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Cecilia Barrios

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Status Updates posted by Cecilia Barrios

  1. true :wink2:. He has made me see things differently, he is the best :fangurl:

  2. Thanks, it's true what you said is really :original:

    You are very friendly :)

  3. aclaro por las dudas soy ceci_big_girl de mikasounds :)

  4. hola jajaja nos encontarmos de nuevo :wink2:. me caistes muy bien.. MikaFC es muy grande y conosco a pocas personas..pero es muy divertido, cualquier cosa a las ordenes. Saludos que pases lindo :thumb_yello:

  5. hello, how are you?

    I'm a big girl and I dress like big girl :teehee:


    that's one of my favorite songs when listening to mika sing that song I fell in love even more Mika:mf_lustslow:



  6. Thanks, I also take my time to select the photos to choose the right music and the inspiration flowing :wink2:

    I study graphic design,

    I like making videos, editing photos, I take it as a hobby, but I hope my future work :biggrin2:

  7. No problem,:biggrin2: the good thing about the confusion I found is a member of MFC :wink2:

    I have done some video (like a beginner :aah:) with pictures of mika.

  8. I saw their videos and are very good, would be great if they had any song from Mika :)

  9. hello, how are you? you has written in my canl of toytube. =)

    but I'm not the person you are looking for =(

    but I see that you found, I also know of Cecilia she is from my same country =)

  10. hi, thanks if we expect eager to arrive on Saturday to watch the game :)

  11. hello! how are you? :)

  12. hi! Ceci, estuve leyendo...y esta buena la idea de madar informes sobre el foro a diarios y revistas.:thumb_yello:


    yo estuve mandando mail a las radios y es dificila a veces para que los leean la aire :winksmiley02: pero bue... uno nunca deve perder las esperanzas:)


    a.. una cosa en Montevideo Shopping

    creo que es Todo música, podemos hablar hai para ver si ellos nos ayudan apromocionar el grupo, digo esto porque me acuerdo que hace un par de años atras se juntaban unos club de fan hai.


    nos vemos saluditos... :bye:

  13. Hello, how are you? :biggrin2:

    My name is Cecilia I am from Montevideo Uruguay.

    I like me his avater :thumb_yello:

    That has a pretty day, kisses :lg::bye:

  14. jajaja la mis tambien.. por un tema de idioma entro muy poco a MCF..pero ultimamente entro tosos los días :).. besos que pases lindo

  15. devo ir a dormis XD, un gusto espero verte pronto... :) beso

  16. jajaja me parecio verte hoy..estas conectada ahora? yo recien estaba en facebook... estaba copada mirando videos de mika en el show que de ayer

  17. jajaja :biggrin2: me parecio verte hoy..estas conectada ahora? yo recien estaba en facebook... estava copada mirando videos de mika en el show que di ayer

  18. hola! como estas.. me parce que te tengo como amiga en facebook :)

  19. Hello, how are you?

    Thank you for choosing myself as his friend :biggrin2:

  20. Hello,how are you?

    My name is Cecilia, soy de Montevideo, Uruguay, I have few friends in the forum :)

  21. hello, Forgive that it delays in answering. :biggrin2:


    It was commenting on it to him because encontre a blog with the same nikname :aah:.


    It is a taste to know mikeras, Kisses

  22. Happy birthday, which happens well in his day

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