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Everything posted by FralovesMika

  1. Apparently not yet ladies, I asked yesterday they said soon but not when and I'm refreshing facebook and twitter again and again without any success!
  2. True, or when he said feels like school work it could have mean have a little essay to write with a precise topic could be both It's just my opinion
  3. I know, I mean he sings he creats he lives love in someway but he's not comfortable in writing about it in an article seriously and giving a detached opinion that's what I meant
  4. He guess he's not he just sounded forced to write about love or stuff like that, it's probably not his favourite topic or better not in giving serious conclusion about it, he prefer to kidding with songs
  5. I didn't say that, we were talking about the exit of the original on Facebook they told me soon but not when. Well misogeno lettarally means to have an avversion for women, I don't think that I just can say he was forced to write about love for Febraury cause of Valentines day and all that stuff, he doesn't sound natural I mean
  6. Still sarcastic as always isn't it Gre? Just give them their time, we'll wait I just tried very politely
  7. De nada ;)

    Io appena finiti gli esami mi fiondo sulla 2^ stagione :P

  8. On the Facebook page of La Repubblica they said me they'll post the original soon but dunno how much soon LOL!
  9. Pretty shocking topic, waiting for the original too even if I'm italian I want his original words mispelled or not Gettin this pause in my studying period for university exams, I always stop thinking how much this guy gives me to work on every single words he say, unbelievable! (I'm studying psycology indeed! ) Anyway answering to Faballa I guess this is not his last column, cause it's true Repubblica was searching another columnist but from this month Carmen Consoli (italian singer) has no longer is column and they got another new columnist from Subsonica (another italian band).
  10. Awww Thank you! Happy for you Nina that you were there Melachi looks better than Mika indeed LOL
  11. Agreed! The translation was not at all accurate like the other this time! Here you can see the real insane mind of this man at work! And the "Nota Benne" at the end? I don't know how it is in english but it's used to give more importantance to a particular sentence
  12. Got it, read it, wondered and laughed! I'll wait the original english version too before say anything, trying to understand better what the hell is goin on in this man insane mind
  13. Hey hunny!

    I'm fine thx :) Everything is going calm and well, life it's so different but even in a strange way it's better so it's ok!

    Ooooooh poor you! I can imagine how much you need it! I just finished lessons too it's tiring and now it comes the study part if I want to give exams in February and I have to xD So you don't have holydays on Xmas? Sorry I got it for assumed! Then you'll come to the end and a rest too don't worry :) for gifts almost all I get addicted with online shopping so they're all at home waiting for me eheh and there's also trips with friends planned wich means more shopping :D

    I'm staying home for quite a month, 3 weeks more or less, and I've lots of thing to do, and I'm starting now with wishes ;)

    Something you have to know, no not yet at least eheh, you have to say something to me from where it comes ur profile pic? LOL

    Can't wait to hear you back :)



  14. Ok, thanks Sara I really hope so! Just a little Xmas wish
  15. Oooooooh that's really sweet&tender of him! T4P Sara John I wish u and ur relatives the same , you were always very kind with us too bad we say goodbie really in a hurry this summer on my last gig! But can anyone clarify something for me, he will work with Mika also in future isn't it? Cannot think about a definitive goodbie it'll be really sad, does anyone know it?
  16. Hey lovely!

    It's been a while since I've heard from you last time :) How's it going?

    Ready for Christmas, holiday and hopefully a bright shining new year?

    Me, I'm going home in a few days can't wait to hear from you :) Bieeeeee :***

  17. Gosh I didn't know that :shocked: really how suprising as you said ah?! You can imagine for me that is MY country! I've to admit we've really lot of problems and also faults if you want but I'll always be Italian no way I can deny it!
  18. Yes BBC is on digital tv now right? Have to buy it with the new year cause I don't have one in the new house I get my news from Ansa wich is still impartial, but you've to look for it! Italian news then are ridicolous and most of us know that but litteraly you can't do nothing, and if you do you'll pass on the wrong side as the evil one. This law has been approoved just to show that this government is one who does something and this the 1st real law that it could approove And if it'll fell anyway I really doubt that a next one will cancel this law too complicated So in the most ironic way I can say, we are in troubles peeps!
  19. I couldn't have used better words dear Nice article, interesting topic but so much controversial! Of course it has tobe writtend at least 1 or 2 weeks ago, and another thing you have to consider information in Italy by media really sucks, so things can happen and you don't know that as in other many countries. Btw you can see in Italy we are all pissed off but this law riform on instuction/education has just get approoved by the government maybe just 2 weeks before it could fall
  20. Speriamo...

    Là penso che potrà dissotterrare tutti i fiori che vuole per nasconderci tutti gli ossi del mondo...

    Grazie davvero

  21. xDDDDDDD

    Ok aspettiamo speranzose allora ;)


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