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Status Updates posted by spoony33

  1. Hello! How are you? how's your day been?

  2. Well, obviously, the Mona Lisa but i really liked the The Louvre Pyramid too! It was amazing! You should, its such an incredible experience!

  3. My day was really interesting, i loved the museum so much! But now i have to write an essay on my trip today! I was quite cold here today but it was nicer in the evening!

  4. Hello! Hows you?

  5. I'm good, Thanks! What you up to? xx

  6. Ooh, I would love to be able to teach art! I'm so jealous of him!

  7. Really, Does he like art?

  8. Hey! How's you?

  9. Thats me just finished doing my homework! I was doing it for about an hour and a half! Its so tiring! But i have a school trip to the louvre museum for art tomorrow, so that should be fun and interesting!

  10. Thanks! I'm so grateful for being able to do all this traveling! Yeah, they will probably flash by!

  11. Aw, thats so sweet!

    Yeah, its a really long holiday, maybe too long but gives me time to relax!

    Yeah, i think we are going to New Zealand for two weeks because we have some family there. Also my dad has organised a girly week with my friends to New York for my birthday!

  12. Oh really, sounds fun! Who was getting christened?

    School is going okay, just getting a lot of homework recently. I get off on holiday on the 2nd of July, so its in about 2 weeks. And i'm not back till 2nd of September! Its a very long summer!

  13. Hey! how's you? How has your day been?

  14. Cool! I normally go to bed between 10 and 10.30 but i dont have school tomorrow because its a local holiday, so i'm staying up later! Its an hour ahead here and that took time getting use to! And I get a Wednesday off and have to go to school on Saturday instead! Which is annoying!

  15. Hey! How was the art exhibition?

  16. Its really warm here but its a little cloudy! Ooh an art exhibition, sounds good! Its really good being back but its just getting use to the routine again. School at 8am till 5pm, its so tiring! And we dont have dinner till 9pm. It feels a little strange now but i'm getting use to it!

  17. Hey! How are you! Its raining and foggy here and there is thunder and lightening!

    How has your day been!

  18. Oh, sorry if i'm disturbing you! Good luck with them. No i haven;t got any left! We cam talk when yours is all over with!

  19. Oh thats really cool! I'm doing art and design at the equivalent of a Higher of A levels in Paris right now! Its really good! Good luck with graduating and going to uni! xx

  20. That must be kind of annoying and it must make people look stupid!

    So, hows you? Are you at collage or uni studying? xx

  21. Thank you so much ! xx

  22. I've been there for a visit a couple of months ago and it is a really beautiful place! Really? That sounds weird that people don't know where it is. xx

  23. Yeah, i would love the link if you cold find it! I did try and look but couldn't find it! xx

  24. I'm good thanks! I love the pictures you have in your album! They are really good. So, How about a bit about yourself? xx

  25. Ah, Thats not so good! But at least you made a good time out of it!

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