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Everything posted by FralovesMika

  1. Qualcosa di sgargiante direi sisi è martedì martedì YAY! Si è vero è fatta veramente bene con questo cambio di tempi e ritmo se è possibile è ancora più bella! Confermo! But it's kind of MIKA's secret gig?
  2. Ciao carissima! Allora ci vediamo martedì :) esami li ho appena finiti dopo 2 grossi e 3 idoneità sono stanchissima ma da domani sera sono già a Bergamo per dare una mano a casa al fratello prima di Vigevano eheh ci vediamo là allora non vedo l'ora!!

  3. Ciaoooooooo a tutte!! Ho finito ho finito ho finito questa maledetta sessione estiva, dopo 2 esami grossi e 3 idoneità sono decisamente stanca ma adesso sistemo tutta casa e già domani sera torno a Bergamo per dare una mano a casa al fratellone prima di andare a Vigevano allora chi ci sarà martedì? Non vedo l'ora di riverdervi tutti e finalmente svagarmi, ah mi sono fatta riccia quindi effetto sorpresa martedì eheh, ci vediamo presto un bacione!!
  4. There's still a pair of glasses for me too? Sorry I'm late, but I had no time for the forum this week
  5. Buona Domenica a tutte!! Pronte alla finale?! YEEEEE!!!!!! Io invece domani battaglia personale con l'esame di statistica 2 aiut! Ma stasera godiamocela @Droopsy Thx Darling! I agree for no more penalities that's too much suffer Scappo! Ciao ciao!
  6. Mika’s latest column for XL in Italy, hot off the press! MIKA XL Column June 2012 > July/August issue Perfume; when a memory smells better than a flower. When you close your eyes and think of your mother what do you imagine? When you close your eyes and think of your first love what do you imagine? When you close your eyes and think of fear what do you imagine? For me, almost always, I imagine the one thing that is the hardest to remember: smell. My mother always used to wear an Yves Saint Laurent perfume called Champagne and it would mix with the history of her day, from the smell of her cooking the evening meal to the slight petrol tinge of our old Toyota Previa. It was this strange combination of smells which meant that I was home. Smell is one of the most powerful things in my life. Even as a musician, smell has a far greater ability to trigger memories than music. I once fired an old assistant on a tour because she wore the same perfume as a teacher who made my life hell at the Lycée Francais when I was a boy. The fact that she found the same perfume as my evil teacher appealing meant that she couldn't possibly be a good person. I was proven right, and as the months unfolded so did she. I should have trusted my nose to begin with. By 2015 the perfume industry is predicted to be worth over 33 billion dollars. Although this is mostly thanks to over commercialised and celebrity endorsed rubbish, there is no denying the fact that perfume is a major part of everyone's daily life. In New York recently, I was faced with Rihanna's enormous perfume advert on Times Square, every day as I went to the studio. I finally got a chance to smell it and was underwhelmed at the most. It smells fake, cheap and it’s clear that what you’re really paying for is not the quality of the ingredients but the cost of the bottle, the advertising space and most of all, the cost of her endorsement. Why is it that people have such a problem realising that smell and perfume are the same thing. How you smell is as important as how you look. From a purely chemical point of view, it’s not the floral top notes that will get someone to fall in love or sleep with you, but the muskiness of your natural body smell. Obviously it’s not ideal to sleep with someone that smells only of B.O. as that would be too overwhelming. However, it’s when the mix of your body smell and that of the perfume is just right, that a branded perfume turns into your perfect scent. Personally, smelling of strong body odour would be just as bad as smelling too much of Rihanna's perfume. In a nutshell, here is how the basic perfume making process works today. Most of the time, a big brand or celebrity will decide to sell and market a perfume. They will hire a production company who will in turn select a marketing company as well as a perfumer, or 'nose' to create the scent. The marketers will do countless studies and market analysis to figure out what perfume would sell best, and who the scent should be aimed at. With this very precise brief they will then commission a perfumer to take all this research and mix a scent that would please the targeted demographic the most. Often, perfume bottles and even add campaigns will be designed before the perfume even exists. The 'nose' will sit at a desk and make endless blends of hundreds of scents, some precious and most synthetic. Every perfume is decided into three layers; the Top Note the Middle and the Base Note. The first smell you get is the Top Note, this is mostly light and floral or citrus. This will quickly evaporate however leaving the Middle and lastly the Base note. The Base note is actually what will react or adapt most with your skin and when its smelt on its own can often smell awful. These often smell woody or musky. Yes! Similar to the body odour you’re trying to cover up in the first place! Unfortunately, most really commercial perfumes are all about the top and middle notes. The base notes are often seen as too ugly or off-putting. Think about it, when you put a fresh cut lily to your nose and smell it, there are so many deep and musky smells, almost bad smells, that combined with the light top and middle notes smell perfect together, but more importantly smell natural. I have collected smells for years. I have calmed down now, but I went through a phase of storing anything that I thought smelt good or interesting in small brown glass vials. From rose oils to pieces of tarmac and even the hand of a plastic doll. You can imagine how excited I was to come across the work of eccentric New York perfumer Christopher Brosius. His perfumes range from traditional scents to ones called Doll's Head, In The Library or Burning Leaves. Self taught, Brosius did not go through the insanely rigorous and competitive training that you must now endure to graduate as a top 'nose'. He even goes so far as calling his brand "I Hate Perfume". He is more of a renegade who fights the normal commercial limits of making scent. If I had the chance to have a perfume custom made, it is clear that my main ambition would be to evoke a memory. If it was the memory of childhood for instance, then it would be the smell of my mother, but in my perfume memory of her, the Yves Saint Laurent would be as important as all the other "ugly" smells of a normal day. I would want the Cooking and even Toyota smell in there. My perfume would evoke a memory, and that would smell better than a million roses. Here's the original just posted on MIKA's Facebook page, enjoy!
  7. Che partita eh veramente queste ultime due non si soffriva così dal 2006!! Grande Italia!!! E ora andiamo in finale! Ho preso XL poco fa, l'ho letto molto carino e ben fatto
  8. Fa caldo e io devo studiare, devo studiare e fa caldo sigh!! Passo per un saluto al volo, buona Domenica a tutte!!
  9. I was trying to buy tickets but it won't take my credit card, it's a mastercard I don't understand why, anybody knows something?
  10. Inizia la settimana di esami e negli unici rari momenti di pausa cerco di stare al passo con tutto, tra interviste studio matto e caldo qua non se ne parla di dormire, tra le nuove songs e forse l'adrenalina sono più fuori di un balcone!! Adoro tutto ogni singola cosa e son curiosa di conoscere questo "nuovo" MIKA uaaaaa ormai manca quasi un mese non sto più nella pelle!!! Ok ora la smetto, LOL, piccolo appunto il concerto di Londra il 26 avete visto? Io sto pensando a farmi del male fisico e provare ad andare, se trovo qualcosa di fattibile eheheh, modalità masochista riattivata, ci sentiamo quando riemergo, sciau!!
  11. Troppe novità tutte insieme!!! Oh mamma il mio povero cuoricino non regge addiooooo
  12. Greta mi fai morire XD son contenta di rivederti a Vigevano!! Per la canzone, non saprei, mi piace da matti questo è sicuro! Ma non so assolutamente cosa gli gira in testa, si strugge per qualcuno penso ma non saprei se è più verso il passato o verso il presente come al solito ha una chiave di lettura tutta sua, una testa complicata, cosa che da futura psicologa mi attira come un orso col miele LOL Partita vista molto bella certo che con mio padre un patema tutti 95 i min anche se guardare la nazionale mi piace molto Dai io ormai mi ritroverò da un momento all'altro in piena sessione d'esami e sarà dura!! Ci sentiamo prossimamente ormai Vigevano si avvicina Un bacione a tutte e buon inizio settimana
  13. Buona Domenica ragazze, stacco dallo studio tra un pò per vedere la partita che comincia alle 17.45 chi la guarda?
  14. Sapevo che aveva qualcosa di particolare, per questo mi ha preso subito, grazie cara!
  15. Ciao ragazze un passaggio veloce, Michela mi ha chiesto di pubblicizzare un pò le sue cosine Mika-style che sta cercando di vendere, nel link qui sotto ci sono tutti i dettagli, scappo che ho 200 mila cose da fare sciauuuuuu http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26535
  16. Ciao, tutti bene dopo queste maledette scosse quella di ieri sera l'ho avvertita anch'io!
  17. Blame Mika works for everything Couldn't agree more! Sometimes I dislike the beauty spots on my face but it wouldn't look the same wothout them Btw my pleasure to translate the column u're all more than welcome!
  18. Yeah that's it, so the name is just the same in english and italian I didn't know that! I'm glad that's not way too problematic for ur son Nina And what wrinkles are u talking about I have seen none!
  19. Thank u! I know that disorder faces regognition, familiar one in particular, follow a different path to arrive from the eyes to the brain, that's why in certain condition it can be damaged or amplified as it happens in people with eidetic memory, I've just studied it in cognitve psichology, can't imagine a life where I'm unable to recognize faces must be terrifing!
  20. Just got my copy here's a quick translation, sorry for any possible mustake COSMETIC SURGERY? I HAVE NO BIAS, BUT I DEFEND WRINKLES When I was a kid I was fascinated by people's wrinkles. I watched them wondering what they was caused by, I considered them a sort of compendium of person's life. It had become a sort of obsession as much that in family I was scold: "Do not stare at people and even touching them on the face". I remind of the advertising campaign for a perfume I was a protagonist last year (Hugo Boss campaign). That photo was the result of 8h shooting where an hairdresser army alternated to tame my hair to give to my head the desired shape. Even my tie position was calculated at the millimiter by a committee of experts in marketing, After the retouching to the photos I liked that idealized version of myself: cool, cured, but very unreal. Perfume spots often intentionally deviate from reality, but some really loses the boundaries between photography and illustration. If in the reality I had that face I'll look like an alien! Imperfections make me who I am, recognizable to myself and to the eyes of my friends. If a real dog, a puppy,found himself in front of a plush dog barks furiously because he sees another animal but it does not perceive the smell. This causes anxiety and sometimes aggressiveness. This comparison helps to understand that strange feeling you experience in front of a woman like Jocelyn Wildenstein, who had a plastic surgery to look like a cat. It's an extreme case, close to the art, just like David LaChapelle's muse a tranny transformed in an "extreme Marilyn Monroe". But beside this cases, why people often have no worries to submit to cosmetic surgery? Everyone stare himself in the mirror and sometimes think we have something to fix, fill here and there, lift a sagging cheek or shrink a nose. In the past considered an exclusive female interest, nowadays cosmetic surgery is used also by men,indeed, male sector is booming, but that doesn't make the headlines. Instead when a popular woman submit to cosmetic surgery, even for a lil retouch, the news goes all around the world. I think it dipends by the fact that women are more competitive. In the female magazines are on top the list of worst dressed, of much more restored of the worst hairstyles. A male magazine would never publish something like that. Men do not find satisfaction in criticizing other men physic's, but they care about appearance, neither more nor less of women. In my opinion cosmetic surgery involves two major risks. First of all it risks to be used as status symbol, to assert their wealth, many appreciate it, I don't. Second point, taking inspiration by the perfect faces of the actress in the glossy magazines, there's a danger of chasing an ideal out of reality. Who says that appearance doesn't count makes a huge mistake. It's the face that we judge in a person and make us choose how to relate with her. And it's instinctive, crossing a person in the street with whom we will never have anything to do, analyze the appearance based on a complex set of parameters. Wrinkles on the face, the appearance of a person reveals his character, his lifestyle, the world which he/she belongs to. If cancelled it could give rise to strange reactions in the observer, even revulsion. Dogs need to sniff to identify, we look in the face. I know it seems to be repetitive I just had no time to search more synonyms anyway hope u'll enjoy it! Francesca X
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