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Everything posted by Fran

  1. Yes, you do. I'm just not quite sure about this... As someone (suzie? EDIT: I read back again and, yes, suzie.) said before, many people are not around since LICM or TBWKTM's release and I wonder if they "left" MFC for personal reasons or for not being happy enough with his new material. If the second option applies, maybe we shouldn't generalize to the point of saying that people who know Mika very well would be able to appreciate almost everything he does. His songs will obviously have his "touch" and those who know him a bit would probably recognize the Mika feeling easily, but I don't think it could make someone enjoy it based solely on that reason.
  2. Don't try to follow what Mika sings with lyrics from Google.
  3. I know this song of him and like it quite a lot actually. But no one should ask me to compare Under Water to any other song these days, because, well, you know. And the "amazing" thing was just to tease you anyway. The chocolate x bacon digression gave you a lot to think of, huh? Haha I always like your posts even when I don't agree, but this was extra cool. Bacon is indeed not so "flexible" (can I use this word with this meaning?) as chocolate, but no one can deny the fact that whenever there's bacon in a recipe, you recognize it just for its aroma - and it's pretty good.
  4. Ok, this was absolutely amazing. And many other things were as well.
  5. Thanks for this, Deb! Makes everything much clearer for me.
  6. Oh, I like the lyrics so far. And he's absolutely not head over heels... Just kind of in love.
  7. I did the exact same thing. But... Isn't it? Well, so I don't think I should keep on trying because I have absolutely no idea. Maybe I'd better go to bed now and leave the job to people that really know English.
  8. Would it be wrong to say "bursting in"? Because I don't hear "through" - I also don't hear "in" quite well, it sounds more like a word that ends with "T", but nothing comes to my mind now.
  9. Obrigadinha Já tá bem melhor. Ai, geeeeeente! haha Claro que vi o thread do show, né, mas eu fiquei uns dias sem entrar no MFC por causa da minha formatura, daí nem vi essas últimas fotos.
  10. Katia, de onde são essas fotos? Eu nunca vi em nenhum thread por aqui, devo ter deixado passar batido.
  11. Posso falar que não vejo a menor graça nele? Pelo menos hoje parou de chover... Graças a Deus a gente mora num lugar seguro, na parte mais alta da cidade e tal, mas tem bastante gente que tá fora de casa. Os lugares mais tensos são Blumenau e Rio do Sul, ainda, porque a água tá demorando a baixar e porque o rio que corta Blumenau encheu demais.
  12. Hey, Katita, esse cara é aquele português da novela das 9? Não que eu esteja assistindo, claro.
  13. *good with Spanish* *bad with English* By the way, what I meant exactly - and failed to explain - is that they could have said that he's a good successor but following Freddie's steps, you know? But they clearly said Meeks worth it for his own qualities.
  14. Nice to read what they say, that Mika is not only one of those who want to imitate Freddie.
  15. Sim, amei todas as escolhas que ela fez! Mas, né, EMD é . Bah, foi bem legal! Eu, claro, gostei e aproveitei bem mais a colação e o jantar do que a festa, néam. By the way, parabéns pela ótima colocação! Haha Ela é bem divertida mesmo. Eu não assisto muito à MTV, mas sempre leio o blog dela e as contribuições que ela dá a outros sites. Às vezes ela é meio metidinha e artificial, mas, no geral, manda bem.
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