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Everything posted by NuRy

  1. Yeah, the tickets are really expensive here too and I also live away from Madrid, it sucks... Where do you live exactly? I've only been to London (too many times I think) and I'd love to see other places from the UK. God, I miss going to an English-speaking country... I usually go in summer but with all the vulcano thing I don't want to risk it...

  2. So Man Utd, huh? I support Real Madrid. Wow, Giggs is one faithful player then... I'd love to watch a football match in England, just to see the atmosphere, it's got to be great.

  3. Forgive me MFCers, for I have sinned... Ok, Rosa "invited" me here, it seems I'm being too naughty too early (I'm a newbie) at the gasmics thread, so I shall be punish... Have mercy on me...
  4. Yeah I know... I guess it's true that all good things come to an end. But I like to think positively and wait for another chance to see him live.
  5. Really? I love the snow! although too much is never good, as it happens with the hot weather as well...

  6. Here's beautiful too, but a little too hot for me (I was born and raised in the north of Spain and now I'm living in the South, so the weather is quite different).

  7. Oh, right, that's pretty cool. I heard something, but here in Spain we can't watch the match. A pitty, a love football too, actually Mika and football are one of the two things I can't live without :)

  8. :) What about you? Having a nice day? You're from the US, right?
  9. :bye: Hi there! I asked you in the gasmic thread but I don't know if you read it, what match are you watching?
  10. Well, if this makes you feel any better, I've only been to one of his concerts and I've never met him (and I don't think I'll ever will )... It felt weird when I return from the gig, it was as if it was all a dream...
  11. Hi :bye: I'm doing great actually since Nadal's back to number 1 :)

  12. Hi all! I need your help. I'm looking for an interview I watched a long time ago but can't find anymore. I think it was from the BBC (not sure, but it was definitively in English and the interviewer ¿a woman I think? was a Brit). I guess it was about the first album because after introducing Mika, they played a bit of the Grace Kelly videoclip and I remember that after that bit, Mika said something about the line "I could be blue", something about he should have recorded that part again... I don't know if I'm explaining myself. Oh, and another thing I remember is that they were sitting around a table, not on a couch as usual. So, if any of this rings a bell, I'd appreciate it
  13. Te contesto por aquí para no llenar el hilo de comentarios offtopic, vale? jeje. Pues fíjate que nunca he llegado a ver esa serie. Yo ahora me tengo que poner a hacer trabajos que tengo que entregar varios la semana que viene, así que ahora que está esto un poco más paradito pues aprovecho y ya me pasaré más tarde. Ci vediamo! :bye:

  14. Yep, it's this one:

    Great performance of HE ;)
  15. Es que el italiano es precioso. A mí me gusta mucho Negramaro, un grupo italiano, has oído hablar de ellos? Son geniales. Me alegro de que te lo estés pasando bien ;)

  16. Cómo va ese cumple? Lo estás pasando bien? Oye, que he visto que también hablas italiano! Qué guay, yo también! Estudié 5 años en la escuela de idiomas. Y veo que te gusta Tiziano (a mi hermana le encanta). Pues eso, que espero que lo estés pasando muy bien!

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