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Posts posted by MissPie

  1. To everyone/anyone:


    What do you think of when you picture 'nothing'? Do you just picture darkness? I was thinking about this, and realized we never really experience 'nothing'. There's always something. Do you think 'nothing' even exists? How would you define 'nothing'?


    Oh god, that's hard:boxed:

    When I try to imagine really nothing, it's usually dark/black. But I actually doubt if there really is a nothing. If it's nothing, how can it exist?

    That's paradoxical

  2. This is really a very interesting thread. I'll start off with one of the first things, describing myself.

    I'm rather shy & don't have many friends at school, so in really bad times I've sometimes wondered if I should actually keep trying or not, and how honest relationships actually are. I've often felt like I fall the others on their nerves. That's why I never know if I should keep talking to them as I don't have anybody anyway, or just give it up. However, I'm starting to grow confidence lately, and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with MFC because I feel accepted here:blush-anim-cl:

    I'm pretty scared of bad diseases, and quoting Queen "I don't wanna die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all...". Maybe not with the never born thing, but the idea of the process of dying kinda freaks me out. Soul leaving the body or however you see it, and that kind of stuff. And I got thinking about before/after life. It's pretty strange to think that there's no own conciousness (something:teehee:). Or is there? I mean something like heaven. Maybe we will be watching the other people? And before being born, we have the expression of "Abraham's Wurstkessel" around here (Wurstkessel being something like a sausage cauldron... I'm probably not making sense here:huh:). It's really weird to imagine somehow.

    And also, I've had experiences where I thought about why I'm not someone else and I got a really strange, floating detached-from-my-body feeling. THAT'S weird:blink:

    All these things are so interesting to think about, and people could rant about them forever and yet never fully understand them. It's a bit of a comforting thought though. I mean, imagine we COULD theoretically understand them - it would be horrible for people who still weren't able to. Probably that's the reason why there are religions - to find explanations that maybe aren't perfect, but seem to make sense, so people don't need to worry about that all the time.


    I am convinced that we are born “good”!:wub2:


    I agree. Experiences in life are what makes people act "bad". We notice that when you do certain things, you get an advantage out of it, or, the other way round, when you do what we consider "good", it happens from time to time that others use you or something along these lines. Why do we lie? Because we're uncomfortable with the truth. So it's an advantage for us not to tell it.

  3. I love spring! New things and rabbits and all those cute stuff indeed:biggrin2:

    And the weather is usually nice, and my Birthday is in spring.

    Everything just seems so great in spring!

    Summer is just too hot for me, and autumn and winter are just too cold, even though I love Christmas and stuff. I just don't love cycling to school over icey roads that much:naughty:And I always get colds and I hate that.



  4. I didn't know this one. It's hilarious kaputtlachen.gif


    Love your sig!

    EDIT: I tried to find where it's from, but no idea:dunno: I read it somewhere in here actually.


    :roftl: hilarious

    wouldnt want to be his son though :mf_rosetinted:


    I imagine it's not so funny at school for a boy to be called Alice:aah:

  5. Is it considered a lot if that's ALL I ever did at school? :naughty:

    all you EVER did? As in, no other projects?:teehee:

    I make all the sentences I say in French class relate to Mika somehow

    My favorite sentence has to be:

    "Dans ma chambre, il y a becaoup de posters de Mika sur la mur."

    (which means: In my bedroom, there are lots of posters of Mika on the wall" :aah:

    Hehe, I did that for practising once:roftl:

    "Name something you really really really really like."


    "I like shopping, but i LOVE MIKA."




    I'm doing an album review of TBWKTM for our pupil's magazine.


  6. Hey there and thank you! :)


    It's rather weird, but it has happened to me more than once that I met people in internet places because of one shared interested and then discovered that we had tons of things in common. Great, that. :)



    I met some awesome people here:thumb_yello:

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