out to California [...] Hey you, what's a good girl like you Doing in this crazy world? oooooh ooooh ooooohh Good Gone Girl could you believe..."
  2. Da, sigur ca da. Doar ca ma astept sa puna billboard-uri din alea, nu afise mici...imi si imaginez cum m-as duce noaptea sa dezlipesc afise de pe stalpi Chiar am trecut azi pe langa magazinul central Orange care e la parterul unui bloc si de obicei acopera blocul ala cu un afis din ala mare de plasa cu reclamele la ofertele lor si azi am vazut ca nu mai e niciuna. Poate pregatesc ceva special! Imi tot imaginez cum o sa reactionez cand o sa vad primul poster...dar ca de obicei cred ca o sa fiu: Ah, da, uite-l pe Mika! Catelul e super cute! EDIT: de vreo 2 saptamani urmaresc http://www.orangemusic.ro si tot "Pagina in constructie" zice... hmmmm....
  3. Hey!


    Wow...good question. I have no idea on what I'll print/put the contributions. I guess it'll be a scrapbook or something, which I'll need to find first...or perhaps it'll be an A4 printed at a professional printing shop and then put it on a spiral, you know? :dunno:


    When I'll have enough contributions, I'll sure get back to you to talk about this! :biggrin2:


    Thank you very much for your intention, I really appreciate it!




  4. Ati vazut noua reclama de la Orange? e cu tipul ala cu catelul care alearga si ajunge la o fata pe o banca. Au GGG pe fundal. Aseara am auzit deodata GGG din camera si am sarit si ce sa vad: o reclama la Orange. hai ca incet incet o sa promoveze si gigul.
  5. Hey, Hui! I'm fine. Finally on summer vacation! Yeah, I was a big girl...damn it seems such a long time ago now...like 6 weeks already! It's scary really how time passes by so quickly. I'll look for the report and give you the link. Actually if I think about it, tomorrow night, I'll be celebrating 1 year sharp since I first saw/met Mika. I'm getting goosebumps thinking about it. Yeah, I don't really know any other way of promoting this. I thought of putting it in my siggie, but I am not posting that often anymore and that wouldn't be that effective...so...
  6. Salut! Guys, would you like to contribute to my little project, please? http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23496 I really need your help!
  7. Hi!!! How are you guys? Look, I need a bit of MFC help in my little project here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23496 Thanks!
  8. Hey, Guys! Listen, I need a bit of your help: I've got a little project and it's going pretty bad. Would you like to contribute to this: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23496 Thanks a lot!
  9. Nup, nu inca. Peste 2 saptamani e. :aah::biggrin2:

  10. Nu se rezerva nimic draga :lol3: Deci la gara de nord. In fata ei este ministerul transporturilor. In spatele ministerului e o autogara micutza de unde pleaca la ore fixe autocarele. Te duci, te urci, ii dai banii la sofer. that's it. :biggrin2:


    Uite aici e programul autocarelor:



    (iti recomand Simpa :wink2: )

  11. Where were you until now?? I bet someone will feel really cosy when coming back here and finding all those toys for him.
  12. Oh is that you, Angel? You're so pretty! The pic is awesome. I love that shirt. Think I must be the only one. OMG! I love it when he draws extra things on a pic...
  13. oh no! Switzerland is Switzerland, no matter what! Everyone knows where it is. Maria is very nice. She was so caring with all of us in Paris (even though not everyone could spea English.) I can't wait to meet/see her again in July!
  14. That is one lovely report, Emilie! I could actually feel that anxiousness in my stomach again (see my siggie and you'll understand why ) Here are my fav parts (bolded): 1. that's what I think I'll feel like in July too. He's coming to my hometown (sorry if I keep mentioning this, but I don't think I'll ever believe it, not ever AFTER the gig). That's because, Romania's already a small country, and my city's even smaller. So, to have him coming here, at my "home" it's a bit shocking. I have never even wished for it. I always preffered travelling accross Europe for him. 2. Are you serious? SHE SAID THAT? In Paris, when they were giving us our black coats, I instantly felt like a dementor and I walked up to Sara (lasara) and told her that...only I didn't see Maria helping her getting that coat on her, so she heard me and (she laughed) said: "Oh yeah! You're right! Like in Harry Potter!" ...I can't be sure if I invented this, but I'm happy to know that she still says it. 3. I know what you're talking about. You were lucky enough to have the veil - it doesn't even compare to that skull. But you basically can't see anything during the death march and after that all you want is to get back there again. Congratz girl, you seem to have had the time of your life there! So happy for you!
  15. Take your time! Oh WOW!!! You look pretty as a LG and the pic with Mika is gorgeous! Thanks for posting them. (I really can't wait to hear the story about them!!!) *thinks: 50 days left until the next gig*
  16. OMG! So true! But I don't do it when I talk, though...I mean like he does...I can't. But when I'm like silent, I can't get my hand off my neck.
  17. I have more from that photoshoot here (Watermarked...sorry. ) http://img94.imageshack.us/g/mika712062007.jpg/
  18. I think I had this pic (or one of them) let me look for it. :wink2:


    EDIT: here are all of the pics from that photoshoot that I have. There's the pic you wanted among them too...only that it's awfully watermarked. :boxed:


  19. You're very welcome! (You don't know what you've just got yourself into though...MFC's addictive! ) You can be sure that there will be a queue (numbered one too!) for that.
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