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Everything posted by DoodleMaster

  1. sooo... any good revision techniques??

    We have to do a presentation in about three minutePr

  2. anything!!

    haha i know stupid school computer they're really weird%2Pr

  3. it means how to revise..Pr

  4. do you know any good revision techniques?? I need it for a thing we're doing%2Pr

  5. :groovy:

    Bored. in careers class! Hows you?%2Pr

  6. Hello! :boing:

    Long time no see!%2Pr

  7. stupid mistake n°172... :aah:



  8. The part when he goes on about being on tour...

    'you're only ever good as your worst show...'

    Someone's being a bit pesimistic!

    Now hes boasting about a book or something ...

    Nearly there!

  9. NO DONT TELL ME!!!!! :teehee:

  10. HAHAHA i just got that :teehee::ap_rosetinted:


    NOW THIS is why i fell in love with mika!!!!

    Don't tell me what the second one is yet!

  11. it's fuunny!

    everyone's talking, you can hear cherisse and the interviewer being all proffessional and mika's just chortling onto the mike!¨

    I love it!

  12. hello! Im back!

    I'm listening to the second radio 2!

  13. ooh ok bye!

    Im going to :trumpet: soon so see you tonight! :das:

  14. *cough*


    :sad: I know!! Im posting the pics right now!

  15. Oh that would make sense I spent most of last evening staring at the new mika pics! HAHAHA MIKA DREAMS HERE I COME!!! And kathy, i know! Stop invading my dreams! You got his autograph instead of me! haha jk!
  16. :boing:


    Haha thats so cool!!!

    I didnt sign up for that, no tiime :sad:

    :lmfao: SUREE you are! :das: They are currently cooling down cause they kept breaking when we took them out of the pots :teehee:

    They have rainbow sprinkles all over them!!

    And I made them all on my owney! :original:

  17. YAY HAPPYYY!!!!!


    Haahaa maybe youz can have recipe if youz be good!

    Me will upload pics though!!

  18. :teehee:

    I'm good, how are you?

    I'm making the most amazing cupcakes right now!!

  19. ... http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chicken+mfc There. Or was it a joke? I'm always falling into these traps!
  20. I finally had a Mika dream again!! We were in Cambodia, where I went for the holidays, and we went to a restaurant. When we got there I sat down at this table with my parents and kathy from the MFC (MissPie) and we realised that someone relatively famous was sitting next to us! So we figured there must be something pretty big going on. I then saw Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie sit down at another table, so we were like and Kathy said 'OMG what if Mika comes here you'll go crazy!' And then music started and I saw the singer and it was iMMa, and Kathy went crazy and she was begging me to get her an autograph. but suddenly all the walls dissapeared and in the middle of the roon there was a swimming pool full of glitter and Mika was swimming in i! Then Rain started and we realised it was just a new performance of Rain. I got so excited I squealed and I hit the tble really hard, causing half of it to collapseand a peice to roll to the other side of the room! So I got up to go get it,k but that was just the part when mika got to our table and was singing about giving us an autograph, and since i wasn't there, he gave it to kathy, but in the end it was just the restaurant bill. he was still singing when I sat down and I was starng at him like and he turned and winked at me!!!! and there WAS more but i can't remember it! What a strange dream
  21. YKYAMFW your mika hating friends grab your homework diary to check the homework for tommorow, glance at it once, and pass it back with a disgusted look on their face YKYAMFW ALL the computers in your school have 'mikafanclub.com' listed as the most visited website for the letter 'm'... and you're the only mika fan in it!
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