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Everything posted by Fran

  1. O show dele tava pra começar assim que eu saí da casa da minha tia. Tomara que minha prima tenha assistido, porque eu fiquei a noite inteira importunando ela e mandando colocar a TV no TNT.
  2. A Mary JAMAIS falaria sobre o Mika o que a Ophelia teve a coragem de falar... Feliz ano novo, gentes!
  3. Ai, Mary, confessa que só vieste aqui pra criar polêmica e assustar a Milena com esse teu avatar.
  4. Consegui! Obrigada (Já tinha feito isso antes e abriu uma outra coisa completamente aleatória )
  5. Eu! Acabei de preencher aquela coisa, daí recebi um email e cliquei no link. Mas daí... não sei mais
  6. Ah! Esqueci de dizer. É sempre bom dar uma lida nas FAQ's aqui http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/faq.php e nas regras do Fórum aqui http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25843 (nas regras, tem uma versão em português que eu mesma traduzi, tá?). A moderação tá sempre de olho, então é bom saber o que se pode ou não se pode fazer. :P

  7. Oi, Milena! Andei sabendo que você é membro novo do MFC :) Seja bem-vinda! Sinta-se bem à vontade pra visitar o nosso thread brasileiro aqui http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=25984 ok? Venha se apresentar! :D Qualquer dúvida, pode perguntar pra qualquer um dos que postam lá, ou pra mim mesma, tá? Fica difícil eu explicar todos os detalhes do Fórum de uma vez, mas, caso não entendas alguma coisa, é só chamar! ;)



  8. Oh yes! Considering it's not just a wine effect, he's apparently recording our beloved Underwater.
  9. Hey beautiful :huglove:

  10. Guess I know what you mean. But I always think it's funny because you don't see Michael when you look at him, you see Mika (and well, the fact that Michael is the "person" and Mika is the artist is not exactly what I refer to here ). It's like looking at me thinking of "Jessica".
  11. Gente, depois que eu perdi o Queen aqui no Brasil, jurei que nunca mais ia perder um show de alguém que eu goste, nem que tenha que pedir esmola.
  12. Oh, nooooo! Don't ever waste a smart arse comment! We're sooooo interested!
  13. Who's Michael? Seriously, it's just too weird for me to think that Mika has a name.
  14. That's exactly why I could not fail to mention that one of the reasons why people don't come here as they used to must have to do with personal issues. Totally agree with these lines above.
  15. Yes, but again... You say that if you like someone, you don't expect the person to change and that probably those who left were expecting something new and didn't get it, right? Ok, but a thing I read many times here is that people miss the old Mika, the not-so-theatrical Mika, the Converse Mika. Probably some of these people got a change they didn't expect to and decided to move on. Same way, many people must have loved when he kept his approach to his young years in the second album, :fangurl:ed over it and "decided" to stay. Some people just don't care about what the heck he dresses and are just paying attention to his music. Some of them complain but continue here. Some people maybe were expecting another subject to be approached in TBWKTM and were disappointed with the young thing again. Anyway, I still don't think we can generalize it and mostly because I believe that, yes, Mika will always put the glitter we love on everything he does but it doesn't mean that it will make his upcoming albuns taste exactly like what we've heard before. The Mika style (it also makes sense in my language and I strongly believe it makes sense in English as well ) will be always around but many other factors characterize an album and it may affect people's opinions as much as their feelings for Mika and his style.
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