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Status Updates posted by spoony33

  1. Aw, thanks! I always get a tonsillitis about this time of year and sometimes at Christmas! Yeah, thats one good thing! I went to school and they wouldn't let me go home because nobody could pick me up! But i'm 16 now, i would have thought that was old enough! I was just writing on white broads in class all day! My English teacher tried to say i cheated in my exam because i got good marks! And she knew that English was my first language! It would be bad if i didn't do well in it!

  2. I would love to learn Chinese but i looks SO complicated! Lol. Is it all three sciences in one class? because i took them separately! What RS, is it religion, yeah? Thats pretty annoying! Could you take them at a different time? Its English as my second language and French is was you call English! Its weird but sort of makes sense! But English is SO easy for me because it was my first language. Just imagine you doing it in school! I got my horses, one when i was 5 and another when i was 16. It was meant to make me more responsible but it hasn't lol :)

  3. Hello! How are you! I've got a sore throat and i've lost my voice!

  4. Yeah, that would be an amazing job! I'm not really sure what i want to do. I would like to be a vet but i couldn't put animals down! Way too sad! Its the same with me, it depends what mood i'm in! I took art and i'n studying it in high school, it good fun! I also took physics, chemistry, biology and French and English as a second language. Even though English was my first language and French my second! Wow, you do Chinese? Thats so cool! All my family have been vegies all there life, so its normal to us! I have two horses and two cats! What subjects are you taking for your GCSEs?

  5. Hey! I'm laura, 16 and from Paris but I've lived all over the place! I love Mika too and animals! I am really into my music and art. I've been brought up as vegetarian, so i dont know anything else! Same, school is SO boring! In France the school hours is 8am till 5pm, Way too long! Same, i would love a job like that but i'll settle for a weird Mika stalker! I'm pretty weird too! Haha! Where do you live? Have you got a favorite Mika song? :)

  6. Hey! Thanks for accepting! I love your Avatar and signature pictures, they are so cute! So How about a bit about yourself?

  7. There is still a slight chance that i can have kids and very true, the wonders of science now! Yeah i completely understand what you say and i don't think you should foster kids if you feel any other way!

  8. Yeah, its because i was born premature and my ovaries weren't formed properly. They had cysts on them and i had to get them removed when i was little, incase they got infected. But i'm okay with that now!

  9. Thats so lovely, the way you said that and Its such an amazing thing to do. Also its so inspiring because doctors think i wont be able to have kids when i'm older.

  10. I'm sure it will be an amazing time! Mika delivers nothing less! Aw, they sound so sweet! And i love the way that you foster kids! What inspired you to foster?

  11. Are you excited for Eden? That sounds fun. How many kids have you got? Whats their names?

  12. Yeah, thats very true! Its good that they are in their 20's, they are more mature that way! Have you been up to much today?

  13. Yeah, i did. I wasn't even out for that long but it was really hot. I have fair skin, so i was kind if stupid not remembering sunscreen!

  14. Yeah, It was about a 4 hour drive. But it was worth it because we haven't seen some of our family friends in a while. Yeah it is hard going but i'm managing. Yeah, i have two older brothers and they have supported me all the way through this!

  15. Hello! How are you? I got sunburned yesterday, Its so painful!

  16. Have you seen him live? You got any autographs?

  17. Hey! Sorry for the late reply, i was down visiting some friends in Lyon. Since i had a local holiday today! My mum is doing well, she still cant walk but she is getting physiotherapy to improve it. But the strokes have really changed her. Sometimes she doesn't even seem like my mum!

  18. Yeah he is a great dad with good taste in music! Yeah, i'm still at school at the moment! Yeah i've been to see him about 5 times and got two albums and a poster signed too! :)

  19. Wow! I love Portugal and would love to visit some time! Yeah, pairs! Its a lovely place and I've heard of Mylène Farmer, my dad really likes her and has seen her! Yeah you're right, his music is absolutely amazing! And the lyrics mean so much more than what is first thought!

  20. How about a bit about yourself? :)

  21. Hey! Thanks for accepting! I'm laura, 16 and from Paris! I'm obsessed with Mika (obviously) and art and music in general! :D

  22. Ooh, sounds good! Have you been up to much today? I was at school today, didn't do much else!

  23. Hey! Thanks for the friend request! How about a bit about yourself? :D

  24. Thanks! I managed to finish it, took me about 3 hours! I hope not too! Its been pretty cold and windy here again! I hope you enjoy yourself in France! Have you been before?

  25. Cool! I hate doing grocery shopping too, Its so boring! I have to write an essay for French about aspiration and i have no idea what to write about! Its absolutely freezing here today and its pouring of rain!

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