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Status Updates posted by ilseh1983

  1. aw :blush-anim-cl:

    that's so nice :wub2:

    and it's the same the other way around :huglove:

  2. hey :bye:

    de nieuwe song al gehoord?

    wat vind je ervan?

  3. ach is niet erg :wink2:

  4. vergeet m'n vorige post maar :wink2:

  5. hey :bye:

    als je nog toevallig es op msn komt vandaag ofzo, zou graag es met je spreken :)

  6. hey :bye:


    are you ok?


  7. well... ik ook niet :aah:

    ik doe ze gewoon allemaal en zie welke best past op m'n scherm :roftl:

  8. heb al een zakje haribo opengedaan :teehee::blush-anim-cl:

    ah ben daar verzot op, je kan hier wel haribo krijgen, maar niet die beertjes en die zijn zoooooo lekker

    alle andere gummy beertjes kunne niet tippen aan die van haribo :teehee:

  9. hey :biggrin2::bye:


    heb je pakje al gehad :teehee:

    MERCI MERCI MERCI :huglove::teehee:



    oh en hoeveel moest ik je nu weer? ga het dan opschrijven dat ik het niet vergeet :teehee:

  10. ah i hope so too, i'll be praying to the weather gods :roftl:


    today at 4 pm the sun started to shine again, finally :teehee:


    see you tonight :huglove:

  11. oh, i see, and you're right to enjoy summertime :biggrin2:


    going to try it myself too, but the last week or two,the weather here was kinda crappy :roftl:


    and i'll be there tonight :teehee:

  12. hey :bye:


    miss you :huglove:

    how's holiday? :teehee:

  13. hey :bye:


    how are you?:huglove:

    don't see you around much in tea party thread :sad:

  14. oh :aah: i was so wrapped up in drawing today, i forgot to send a pm, but i promise i'll send it on sunday :huglove:

  15. i'm fine, still clumsy, and currently unemployed, since monday, so i'll be spending more time on here :roftl:


    i was wondering... why you stopped posting in the garrulous and crazy thread :blush-anim-cl:

  16. hey :bye:


    miss talking to you :sad:


  17. im going now, it's 11pm and i'm tired :aah:


    Have a nice dinner, talk to you later :bye::huglove:

  18. ah that's very good :biggrin2:

    thanks :huglove:

  19. hmm i'm not sure :aah:

  20. sure :teehee:

    i haven't read the previous yet though, couldn't print it yet :sad:

    BUT mum works tomorrow so her pc and printer are at my service :teehee:

  21. i'd take a nap if i were you, you must be tired, no? :aah:

  22. work even more? :aah:

  23. ah good, then you can relax a bit when it's finished :teehee:

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