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Everything posted by Marly

  1. I wonder too who has won the M&G. In the mail I've had after I entered the contest it also said: win a meet & greet with Mika!. So...? Maybe they will chose one after they have all the confirmationmails? Maybe after tomorrow 10.00?
  2. Yes, both with L'Oreal. My tickets are on my name and the tickets my brother ''won'' are on his. But he don't want to/can't go, so we sent a e-mail if they can be on the name of someone else (a MFC'er). We haven't got an answer yet, but it would suck if it can't.
  3. You not gonna believe this! Because you could only enter the contest once and there were only 50 tickets to win I also asked some friends and family to enter, because I really wanted to go. Not only did I win, a friend won too, and I just found out my brother won also! And I was so afraid I won't win anything.
  4. Who will have won the M&G? A friend of my entered too and he just texted me that he has won too.
  5. http://www.westerunie.nl Westerunie in Amsterdam. I think gayforum.nl wrote that it will be there.
  6. Yes. A youthmagazine about stars, a gay forum and Universal NL gave a pair of tickets away.
  7. They haven't announced winners yet. The contest is still open. There are also some other sites who give away some tickets.
  8. Ik weet niet, misschien heb je geluk en laten ze je binnen. Maar dat is denk ik weinig kans. Bij de Q-music showcase probeerden een paar dat ook, maar dat was een heel gedoe. Uiteindelijk zijn de meeste wel binnen gekomen, maar dat kwam omdat er weer iemand een had gewonnen of niet konden of er waren mensen alleen. Misschien dat je er ook kan gaan staan met een bordje ''wie heeft er een kaartje over voor mij'''?
  9. Lucky her. Waarom wisten wij dit niet? Volgens mij krijg ik de nieuwsbrief van universal nl maar volgens mij werkt dat niet altijd. Het stond op de facebook van universal nl. Er deden maar 8 mensen mee
  10. Thanks for posting I had a membership on Hitkrant for 10 years, but never won anything. They owe me this
  11. Thanks for telling us this!!! So, I'm now a member of gay.nl And we now know too where exactly it is: de Amsterdamse Westerunie
  12. Is this in a gay club? And is it also for not gay people? I have never been to a gay bar and I'm also not a clubbing person. I kind of want to go. I think I can, but I have to find someone who wants to go with me.
  13. I'm not sure. Maybe you can buy 2 first and then the other 2? If not, then I think you should use another e-mail adress?
  14. I'm going to Brussel, so you Belgium people can just come here. That's not crazy, that's smart. Just come, you know you want to
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