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Everything posted by thekid

  1. yeee... no, i dont think so lol :) i'm not... the globally accepted type of 'pretty' :)

  2. alllmost :) 5'11'' something :) but thats with converse

    I should really get it acurately checked

  3. I havent posted in eons It feels like its the weekend, since theres no school today.
  4. a Survey of Radial Velocities in the Zodiacal Dust Cloud Nah, just kidding, most likely BANG! unless it was A Village lost and found But both of those other ones are ridiculously expensive Brian's thesis on space dust is over 200$ *EDIT, I was wrong, its only 80$ But when it first came out.... I could have sworn...
  5. Yeah, We have just the 4 classes for one semester. The order is different everyday though. It sucks, I know. So you learn something the first semester and then by the end of second semester, you forget everything. lol. But then again, we only have to take math for 5 months. Or any subject for 5 months. Which means no PE in winter :D

  6. Do you have 4 blocks a day A B C D that changes every day? And is Friday your short day?

    I know some school districts are different. Some take all 8 classes for the whole year. We take 4 until Febuary and then the other 4 for the rest of the year.

  7. I have... Spanish, English, French, Art, Socials, Math, Earth Science and PE.

    :) I remember when I was in Grade 8 + 9 I told myself, after grade 10, NEVER DOING PE AGAIN!

    I used to be the slowest person, OMG you wouldn't beleive it. I'm quite decent now though, and I have to take it, for uh, health reasons :D I still feel uncomfortable in that class though...., :huh: Never fond of competing...

  8. Yeah, never know, There's none in any of my clases atleast.


    Roxana is in grade 12 I believe.


    What classes do you have at school this year?

  9. Do you know Roxana? (OhMyMika!) She lives in Van aswell. Are there any fans at your school. There are NONE at mine :( . When my teacher was reading that article thing I did on Mika, she kept calling him 'she, her'. Then I said, very loudly MIKA'S A MAN!!!


  10. My mom's Romanian :) that's language #4.

    I love writing too, but I hate literal essays because I write very poetically and descriptive. I hate it when the teacher says you should do it THEIR way. I mean, you either write good or bad, theres no "WRONG" way of doing it. Its hard to explain... I dont like it when people tell you what to do... its like when an artist has their management on their back because of the music they make.

    And its always this one teacher... I had her in gr 9 and she would always make me feel like I couldn't write. Then when I was in gr 10, the teacher(best teacher ever) she was telling me that if I didn't get my stuff published it would be a total waste. And now, that same gr.9 teacher likes my stuff but she always finds something to critique, and she doesnt make sense. She just writes 'not very clear here'. I mean, what does that mean? It made perfect sense to me, and really thats all that matters.

    That is my rant of the day, lol :D

  11. YES im a language freak. I speak 4 :D

    In english we read The Painted Door, I don't know if you had to read that story yet, but we have to do an essay on the symbolism and how it reflects the characters internel struggles..... blah :(

    My counsellor's nice, I think she means the best... But I don't like talking about my problems to people, It just makes me feel worse because you have to think about it and remind yourself that theyre there..... I don't know if that makes sense.


    Have you been taking spanish for a long time now? I like it, my papa is Mexican, so I really shouldn't be in my class... teehee

  12. I had an okay day. :dunno: I tried writing this essay in class, buts its impossible to do it when theres so many people around. And then I had the counsellor try to lure me with candy into therapy... :huh: and then in art the teacher told me I'm really awesome :D and then my spanish teacher said I'm better than the spaniards that are on exchange at my school. So I guess the day was split half good and half bleh.

    We had to write a newspaper article, and I did mine about Mika :) :) :)

  13. Yikes! NO NO, that is NOT cool! I mean, if anything, that's totally EMBARASSING?!! I can't possibly see what is so hip about it. I mean, I'd feel awful and ashamed and pathetic really! Some people.....
  14. Haha no, I had my party in grade 3! :P lol.

    Nighty Night... Sweet Mika dreams :D


    school tommorow..... :puke:

  15. I'm not a party person either. I've only had 2 in my life. They never end up the way you imagine it. :dunno:

    Yea yea, anytime except the 90s! The 90s are so boring... I mean, just culture wise. Nothing happened. It was the era of boooorrrrrriiiiinnnnnngggggg

  16. But looking back on it, its actually quite halarious That was a stupid thing to do lol, who puts caramel in the microwave!
  17. Well, when I took it out, It was like black... heck I don't know what to call it. It was like black hard crusty plastic. And it was smoking!!! The freaking fire alarm when off!!!!! It smelt like.... BAD
  18. Hey you know those little caramel cube candies that you see around Halloween. Well, I put one in the microwave and... well BAD IDEA
  19. Yay, That's awesome. I unfortunately don't have TV... thats another Mika moment missed...
  20. :wub2: awww your dogs all look like siblings
  21. My laptop doesn't have a picture of them together, but I have these individual shots. I am personally fond of this shot of Pancho:
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