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Everything posted by Iriss_A

  1. yea...its like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the jelly. lol

  2. it would be great to still have the original Queen around. I guess music would have been different in a way.

  3. too bad his life ended so soon

  4. Freddy Mercury's voice is genius-ness.

  5. that song is hard to sing along to...i always get the lyrics confused.

  6. thats alright. what was for dinner? :D

  7. :biggrin2:lol:biggrin2:

  8. thats always good, confidence is golden.

  9. i was always shy, i still am...but when it came to making friends i wasnt too good at it.

  10. it balances out. :D

  11. but i did get to meet some good friends, so school wasnt too bad.

  12. yea, of course boys want to be cool but only among the boys...in front of the girls they want to seem hot or cute.

  13. nor would i, but i'd feel better knowing it was in front of a guy, because they do stupid things all the time..and girls well they try to be as suave and cool as possible.

  14. there were some among the other girls, but its just that some people didnt realize that girls are meaner than boys. I rather be embarrassed in front of a boy rather than in front of a girl.

  15. i didnt choose the school, my mom wanted me to go there....it was hell. But i made it through those 4 rough years.

  16. i almost didnt graduate, i wasnt too proud of myself, so i worked hard because i wanted to leave that school!!! it was an all girl catholic high school...a nightmare!!!

  17. Out of all the classes i've had, i managed to almost fail the most important. I was always spacing out, my head was in the clouds.

  18. im really bad at math, i managed to almost fail that class every year and also science.

  19. because i almost failed all my math related classes....what time is it over there now?

  20. yes! i think the west is two hrs behind and the east is two hrs ahead...or something like that.

  21. i guess so, wow you're like a whole day ahead of me!

  22. what also comforts me is Chicken Pad Thai Vanilla Latte from Starbucks
  23. i just figured out the time difference....its 7 hrs right?

  24. What comforts me most is Music, without i'd surely die...i almost go crazy if the battery on my ipod is on half....i have to listen to Music!! it makes me feel safe.
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