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Everything posted by DoodleMaster

  1. :blush-anim-cl: Oops sorry already did!
  2. YKYAMFW you spend hours perfecting your daydreams until they are so incredibly cheesy and wonderful that you play them again and again in your mind *coughmisspiecough*!
  3. Lol yeah :aah:

    my ipod has actually put three mika song in a row on shuffle. That's a miracle! :)

  4. :teehee:

    I love daydreaming! When I have a really good one, i usually revisit it and extend and modify it until it's like PERFECT !


    I guess our conversation would make a good YKYAMFW :roftl:

  5. Awww how sweet! *wipes tear from eye*

    15/10 on the cheesy scale- just how i like it!!

  6. Awesome :aah:

    My most elaborate daydream is actually, surprisingly even cheesier, but I won't post it cause it's really TOO embarrassing!

    If Mika walked past me, i would probably faint or scream

    or do something awkwardly over the top like that!!

  7. I just read that conversation! *disturbingly hilarious mental image*
  8. Yes, tell me, tell me, tell me!

    Lol, daydreams usually work best for me too :teehee:

  9. Sorry for taking so long with that. I typed it out and posted it before, but it was over the word limit so i had to do it again -_-'


    what radio station do you listen to? I want to see if i acn get it here :aah:

  10. It was actually kinda weird. It was after a gig and i was in a queue next To mika and i realy wanted to talk to him, so once we got to the front of the queue we leaned onto this piano and i said 'wow, that was AMAZING!' and he gave me the thumbs up :aah:

    then i kept on talking about how great it was and hr suddenly shouted 'high five!' so i stretched my hand up, but he tutted and said 'thats not how u do it!' and he grabbed my hand and made it into a thumb, and smushed our thumbs together. Then we both giggled and smiled at each other :bleh:


    then the room turned into a corridor and i wanted to tell my friend who was walking next to me how happy i was but i couldnt cause mika was standing in front of us, so i pretended to faint, and mika saw me as i got up and looked at me weirdly, and i smiled and giggled and he did too...


    he was wearing the blue ripped shirt from bestival!

  11. Awww. Oh well. I guess I'll see it another day!

    True, true, he IS awesome, I guess that explains it. And my oh my does he look fiiine in that interview! :drool:

    Yeah, I hate it that radios don't broadcast him more. The one I listen to only ever does WAG and even then it's only about twice a month...


    I'm good! I can see you're just a TINY bit hyper! :aah:

    Hopefully I will be too soon!

    Omg guess what?! I actually had a mika dream last night after our chat!

  12. yay! I really want to see that!


    I know this us a bit random, but you know in that 'Through the looking glass' interview Mika did, is it just me or is it not him singing? Cause it sounds EXACTLY like the album for most tracks. But then again I know Mika would never do something like that. Im confuzzled :(


    Anyway how are you?

  13. Howdy!

    Sure why not? I like funny talks :)

  14. Ok so should I bye!!

    Have a good night! Sweet mika dreams *aah*

    ily xx

  15. Heehee I'm a trend setter :bleh:

    I don't know HOW my school knows about my obsession. Maybe the huge bright green poster with an a4 page of his biography FROM MEMORY includind pictures thats on the classroom wall kinda gave it away? :aah:

    Maan, I want to see your drawing now. Sigh. I wish it was in our bathroom. Would make me smile :)

  16. Omm DID YOU!?

    I've been dying to Write either that or 'HE is not what you think he is...'

    But that would be pretty much signing my own expulsion form :aah:

    ESPECIALLY considering that I'm the only Mika fan in the school (apart from his second cousin, but she's too small, no one will suspect her)

    What did you draw?

    (&& yes, I noted your NIICE mika quoting skills :bleh: I love that quote of his!)

  17. I like to decorate EVERYTHING!

    I'm a freak for that. A very proud freak :bleh:

    I got into trouble with my english teacher for that. She happens to be my form teacher as well and she saw I had drawn this multicoloured alien head thing on my desk and that is like an UNFORGIVABLE SIN in my school, and all i said to her was:

    'well there was a smiley in there and I thought it was lonely and it deserved a proper face'

    She didn't appreciate it :aah:


    Listen to let it snow a couple thousand times, it definitely put you in the moooooodd!!

  18. :roftl::lmfao:

    The MFC has some... Interesting smileys :aah:

    I want to listen to Let it snow again but stupid youtube on iPods never works :sneaky2:


    Advent starts tomorrow! I'm officially 'in the mood' for christmas. All thanks to Mika of course :bleh: i made it final by taking the old star stickers on my ipod off and now i have a santa and a pine cone thing :)

  19. Hehe: By the Time- the disturbingly haunting wake up lullaby that we all love :aah:

    hmm thats a pretty good idea actually, i may do that. I only know a few, the easy ones to memorise (you can tell cause they're the only ones i use :teehee:)

    But i DO end up using the ones I know on Msn or while passing notes :aah:


    oooh, whats you're plaquette thingy like??

  20. By the time makes me sleepy actually. Am i the only one?

    I was freaking out to Rain in the middle of the classroom this morning :teehee:

    Seriously though, listening to Mika is the equivalent to being drunk. So many vivid emotions, and you kind of lose controooll!

    Now thats one AWESOME smiley!

  21. That's a good reason for feeling happy :)

    Meh, I havent had enough sleep in like, 3 months, so i doubt one more night will matter :aah:

    Besides, I'm all buzzed up with happy/mika/christmas energy so I'd probably end up rolling on my bed or singing or something :teehee: You've infected ME!

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