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Everything posted by thy

  1. Für ein Jahr ist ihr Deutsch schon sehr gut! *hust* Ich bin zwar hier geboren, aber meine Grammatik läßt SEHR zu wünschen übrig. lol. Im übrigen ist dein Deutsch sehr gut. Wenn ich es nicht gelesen hätte, würde ich denken, dass du von hier bist!
  2. zwei Geschichten gibts hier: http://www.blogs.myspace.com/thy_ddt und bei http://www.youtube.com/doerteheilewelt gibt es Videos von mir Ich freue mich über jedes Feedback-auch Kritik! Ich habe noch nicht soviele Geschichten gelesen/geschrieben und auch erst vor 1,5 Jahren angefangen, weil Freunde und auch andere behauptet haben, dass ich das bestimmt gut könnte.... Ich weißt nicht, ob es an mika liegt oder an meiner Beeinflussbarkeit-die Eagles of Death Metal/Jesse Hughes haben mich anfang des Jahres soweit gebracht, dass ich mir einen Bass gekauft habe, weil einfach alles in mir danach gebrüllt hat. Ich werde das Bild dann hier (irgendwo) posten. Überlege grade was an den rechten Rand kommt....
  3. Übung macht den Meister! Sollen wir dich korregieren?
  4. Macht ja nichts. Eine Art "Heilewelt" und einen "Lollipop-Menschen". Um etwas auszuholen: Ich schreibe ab und zu Geschichten und lese diese auf Bühnen vor (sog. Lesebühnen, in Berlin rel. verbreitet und etwas sehr tolles). Da ich von anfang an nur ungern meinen richtigen Namen in Programmen und im Internet lesen wollte, habe ich mir den Künstlernamen Dörte Heilewelt gegeben. Ich komme halt aus einer vermeidlich heilen Welt. So ist das Bild eine Mischung aus mir in Kombination mit mikas texten. Ist nur dinA4 und im moment bin ich noch mit Bleistift bei der Sache, werde es dann noch Bunt machen. Naja, meine Text sind im allgemeinen sehr lustig, aber der Ursprung ist meisten ein garnicht so lustiges Ereignis. (Bin allerdings auch auf diesem Gebiet ein Neuling...)
  5. Ich zitiere mich mal selber. Ich bin halt nicht grade ein zeichentalent....ein krampf ist das. ein guter vielleicht. mal schaun.
  6. Angst habe ich nicht. Is nur immer anstrengend, wenn man irgendwo neu ist. Ich habe ja zeit. Frage mich grade, wieso ich diese Zeichnung angefangen habe... schlimm, schlimm....
  7. Ja, bei dem in der Passionskirche-war mein erstes Konzert von Mika-bin ja auch erst sehr sehr kurz überhaupt hier. Ich finde mich zwar schon halbwegs zurecht, aber irgendwie ist dieses Forum unheimlich groß. lol. Im Vorstellungthreat steht auch mehr über mich.
  8. Hallo, und ja. Ist ja auch schön hier! hehe. Wann denn? Warste schonmal hier? btw. neue Bilder im Berlin gig threat...
  9. I think I saw you. I was third row all the way to the left-hat the pleasure to see the boy in the paper dress the whole gig. So, I saw you as well. pics posted btw. @Mary, celine and sabine64: Thank you!
  10. mika and me-yes, he is pointing with the finger on me! Well... (a real nice lady took them with my camera-a pleasure to talk to her): (Ok...I was on that one, too, but I looked incredible ****ty) Thats what he wrote....still not sure if it is something good or bad. Thought of funny and good first but now...hm...too many thoughts. And maybe I should start to re-think that "non fan" thing....well, maybe he knew before I even had a clue that this statement would be false in no time at all. Please don't post them somewhere else or ask me before. Thank you. (If you want to "steal" them for your own personal pleasure at home, go for it and if you ask very kindly, I might give you the originals) (:
  11. and more: all I can say: US A BELT! Please don't post them somewhere else or ask me before. Thank you. (If you want to "steal" them for your own personal pleasure at home, go for it and if you ask very kindly, I might give you the originals) (:
  12. a bit late.... my pics. Sorry about that!!! What can i say? Have fun! my favorite on (like how it says: word of god above his head. hehe): Not sure what he was looking for here.... Please don't post them somewhere else or ask me before. Thank you. (If you want to "steal" them for your own personal pleasure at home, go for it and if you ask very kindly, I might give you the originals) (:
  13. Danke auch hier für das Willkommenheißen! Mal eine Frage: Wo ist den hier der Mikas-musik-läßt-mich-sachen-machen-die-ich-seit-jahren-nicht-mehr-gemacht-habe- Threat? hihi. Ich höre ja jetzt schon seit Tagen seine Musik rauf und runter und habe die Texte näher angeguckt usw usf und seit Tagen habe ich auch ein Bild in meinem Kopf und jetzt -tadaa- zeichne ich es auf. Ich habe das letzte Mal etwas vor ca 10 Jahren im Kunstunterricht gezeichnet....soviel dazu.
  14. I am a bit late but late is better than never. This gig is the reason I am here. I told the story about it already in the introduction threat. It was truely amazing! For now (today. maybe tomorrow) my pictures of the gig can be found were all should be found-on mikasounds.com on the show date. At least I hope they are there. Same goes for my Videos (still have some left which I didn't upload). My name there is (surprise) thy. Would be really nice if I could connect them but I will upload them later here.
  15. Hallo! Ich bin neu und jetzt auch im deutschen threat gelandet (mit etwas hilfe. hehe). Vorgestellt habe ich mich schon in dem dazugehörigen threat. Fragen kann man mir auch hier stellen.
  16. I guess we are coming from different places: I didn't know much about his music. Even now I just started to learn. Looking at the lyrics, what they mean etc. I didn't want to go there like "I hope it will be amazing. I just like 2 of your songs by now. Please sign my whatever I would have in my hand first." No sense in doing that. Danke. Werde dann später gucken. I saw him when he left for dinner. Maybe you were the one filming most of the gig in the first row? Left side? No, we didn't talk or meet. I actually just met a very few (4 - mother+daughter+friends and talked to those who were sitting next to me). So I am spoiled right from the beginning I am still not sure whether it is good that I talked that much. You could get everything I said in a completely wrong way. Well, he was still smiling, so I guess everything is ok. ah, it was the good interesting! No, I wasn't. First time ever. In the Ferry the bus is locked and I had the important stuff with me. And I had the complete last row for myself in the bus-on both ways. I couldn't stay awake even if I wanted to. I was so incredible tired at that point. 9 hours bus + 25.5 hours awake (incl. concert of 4 bands, and another one at 1 am and little sightseeing) = completely wasted. Well, even meet someone in Kopenhagen would have helped a lot. Someone to keep you awake. The bands are just too small-so I don't know anyone who is a fan of them and I think the river phoenix didn't have many fans who traveled that far for them. hehe. Meeting fans you know from board is always a pleasure! I feel a bit as if I would talk to much... @c'rocktart! Thank you
  17. I have never slept that well in a bus like I on my way back home from Copenhagen-not even the school class of danish teenagers woke me up. I only blame the ferry for not letting me sleep in the bus. There is no proper place to sleep-too many people around. lol. And I would always do it again. Maybe with a bit more company. But I guess if I ever travel for mika I would sure have company.
  18. TAKE THAT is fabulous-even today! (but for the other bands this might be true) If I would have known myself the way I know myself now I would have never started chemistry but something that has to do with music. I grew up in a family where spending time and money on music was for them a waste of time and money. So I followed this thought and pushed everything I like and enjoy doing aside. Never learned an instrument (sort of it now) and even when I tried to the only thing I heard were stupid comments. Families should support and not bring children and teenagers to an even lower self-esteem than they already have. I wish I had a supporting family like mika had/has and I wish I was able to put the stuff/feelings that is in my head on paper (words or paintings), in melodies or something that is not my head in order to let it out. In some ways I really envy artists (incl. mika) who are able to do that. Well, you put in words what I already realized about myself a while ago. Not that it help me to be "normal" or trusty to others but I give my best to try. I still hope for the good in others. Usually I treat other like I want to be treated myself unless you meet me in one of my grumpy and slightly depressive state of minds. Well, and sometimes to positive stuff is so far away and by now I get slightly anxious when something good happens because I tend to thing it is only the preparation for something really worse to happen. (Thank you last year.) And I know it is bullsh*t but I can't help myself there-its rooted (?) in my mind. Should I answer to this one? I guess no. But I never cared (and will not care) for mika's relationships-I don't know of any. Believe it or not: I never knew about it. Of cause I wish for him to be happy and I don't care what he needs to achieve this but I hope he finds it. I feel like being in a group therapy! lol.
  19. Thought that the way to introduce yourself. I guess he is a human. But actually that him sort of lovable (I surely need a better vocabulary). Interesting since he played such big crowds and then this little crowd. But the smaller the crowds and the more "unplugged" and the less you have to hide behind the more nervous one can get. What can I say? I don't limit myself to one genre of music. I even forgot to mention a whole lot more music-like archive- who make more electronic stuff and the really old stuff. The 80ies music and so on. Sometimes (really sometimes) even Hip Hop or Country. I judge about music in another way than the genre-like if it gives me something, if I like the voice (very important) and so on. Sometimes I am lucky. And yes, I already feel very welcome here and comfortable. As far as I can say it you are a cool and nice bunch of people. (Should I even mention that I saw him earlier that day as well but didn't run to meet him because I had no clue what to tell him? I don't want to bother people if I have nothing to say. Would make me feel like on of those guys who just collecting autographs in order to sell them on ebay...don't like those people.) I think I already do like it here! He is. I guess I said that already. I will post some pics and vids of that gig later (or soon?). Thats a long way (unless you fly)! Been to Stockholm once. Was quite nice there. I can relate to you traveling for a concert-traveled to Copenhagen in the beginning of may to see some bands-they played on the same concert and I couldn't resist. 25.5 hours in Copenhagen. lol. No sleep. Well, traveled to Dublin to see a band....etc...Something I wanted to do when I was young but never did because of what other might think and now I do even though most think I am crazy. thank you! Thank you for this warm welcoming everybody!
  20. Wait until you order something, pay for it in advance, then forget completly you ever ordered it, get no information unless you look on the boards, then get information, wait longer, and even more longer and still its not here.....(but shipped).....so the conclusion is: its all the same with those famous guys! tz! lol!
  21. Well, I am a relaxed person right from the beginning. It takes a lot to drive me nuts. He can of cause try it but I don't think it will work out-should be more of a fan for going nuts. haha. I guess Mika is like every other artist when it comes to soon. It is something between now or never. Just believe the date. haha.
  22. thank you. (meanwhile I managed it to introduce myself, too) @CazGirl: I feel you in some parts. Couldn't discribe it better.
  23. Lucky in two ways. Since I didn't know anything until shortly before the tickets were sold I didn't went nuts. But I know exactly how you felt. If you know the urban dictionary look up for the word "soon". There you get a picture of Jared Leto, the singer of one of my favorite bands 30 seconds to mars http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=soon I getting really mistrustful when I hear the word "soon" now. When mika get an entry there or has, you have won. I mean when it comes to patience. @BICHE, mikalollipop_karla: Thank you
  24. Well, I will let him surprise me when he comes here for a regular show. I saw some videos of the other shows of his tour-I guess either he can't get out of his skin or he fit the "unplugged" to the venue. And to have big balls and stuff like that in a church is just inappropriate and the stage wasn't that big at all. Well, three weeks before the gig there is no cheap way to fly here. Maybe that was my luck. hehe. Everything has a good side to it.
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