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Status Updates posted by ilseh1983

  1. yes, but still

    i hate it when i'm working and i know other people aren't doing anything at all :aah:

    maybe i'm odd :roftl:

  2. oh :huh: you working while others having "fun"

    can you work well then, knowing that?

    i can't :teehee::roftl:

  3. i'm fine, have some problems with my voice though :aah:

    it gets hoarse sometimes :roftl:

    and how are you?

  4. hey :bye:


    heb een vraagje voor je, maar zou dat liever via msn vragen :teehee:

    is niks speciaals ofzo hoor, maar... ach je zal wel zien als we elkaar daar spreken :wink2:::teehee:


    dus als je vandaag of morgen ofzo, online bent, check mss je msn es :teehee:

  5. why did you leave so fast at msn?:huh: i wasn't there for a few minutes and when i came back, i saw you said hi and then said you were going again?

  6. yes, i am, but if dont find anything soon, that's ok, i just want this to end.

    if it takes too long i can go for an education offered by unemployement services here

  7. that was what i posted, but it was too long to put it in one piece here :aah:

  8. but i'm scared that he might be there and say no... cause he had plans with two of my colleagues to keep some things going, don't know what, but one of them (i know) has already left, and now i'm scared i'll have to stay. And i'm stuck,cause i can't quit myself, because i don't have anything else yet and if i quit myself i don''t get unemployement fee (or what's it called)

    And because i don't know enough of computer programs and stuff, like word, or excell or acces, i can't really find something soon, so in a way i'd be stuck... unless he does let me go and then when i don't find a job i can follow an education for those things....


    so bottom line... I wish it were tomorrow evening and that my contract ends, cause it's making me sick....


    edit: oh and i'm also scared that i'll let myself talk into things instead of standing up for myself

  9. Now tomorrow's monday and i'm scared as hell, that he won't end my contract. I want to get out of that, i'm actually hoping he won't be there, that way i just have to send anohter letter saying that he wasn't there and that i established (?) the end of the contract and that i want my pay.

  10. i'm sorry, i don't want to moan, but i need to get this of my chest.


    I'm sooo scared for tomorrow. I sent a mail to boss and called several times over the past few weeks as you know, to know when my contract will end. since he sent me a mail about a month and a half ago that the company's going to stop with excavations.

    So i called and sent mails to know when my contract will end, but never got an answer. Once he picked up and told me he would have an answer a few days later, but again i didn't hear anything.

    Now last friday was my last day at a project in antwerp and i don't know anything for this week. Do i still have to to a project? or is my contract at an end? Where do i go?

    Well i've been told to send another mail saying i would go to the office on monday. I did, ofcourse no answer.

  11. ok, give me a sec :)

  12. oh want to know the whole story? i've put it in garrulous and crazy thread, but i can copy/paste it here if you like :)

  13. i'm going there tomorrow and i'm a bit scared :huh::aah:

  14. ok :teehee:

    that's tomorrow then of tuesday? :teehee:

  15. ah good, :teehee:

    can't wait to see some pics, i have to live holidays through others :aah::roftl:

  16. merci :biggrin2:

    was fun :teehee:

  17. :teehee: moet het jaarboek ook nog lezen :aah:

    en die geschreven interviews wil ik graag printen om te lezen.


    Oh moet nu weg, naar restaurant voor verjaardag zus, we praten later no? :huglove:

  18. hey :bye:

    heb je dat franse interview al gezien? ik nog niet :aah:

    moet morgen dringend es alles lezen en bekijken wat er deze week is verschenen rond onze Mika :teehee:

  19. hey :bye:


    if i'm correct today is the day you're coming home :teehee:

    i've missed you :huglove:

    Hope you had an amazing holiday, took lots of pics and enjoyed yourself. I want to hear all about it when you're back :teehee:



  20. hmm, ben ook ongeloofelijk moe :aah:

    zou ook vakantie kunnen gebruiken, een weekje frankrijk of italië ofzo :teehee:


    met mij gaat het beter nu ik weet wat er aan de hand is, Stress O_o :aah:


    vind het wel jammer dat het project in antwerpen gedaan is, was een leuke opgraving, ga ze daar missen :sad:

    heb daar zoveel fun gehad :teehee:

  21. hey :bye:


    hoe is't met je? :huglove:

  22. was maar een kleine rol voor iedereen, maar ja wie weet wat er nog zou gebeurd zijn als ik niet was wakker geworden :teehee:



    hoop dat het waar is, want voorlopig ziet het er zo niet uit :huh:

  23. hi,

    i could be better atm, but it's ok


    family weekend was good :)

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