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Everything posted by Grynposen

  1. Haha xD Nothing really.. Just chatting xD Do you have MSN?

  2. 3, 5 og 7 tror jeg O.o Haha xD

  3. Haha xD Yeah... :P What are you doing right now? O.o

  4. Haha xD Ej hvor hyggeligt! det minder mig om dengang Jeg var Babysitter for min lærers børn! ...

  5. Blame it on the gIIiiiIIiiiIrrlss blame it on the BOOoooOOooys
  6. Seejt! Kan du ikke skrive et eller andet i den her ting : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22516&page=6 Jeg Har skrevet i den hele dagen men nu er den gået i stå! Argh! -.-'

  7. Yeah xD But we made a cute little drawing to it! the worm was 2 times bigger than the chicken! Haha xD

  8. Uhm.... Skal du så aldrig gå til det mere eller starter du igen efter sommerferien ?

  9. Haha ! xD Cuwte! :P I found an 2 years old essay me and my friend wrote... It was about a chicken and a worm.. The chicken was really hugry so she ate the worm... Wouw ! -.-' Hah !

  10. Haha xD What's the story about?

  11. Haha xD What do you write? :P

  12. Haha xD! Ahh... Don't you draw, Write stories, skate or something? xD

  13. Hej igen! Hvordan går det?

  14. Haha xD MFC, Guitar and piano :) And Hanging out with my friends xD

  15. Haha ! OKay :P Soo... What do you like to do? xD

  16. Ahh! Lucky! I'm From Denmark -.-'

  17. Haha xD Where are you from?

  18. That's a lovely name! I'm Nanna -.-' xD

  19. Tehe xD What's your name? :P

  20. Haha ! xD Love your avatar! :P

  21. Hey ! :P How are you?

  22. I'm so happy 'cause today i found my friends.. They're in my head
  23. Good :) What's your name? :P

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