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Status Updates posted by spoony33

  1. Really, Its a really good picture and he looks so cute in it!

  2. Aw, thanks! It was weird the way my family just started speaking in French as soon as we got there! Nobody thought about it, it was almost automatic! Yeah its quite warm here, about 22°C but a little breezy! Its good that way though! I was straight back to school today, 8am till 5pm! What a long day! But it was good to see all my friends! How was your weekend?

  3. Hey! I'm back home now! Home sweet home! Its so good to get everything back to normal now!

  4. Hey! Thanks for accepting! Hows you? xx

  5. Hey! Tanks for accepting! I love your Signature! xx

  6. No i dont but i'll make one up tomorrow! And i'll speak to you on MFC tomorrow!

  7. Yeah, you're right! Thanks for putting it in that way! I had never thought about it like that! So Wuu2??

    I'm drinking hot chocolate! Yum.... xx

  8. Yeah same, i have different themes for my walls too! Thats why i am sad to take all my things down off my wall. Because they have grown on me and each mean a part of my life!

    But i could see this as an opportunity to create new walls! :) xx

  9. Yeah, thats one thing to look forward to! I going to have a little corner dedicated to Mika!!!

    :-P xx

  10. I'm meant to be packing my stuff away but can't be bothered! Lol. I'm just listening to some music! :)

    It makes me feel sad, cramming the contents of my room in boxes! :( xx

  11. I think everyone on this site is mega obsessed! :)

    Yeah its a really nice place and the place i live is quite relaxing, so its all good.

    Yeah, she is on the mend now, Thanks! :-)

    I'm good thanks!

    Wuu2?? xx

  12. Yeah, he got evacuated there during the gulf war in Lebanon! :) Little obsessed! Lol

    I was born in Scotland but we moved to Paris when i was three because of my dads work! And we had to come back up to Scotland a year ago because my mum was ill!

    How's you? :D

  13. I'm moving back to Paris on Monday! xx

  14. Yeah, he is a legend! I should really be packing my stuff away because i'm moving! But needs effort! Lol xx

  15. I'm just listening to music and being lazy! You? xx

  16. Hey! Thanks for accepting! I'm good thanks, you? xx

  17. Okay thanks! And yeah, will do! I'll probably talk to you before that!

  18. Yeah, I think thats what we are doing!

  19. I had to do a load of cleaning today, just to help out with things for my family! And I had to cram the entire contents of my room into boxes! :(

    Ooh have fun tomorrow!

  20. Yeah, will do! So what have you been up to today?

  21. Yeah, its going to be great getting back there. To see all my friends and to get everything back to normal! Thats one thing I have missed, is the sun! I didnt notice how much it rained in Scotland!

  22. Hey! How is the revising for your exams going? :)

  23. Ah, thats a bit unlucky! I hope it will be nice for the holiday weekend for you! I'm good, thanks! Just found out that we are moving sooner than i though! My dad has to get back for his work. So we are flighting back on Monday! Agh!

  24. Hey! How is your kids exams going? :)

  25. Hey! Hows you? It was SO warm today! I thought i was going to melt!

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