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Status Updates posted by Elaire14

  1. Hey, thank you sooooooo much for remembering my birthday! It is so nice of you and I love you! :D Merry christmas! You just put the biggest smile on my face :)

  2. Hi (et coucou - vu que c'est plus simple de parler en francais) ;)


    Merci beaucoup pour les liens que tu as poste et super si tu peux passer info sur Mika France car je n'ai pas de compte la-bas! Ca serait vraiment génial si t'arrives a trouver des photos ou des vidéos! Merci d'avance de tout ton aide! :D

  3. Cc! Je suis de Strasbourg et j'ai pas le trac, je suis plutot super excitee a l'idee de repeter et chanter avec notre Mika! Ca va etre genial! :) non les autres je ne les connais pas encore!

  4. Yes, of course! I'm sure we will meet :)

  5. Oh come on, Lucia, it's me the one that is honoured because I can call myself a friend of such an Artist as you! I'm really proud I met you, you are an amazing person really. And generally there is something above talent, the true meaning of the work, as you said yourself! In your drawings it can be seen! Your drawings got a soul of their own! I'd love to meet you and I'm sure we can organize that :huglove:

  6. Yes, I've seen them, they're so good! You're getting better with every single one! I love number 22, it's one of my favourites! Girl, through your drawings your bring the best out of Mika, you make him so special, so beautiful! You really are an Artist! Me too, I hope we meet one day, I'm sure we will! You are also one of the nicest, kindest and most talented people I've met him! Such a colorful imagination :huglove:

  7. Yeah, I'd love to be in your country to meet you, really. Oh well maybe next time! :) I'm sorry you're sick I hope you'll be better soon ! And I CANNOT wait to see the new drawings!

  8. Hi ! Everything's great for me, I'm on vacation for 3 more weeks, now I'm in Poland, spending time with my grandparents! What about you? You must be in heaven ever since your dream came true and you met THE Golden Boy.... ^-^

  9. Hey,

    I just wanted to let you know I send you a PM about a mistake I saw in the yearbook. It'd be great if it could be corrected for the version Mika will get.

    Thank you very much in advance :huglove:

  10. Hey!!!! Thank You so much! It's so nice to get New Year wishes from you! You too, have a joyfull year full of Love and Happiness, and Mika, of course :)))) May all your dreams come true! 2011 is the year of endless possibilities, let's make it count! :)))) Happy New Year!

  11. Thanks for sweet b-day wishes! Keep golden too :naughty::huglove:

  12. Thank You for lovely b-day wishes! :huglove:

  13. Merci beaucoup, my dear :huglove: Such a lovely b-day e-card you posted!

  14. Thank you, sweetie! :)

  15. Yeah, me too, I'm so relived! How are you doing? How's your week so far?

  16. Hey!!!! I'm very good, how about you, sis? Yes, I've heard Paloma's getting better and recovering pretty quickly which is a v good sign! Mika was performing a show last Saturday and he looks pretty ok! :)

  17. Wow! It's so great you live in Paris!! I'd love to live there! ** So, are you French or a different nationality? You play harp, OMG, it's so beautiful and romantic! I'd love to know how to play it! For how long you've been playing it and the piano? :) One of my closest friends has horses too, it's her greatest passion! Personnally, I only have a dog, a marvelous yorkshire terrier called Sawyer. It's a very good idea to name your horses after your fav Mika's songs! Next time I have a pet I think I'll do that too! ;D When I had my dog, the Mika era hasn't started yet.... I named my pet after James "Sawyer" Ford, from Lost, the TV series, he was my very fav character. ^^ It's nice to meet you! Tell me something about your passion for Mika's universe.... How long have you been his fan? What do you like the most about his music? Himself? :D

  18. Well, I'm in high school, I live in northern-eastern France but I'm polish, I love writing, drawing, playing piano and acting - I talerz theater classes. How about you?

  19. Hey! :huglove: I'm fine, you? :)

  20. Ok, thanks sweetie! And a Golden night for you, too :)

  21. Hey! Sorry to bother you, but ai love the quotes in tour signature and I just wanted to know who said that! Is that Mika? Someone else? Have a nice evening! :huglove:

  22. Accepted the request on Facebook. Yes, I went to the USA but it was not thanks to my school, it was an independent theater class, and I'm so glad I did it, cause all the people I've met there were amazing and we still remain friends! :D

  23. Yes, I have facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Elaire14 - just add me as a friend and I'll accept you. Sadly I haven't any video tape, but some of my friends did take pictures and I should have them within the next few days, so I'll put them up as soon as I get them :) But there are some pics back from 2009 when I went with a theater group to Hollywood for some workshops so if you want to take a look, feel free.... :)

  24. What an amazing name! Lir! Oh my godness! It's so special, as words are the most powerful thing ever, and lyrics=words! You can kill people but you will never be able to kill the words they have said! Words last forever! Absolutely love your name, and it makes me like you even more! You're special! :fangurl: My week was pretty, good, this Monday I had a theater play for the 10th anniversary of the Polish section in my high school, and I also played piano there and it went really well, so I'm quite proud of myself! I also scored very high on an important Maths test, so it's great! :D How was your week, hun?

  25. Yeah, no doubt I'll let you know if I know anything new about Paloma's condition. My name is Monika, what is yours? :)

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