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Status Updates posted by spoony33

  1. At the moment France! But i like Moldova and Serbia, they are fun! how about you!

  2. Oh, poor you! Yeah, same!

  3. Thats they best way to make Eurovision bearable!

  4. Hi how are you?

  5. Really! I never knew that! It was a good song! Yeah, you're right, you can never tell! You gave France and UK points though! So hows you? What have you been up to today!

  6. How has you exams been this week?

  7. It was so funny! Same, i didn't think he look anything like him! Except from the curly hair but that was the only thing that they had in common! Oh, thanks, i don't use it much! Who do you think will win?

  8. Um, for about a year now but I was born here and most of my family stay here! My parents just decided to move to France when my dad got offered a job there, i was about 3! Yeah, I am and yeah France's song was good! I liked Moldova's song! I thought the guy that joined Spain's on stage was really quite funny!

  9. My mum is now well enough to fly so i think we are going to be moving back in my summer holidays! We still have our house and everything there, we will just have to move over all our belongings!

  10. Well, at least you are still in with a chance! What job is it for? My exams went quite well, thanks. They went better than i thought they were going to and i think i might be in with a chance of passing! But thats the last of my exams!!!

  11. Thanks, you too

  12. Yeah but i'm going up a year into 5th year to do higher's! We get 6 weeks and 7 every 5 years and i find that long enough! But i have been off for study leave for about 2 months and i think i'm getting use to it too much!

  13. Hey! I just did my last exam, Physics! It went well though, I'm pretty happy with It. Back to school next Monday for a month then 6 weeks summer holidays!!! Hows you?

  14. I know how you feel! Not sure if i passed mine yet. I get told in august

  15. I know how you feel! Not sure if i passed mine yet. I get told in august

  16. Yeah i did a Still life in wax pastels! Yeah i have a few at home and more at school but i'll get some on my laptop and show you! What exams have you got! I have my last one tomorrow, which is physics!

  17. Thats a bit unlucky! I had a 5 hour art exam today! Very tiring!

  18. Yeah, i feel silly now when i think about it! I've just got one more then thats it!

  19. Yay! I'm good, thanks! I'm little tired because i had an exam today. You?

  20. Hey, Hows you?

  21. Aw, Whats wrong! I'm okay, little tired, i had an exam!

  22. Yay! I'm good, thanks! I'm little tired because i had an exam today. You?

  23. Did you get your tickets for the festival?

  24. Have you heard anything about your job interview?

  25. Hey, my exam went surprisingly well! I managed to answer all the questions, so thats a good sign!

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