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Everything posted by B!anka

  1. I suspect "Pick up off the floor next" They seem to have found a treasure in Mika's album as far as commercials music is concerned.
  2. on TV? ok...that's it...they're overdoing it! I feel suffocated.
  3. haha! MFC has had a flag that used to travel around all the gigs and MFCrs would get to sign it along with Mika. That's a great idea!
  4. number 3 Orange has started promoting the gig fiercely. They have a link on the official website: http://www.orange.ro and there is the official page for Mika and the gig on their music dedicated website: http://orange.ro/evenimente/mika/index.html
  5. whoa! That's great Petra! you're MY hero! (hint Diana hint ) First I think YOU should take home the banner. It's gonna be your "baby". Second...well, it's our idea...it's our plan...we don't really know the other fans in the country,so I think we should suggest it somehow that we're MFC. ghici! Da! Culorile! Nu stiu daca ar trebui sa mentionam Romania asa de clar. E obvious ca e in Romania... and I'm still not a fan of gold. O sa ma gandesc la ceva si o sa pun aici daca imi vine vreo idee.
  6. Awww that is so nice of you, Kathrin! :blush-anim-cl: I will send you a PM to explain it. :wink2::huglove:

  7. hehe. Thanks for the picture comment. Though that picture is sooo old. Like 1 year old. :lol3: and I had just woken up...nothing cute about me there...but thank you. :blush-anim-cl:

  8. Ia uite ce am gasit eu azi in Bucuresti! Ei bine, primul poster. maine ma duc sa caut si pe la mine pe aici. Pentru cei interesati: vis-a-vis de Scala pe Magheru se gaseste acest exemplar.
  9. La 17 DA! Va fi! Dar noi suntem MFC!!!
  10. :biggrin2:


    hey, cheer up! You will see Mika!!! :huglove:

  11. Hey, fetele! mi-e teama ca nu cred ca voi mai putea face banner-ul acela de care vorbeam pe threadul pentru gig. Nu stiu de ce, sper sa nu intelegeti gresit, dar la acest gig as vrea doar sa ma bucur de el ca de un ultim gig si gata. Nu ma simt in putere sa mai fac ceva pe langa. Nu stiu inca nici cum o sa decurga lucrurile cu queueing-ul si toate celelalte. Sper ca nu va suparati. Daca vreti sa faceti voi ceva...go ahead. Nu stiu ce am putea face exact ca sa facem impresie, vad ca asiaticii au epuizat toate variantele. Imi pare rau- am foarte multe proiecte care vad ca s-au aglomerat toate acum in iulie, si chiar nu am timp sa mai fac ceva...sau sa ma gandesc la ceva grand.
  12. hey hey hey!!! tickets? What tickets!? It's a FREE gig! All you have to worry about is accomodation and transport. I posted on the first 2 pages about those. It will be a gig on the beach and I can tell you that it's going to be great!
  13. This will sound a little strange. I am looking for this interview in which he said something about his hair being hard to manage as it has it's own angles and ways...whatever, you got the point. You have no idea what it feels like to remember you've read it somewhere but just can't remember where! Does anyone knows what I'm talking about?
  14. B!anka

    I am very good! :biggrin2:


    I love it how we have similar pictures with Mika. :lol3:


    It was great to meet you at Bercy aswell. Have you got that group picture I took of you and the other Lollipop Girls?




  15. B!anka

    Salut! Welcome to the MFC!! :biggrin2::huglove:


    How are you?

  16. el zice ca are "almost 2m" :naughty: tipic Mika.


    EU pe de alta parte nici NU ma gandesc sa port tocuri. :lol3: nu stiu daca e vorba de generatie, eu am facut inot de performanta 3-4 ani, si I kinda blame it on that..:teehee:Serios? Nu stiam. O sa o cunosc la vara. :biggrin2:

  17. LoL! :aah::teehee: a fost hectic momentul ca nush cum mam intors acolo si am ajuns fix langa el (poza asta e de fapt de grup :wink2: stai k o gasesc si tio arat) si nu stiam sigur nici cum sa zambesc :lol3: . A fost facuta cu aparatul meu! :wub2:


    EDIT: uite aici poza de grup: http://i40.tinypic.com/j6pmig.jpg


    Da, sunt inalta (1.83cm ultima data cand am verificat)! insa el tot este mai inalt ca mine! :lol3:

  18. pai nush...lea zis ca le place, k e cute k e lovely, chestii din astea! fac colectie de adjective pt poza mea! :aah::lol3: da stiu e culmea ca si eu am iesit bine...de obicei nu ies stii, dar nu ma puteam gandi la nimic in momentul ala. :lmfao:

  19. Dulci?! :lmfao: am auzit multe despre poza aia numai dulci nu... :aah: Thanks! :wub2::huglove:



  20. Eu numai pe Antena 3 am vazut-o! JUR! anyway...nu pot sa cred ca discutam despre asta e eveniment national. Nici eu nu am mai avut Vh1 pt o vreme...oricum il prefer de 1000 de ori in locul MTVului romanesc. mie de MTV hits imi e cel mai dor.
  21. dadada am vazut! dar nu prea se aude clar. eu nu mai am MTV! Oricum numi place BIOTG!
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