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Posts posted by MissPie

  1. I used to do my homework. :roftl:

    I also played kids games online.

    I was on one or two other forums before MFC.. But I'm on MFC a lot more than on other forums.

    Also before MFC I didn't think about real things that much.. Now I do think about life and death, and other deep things. That could be because I am older now, or because I've grown more mature because of the MFC.

    I cleaned my room more often. (It still needs it though. :teehee:)


    I became less insecure and more colorful here. And I met some of my best friends here. :wub2:


    :shocked: I couldn't have said it any better!:roftl:

  2. Ha, admit it. You've all been startled out of your wits! :D


    Anyway, I just joined and wanted to introduce myself quickly. I'm a German student and I've basically been a fan of Mika's since his first single came out here. I saw him live in Baden Baden on Monday and since then have taken to more or less stalking him on the web (okay, I do that with loads of people, but still). I think he's one of the greatest pop artists of our time and although I mostly just listen to musicals, his music really grabbed my attention.


    Things I like to do apart from stalking people and listening to musicals are singing, acting, reading, writing, watching movies, translating fanfiction from English into German - you get the idea. I spend most of my time in front of tv or computer screens. :D I also love horseback riding and have discovered I really like driving although I tend to feel nauseous in the back seat. Oh well, we have gotten to the things that are probably not really interesting for all of you, right?


    Anyway, I'm glad to be part of this community now. Hello, all! :)


    Hello! :welcomeani: Love your intro! I'm from Germany too (why don't I speak German then?:roftl:)

    Thought about doing that too:blink:

    We seem to have more things in common:teehee:

  3. Hmm lets see:


    Year 9

    Mika was my inspiration for 2 dresses I made in sewing and a pencil case in Fashion/design class.

    I wrote a biography of Mika when I was bored in english.

    I wrote a poem when we learned about prepositions that mentioned lollipops and candy canes and ice cream and all that kind of thing that was inspired by Mika and had a picture of him walking with LG at the bottom that I drew.

    Everytime I wrote about things in French, I wrote about Mika so I didn't have to think about the subject of the sentence and could focus on the actual LANGUAGE.

    I drew Mikalicious decorations on all my health assignments.

    In PE I got to listen to what I wanted in the gym when I was put there by myself for the 2nd half of the year and I listened to LICM.

    We had to write about things that were important to us in Social studies and Mika was one of the 4 things.

    Year 10

    I did a 16 page essay on Mika in english for a "Writer's study" where I talked about Mika's live show, his covers and his inspirations.

    I wrote about Mika for a health assignment where we had to discuss people who make us smile and why.

    I STILL listened to LICM in the gym in PE (can't work with people in such settings as PE class because I get anxiety) and the poor PE teacher got so sick of Mika I think he's sick of hearing even the NAME :roftl:

    We had to do a poster discribing someone in French using comparrisons and superlatives, adjectives and all sorts of language features and I chose Mika.

    I used Mika for a drawing for wood carving and again for CD-designing and I designed 2 masks based on Mika's dressup style sense and the confessional video from that hotel party back on '07.

    Year 11 (this year)

    I'm using art from LICM, TBWKTM and SFS artwork on my phone for a printmaking unit, I did vaudiville for my portfolio where I had a picture of Greg Wells' legs at a piano (view of the lap basically) and a few hidden bits that only a true fan would recognise :wink2:.

    I played a harlequin clown in drama earlier on this year that was like a dark-spirited Mika who is all black and white. I was a trickster and I was really happy in personality but I had black lips, black nose, scars on my eyes and really theatrical and wearing tight white pants. It was based loosely on Mika's life, his personality and his inspirations.


    Yup. I'd say I was a little guilty of using Mika a great deal :das:


    Oh yeah and whenever I do something non-Mika in art, I always use purple because of deep purple being M's favourite colour.


    Oh wow, you've done A LOT!:shocked:

  4. Uh, before Mika I almost only listened to the radio.

    I was more of a rock'n'roll fan and kinda liked Queen and Bon Jovi, but never really obsessed about anything.

    And I can now understand native speakers talking so much better because I had so much practice with Mika interviews.


    Before MFC, I actually was a little better at school:teehee: But it could be that it's simply become more difficult, as I never used to do a lot anyway.

    I sure wasn't on the Internet as much.

    And I think I am growing more confidence. (strange, isn't it, only a month after I joined?)


    I think I am happier now.:biggrin2:

  5. When your mom tells you to clean the bathroom like you would if Mika was coming over to visit. :naughty:



    It's really clean.:teehee:

    Hahah:roftl::roftl: I better not tell my mum about that:roftl:


    YKYAMFW a teacher mentions Grace Kelly and all of your friends give you that look that just screams, "Don't you dare start singing!!!" :teehee:



    Ahhhhhh happens regularly







    Oh my, I'd messed up my post, took me ages to fix it:boxed:

  6. "...even if you don't like my music, you can't get it out of your head. That's my power" :naughty:


    "The approachability, the immediacy is like nursery rhymes and comic books, they’re distilled forms of art. A nursery rhyme is comforting, appealing, easy to remember but then at the heart of it the lyrics are brutal, violent and macabre.”


    “I was a kid who found comfort in the things I created, but sometimes it felt that was only taking away from the more functional side of my personality. I felt mad.”


    (about when he did a part in Cabaret) "I remember hearing gossip a week later, one of the boys who had given me the hardest time said, ’Man, if I was gay, I’d be waiting at his door for a day.'" :roftl:


    "The stage is my territory, my boxing ring. That’s where I’m free. Its more difficult in real life.”



    Another classic:biggrin2:

    "If I had a son, I'd call him Alice":roftl:


    EDIT: Don't recall if this has been posted before, probably yes, but I just saw it and love it:teehee:


    "It's all about the free stuff! C'mon!"


    at the end of it

  7. Hallo! Ich habe mich zwar schon im Introductions-Teil vorgestellt, wollte hier aber auch noch ein Hallo in die Runde werfen. Also: hallo, deutsche MIKA-Fans! :)


    Hey, willkommen!

    :naughty: rechne im zweifelsfall damit, dass du sie am konzerttag an der halle abholen musst und die versandkosten zurückbekommst. :roftl: dh die in USA haben ihre immerhin 2 tage vor dem gig bekommen... :fisch: naja, sandbag sind etwas unorganisiert, man braucht viel geduld, aber bekommen tut man seine tickets auf jeden fall. :thumb_yello:




    nö. :bleh: aber bei der mika tour sehen wir uns trotzdem ganz sicher, wenn du auf irgendeins der deutschen konzerte gehst. :naughty:


    Ok... Danke mellody. Mein dad fragt schon die ganze Zeit:naughty:

  8. Okay okay, the opinions have changed.


    My mom: is beginning to not like him, I think.

    My dad: constantly goes on and on about my obsession. Doesn't like him.

    My brother: thinks he sounds like a cat being dragged across a grater.

    My nan: is homophobic.

    My dog: barks whenever he hears him. :blink:

    My (self-proclaimed) distant sister: likes him, but when we're around people tends to side with them.


    Oh I guess my granddad would have some "nice" comments as well if he knew Mika:aah::sneaky2:


    Funny dog:teehee:

  9. Oh, I forgot.


    You know you're a Mika fan when you set your alarm to play Manic Monday when you wake up.


    (I love it. I have my iPod through speakers and I walk around the house dancing to it. :thumb_yello:)


    Cool! Maybe I should do that as well:roftl:


    YKYAMF when you write Mika quotes on every paper you get:blush-anim-cl:

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