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Posts posted by MissPie

  1. Wow, that is cool! I wish that would happen to me (I mean, the video)


    Yeah, who doesn't?:naughty: It has a certain magic to it I think because it's SO down to earth.

    YKYAMFW your friends are wanting you to go for your drivers licence but you refuse because Mika hasn't gotten his yet :naughty:


    Hehe:teehee: That sounds like something I'd do

  2. This is not a caption *i'm on strike* this is a manifesto!




    Ya know what's new?




    Now i stopped twitting just to tease them, they're saying John is the one tweeting for me...




    As if...








    Da man can spell, FFS!






    Do you guys think its possible for your brain to hurt after too much thinking?



    :lol3: Hi Kathy! I'm Vanessa :bye: Nice to meet you! How are you doing?

    Hi Vanessa!:bye: Nice to meet you too! I'm good:original: And you?


    The brain itself can't really hurt I think but it might well be that it's a psychological effect:blink:(I think:blink:) What I know is that I get a headache from thinking and sitting inside for too long. Probably a bit too few oxygen then.


    I am sorry if this offends anyone, really, I am. I don't care if you're religious. Religious people I have no problems with. It's the actual religion, the whole concept of it, that gets me going :naughty:

    If someone believes without question everything the Bible tells them, I die a little inside. In the grand scheme of things, really, it's just a book. Just a collection of words written down by a collection of people, who may or may not have been heavily biased. It's been translated hundreds of times, and only until relatively recently, it was edited and translated solely by men who, due to their language skills, were put in positions of high power.

    What I'm saying is, the Bible is over 2000 years old. In that period of time, it's guaranteed that things have been lost in translation, probably important things, particularly with a volume that is so influential and controversial. What you're reading has not retained 100% of its original integrity.

    And yet, people take it completely as it comes. Where the grain of salt should be, there's only sugar.


    Consider this quote:

    "Unthinking faith is a curious offering to be made to the creator of the human mind."

    If there is a God, would he want us to accept everything we're told just because it was Written Down? I don't think so. I think that religion as it stands today is, like Kathy says, an easy way out of having to explain the world.

    I'm (being) raised as a Catholic, but my parents have always had their doubts about certain rituals/formulations in prayers/stuff. The initial concept of religion, that there's a God that protects people and all that sounds kinda good to me, even though I'm really not that religious.

    What makes it strange are all these rituals and the veneration of saints, like "pray to that one and you'll find your things" or novenas (!). I mean, why do people do that? That basically makes God a machine to fulfil your wishes. And in fact, you'll only be disappointed because it cannot work. Of course it's sensible to have certain rituals in order to be able to practice your religion together. But sometimes people should stop to think if something really is ok like that. What really gets on my nerves is saying that we humans have so many sins and that we need Mary and all the saints to pray for us...:aah:

    Oh yeah, and Mary being a virgin is somewhat weird:loco: Initially, it must have been put in the Bible text to show that she and Jesus are special, but it's become a cult.

    And so I've reached the Bible: I tend to see it as some kind of big story book. A story book that can certainly teach us something because it contains hundreds and thousands of years of human experiences, but that we shouldn't take word for word.


    EDIT: btw I love what you said about "nothing". I find the deleted files a very good example.:thumb_yello:

  4. But what is 'emptiness'? How do you define it?

    That's cool about the good and bad nothings! I never thought of that. Good nothings do seem like they would be white. What about bad nothings?





    My answer would relate to 'MissPie's answer. I think of nothing-ness as black. For some reason when I think of nothingness, I think of floating in space. But that is not accurate at all, because there's still sooo much in space. But there are random periods in space where there is not anything for light years and light years. So I guess I picture myself in the random periods of no stars, even though you can still see the farther away objects.


    I know! So paradoxical, its crazy.


    I don't think that nothing exists though. I think there always has to be something.


    I'm Kathy :naughty:

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