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Everything posted by thy

  1. wait. I have to read my last post and then write something you don't already know....... Uhm....I have read it again... for the more superficial stuff look here. I think I got a bit obsessiv with mika lately and this forum. AND I got a bit more colorful lately (as an example: new shoes). I usually stick to black and a bit of white and rarely any colors. What can I say? I am so lost. Once I get a lil obsessed with something I have a hard time to focus on other stuff. This is by far my biggest enemy in life-couldn't find a way to combine my obsessions with my daily life. But I will find a way once I finished my university. I don't know what I really want but I know what I don't want at all. Oh well.... don't know what to write anymore. I am not the most talkactive person at all. Any questions left?
  2. I haven't stumpled over this threat until now...should I introduce myself again?
  3. really cool video! Thanks for posting.
  4. Shoes and glitter glue.... Usually I am not a Shoeholic but I found three wonderful pairs last week. haha.
  5. Gotta love Berlin? Oder gotta love hier? Im Fall von Berlin: Man muß es definitiv lieben! (Und das sage ich nicht nur, weil ich in Berlin geboren, aufgewachsen und immernoch wohnhaft bin!) Wir müssen dem Ding dann mal leben einhauchen.
  6. Ok, I am getting slightly excited. Maybe a bit more. Maybe I should stay at home on that day... hm... it's good to be a lazy student sometimes....
  7. I am not sure if this is the right place for it. It is an envelope which I "tortured" with glitterglue. Why might the question be now and the answer: I was bored. No, it is just because of the drawing I posted earlier. I decided to give it to mika if I ever got the chance to meet him again (along with an explaination of it) and this is the envelope. Sorry for the dark pictures but flashlight isn't a good combination with glitter. lol. front: back: One of my pencils inbetween:
  8. Keep on Moving from the fresh (don't exist that long) and wonderful Band The Mismatch
  9. I am finished and all my glitterglue is empty (except a bit of gold and a bit more of green) and I think I have glitter everywhere...no rain today.
  10. AH! I am not the only one! haha. I guess you know you are a Mika fan when you bought white sneakers with a little silver and gold in it....
  11. Ja, aber das Leben hats schwer mit dem deutschen Threat...
  12. make youself a tea, relax and get well soon again. I have a serious shoe problem. My mom bought me one pair yesterday and I got two pair today... (had to go with a friend of mine again...) Never had a shoeproblem until now....
  13. It can't be the .de in the mail because it worked for me.
  14. Oh, then it is too nice that they extra do another disaster for me so I know what you all are talking about. The newbies have a right for a disaster!
  15. I see. Well, I used three different ones as well. With the Mikasounds one I didn't get anything and the other twos got the mail so I thought that was the reason (first check and then 2 hours ago another check). I am not uk either-so this is not the reason.
  16. We can walk together then. Noone knows here what to do when you don't get the confirmation mail. I think it is just because we are already in the system because of mikasounds.com and therefore we are obviously no bots...I convinced myself pretty well with this explaination (after causing a little confusion here...)
  17. thy

    Hello new friend! Thank you for making my little friendslist richer. :)

  18. Well, you can't go anyway, can you? But if this happens to all of the people it would s*ck for them (and I don't need to win twice....lol) @Anzuzu: DId you get the confirmation mail?
  19. especially using an adress that is not used for any universal newsletter.... Edit: I entered again with an adress I never use for stuff like this and I got a confirmation mail again. I just don't click the link to confirm this time. It is strange through....
  20. Now I am lost. I could try another mailadress but I don't want to enter that often.... Should I?
  21. On my other adress I got it like 5 minutes later, maybe even less....
  22. There you go-obsessed with reading the details sometimes....but maybe it is just because my other adress is already confirmed since I used it to register at mikasounds.com (if yes, the I entered way to often..... )
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