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Posts posted by MissPie

  1. Wow Whalesford that has to be the worst article I have read about Mika.

    But I think Eamon Carr the auhtour is an absolute D**khead!

    Excuse my language.

    I can't believe that this person is a serious music reviewer.

    There are more personal attacks upon Mika than an honest review of Mika's music.

    That person is a hater!!

    I also wrote to the authour to say what I think of their diatribe.


    This is ridiculous. I don't know what else to call it.

    And it's true, there's more personal insults than serious reviewing:sneaky2:

  2. Flash Mob is a really cool idea:thumb_yello: I think it would be great fun as well. Maybe we should organise something like that in every city there are enough people close to:wink2:

    I was also thinking of printing stickers... I don't think I myself could order stickers just like that (I'm not even an adult:aah:) but maybe someone has a possibility to do that. Or maybe we could print self-made posters :biggrin2: Ok I know that's not much, but... :aah:


    Anyway the Flash Mob thing should be a PARTY! :yay:

  3. we discussed it in the twitter updates thread (as we had nothing else to discuss there in the last 2 weeks :naughty:). :wink2:






    thankyou! :flowers2::wub2:


    the sound quality of this interview was so bad that at the beginning it always sounded like mika was lisping really badly, lol! :naughty: it also stopped sometimes for 1-2 seconds or so, so maybe it was just my internet connection being too slow... but anyway, i didn't understand everything he said, so i'm glad i can watch/hear it again! :wub2:


    l didn't understand everything either

    actually I couldn't even see the video :blink:

  4. Thanks for the info. I don't know how we'd get permission to form a street team, but most of those ideas we could do anyway. I think a good tool to use would be the Social Networking sites. If people have a myspace page then maybe a blog about Mika's album might gain some interest. A similar thing with Facebook. Chatting with people on chat sites might also help, if people use those sites.

    Another idea I thought of. If anyone is having a party for Christmas or a birthday, they could make it a MIKA PARTY. Get people to come in fancy dress and of course, play Mika's music. Serve diet coke and pizza, also lollipops. You get the idea. Mika is not just a musician, there is a whole Mikaworld that goes with his music. This could also make people look at Mika in a whole new light.



    I'm doing an album review for our pupil's magazine and I'll do one on amazon as well:wink2:


    Bravo Kodes too:thumb_yello:

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