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Everything posted by A&J

  1. Ah, que comunidade Mikastica linda ^^ E parabéns pelo video, ficou muito legal, eu comentei lá no youtube também
  2. Oh Roxy xD loved the birthday mika calls serie I'm still laughing *I call Mika* Me: HAPPY BDAY MIKAAA! Mika: Oww, thanks Me: How many gifts did you get? Mika: I'm still waiting for more, so I'm not couting Me: Hmm... and you didn't see your bday vid before your birthday, right? Mika: Err... no, I didn't! Me: Yeah right Mika: No, I mean it! I didn't see it! The one in that usb stick that Ingie made, right? Me: Right! Mika: So.. I didn't. Me: How can you prove that? Mika:....... *whispers* did you see a small, green and cute usb st...* Me: YOU LOST IT? Mika: Shh... well, now everyone know I didn't watch before today Me:
  3. Oh, obrigada mesmo! Vou terminar de escrever e te mando 8D

  4. Oi ^^

    Nossa, mil desculpas por não ter entregue o texto pro Mika. Ainda dá tempo? Eu realmente não consegui, nem vim pro PC direito, mas queria.... Vou escrever, e se der tempo, me avisa, aí eu te mando. Se não, tudo bem... :(

  5. Ahh, eu quero o/ mas pode ser no PC mesmo? Minha letra de mão é quase ilegível :/ ok, não é pra tanto, mas mesmo assim, eu tenho umas fontes tão fofas aqui, seria legal usá-las! Se sim, eu tento fazer segunda ou terça o/
  6. Yeah, Roxy rocks, but you too ok I honestly think that when Mika pick a name, I won't remember and will keep saying This Noway.
  7. Boa idéia! Assim a bandeira vai ser melhor visualizada e os cartazes não vão precisar ser suuuper elaborados, pois não vão estar na frente.
  8. Oohhh, the Noway calls are great! And Roxy and Elaire are brilliant @_@ There isn't a single non-named dog more famous then This Noway
  9. Oi gente Ahh, Wesley, que pena que você não vai poder ir.. também não arriscaria isso do rg falso, e olha que eu sou de Sampa >.<' é que só o ingresso é pelo menos 100 reais, pra gastar a toa seria triste .-. Mara, amei o desenho. MIKA saindo da bandeira foi ótimo, e as estrelas @_@ Mas como a Cibele disse, seria melhor uma coisa mais simples, pra ser mais barata e de fácil distribuição... Vocês podem fazer cartazes, não muito grandes, e distribuir pra quantas pessoas der, com estrelas, por exemplo. Aí esse desenho da Mara, vocês usam em um cartaz grande, e uma pessoa se encarrega de levar ele. Aí vai ter tanto esse desenho quanto os outros com outras pessoas. Entenderam? xD
  10. *I call Mika* Me: I need a candy. Mika: aaand? Me: Give me some Mika: Lollipops? Me: No, a real candy, with lots of sugar, maybe chocolate, and... Mika: Are you saying you don't like my lollipops? Me: Oh, c'mon, lollipops aren't sweet enough. Mika: You said you don't my lollipops now you won't get any U_U Me: Whatever, since you give me something. Mika: No. Me: Now listen, I'm already grumpy 'cause I don't have sugar in my blood, so don't you make me nervous Mika: Me: :eek: you're gonna give me THIS? Mika: No, it's MY dog! Oh, you mean the cake... No Me: But.... but.... but.... Mika: Yeah. So now you'll learn how to be a Lollipop Girl *hangs up* Me: Sorry, it's that I had too much salt at lunch and now I need sugar and I don't have anything here ;-;
  11. Hahaha yeah, you would die xD I hope future Mika gigs too!

    Bye sweetie! Take care ;)

  12. :roftl: yeah *I call Mika* Me: Blub blub blub blub blub blub bluuuub Mika: WTF? Me: This is how you're gonna sing Grace Kelly from now on *hangs up* Mika: this phonecalls thread it's getting too weird.
  13. I have this feeling too maybe his definition of "better than a naked gig" is a gig in a tank with dolphins. We can never know for sure
  14. Well, since you see Mika, anywhere will be good! But knowing a friend here's is really better, 'cause the park where the festival will be it's close to São Paulo. You can play in the rollercoasters :mf_rosetinted: and what if Mika does that too? Can you imagine, you sitting right next to him in the cart? :aah:

  15. *I call Mika* Me: Bienie Mika: What's with her? Me: I'm not creative today. Just think about something to do for her. Better then Rosa's naked gig. Mika: Rosa's what? I won't... Me: Oh, shut it. We all know you will so do something better for Bienie, 'cause she's moaning Mika: Better than a naked gig? Me: Yeah. *hangs up* Mika: I can think of something....
  16. Yeah, his own shows will be even better U_U and yeah, then we'll meet, for sure! :D

    I hope you get to go to one (or both) of the gigs! Which one is easier for you? Here or Argentina?

  17. OOOH! You'll see him then! That's sooo great! @_@ it will be awesome, I'm sure. BUUUT I won't go. *cries* *cries more* there's an age restriction on the festival Mika will be in here... I can't go, even if I had the money.

    I'm really sad, but when he see how much South America loves him, he'll come back and then I'll see him. ^^'

  18. Oh. xD why people does that? hahaha.


  19. They're beautiful! I love clean and lovely things like these
  20. Ah, que legal! O problema é que se demorarem muito, acaba o terceito lote e fica mais caro, ou acaba os ingressos de vez ¬¬' espero que dê pra mudar isso.
  21. I will, I'm just waiting 'till there isn't too many people to watch, so that I can hear the movie; 'cause, you know, there's a LOT of girls that screams everytime Edward or Jacob show up. It's kinda annoying when you can't hear what they say ¬¬'

  22. Também queria encontrar vocês ): mas não vão faltar oportunidades, porque o Mika ainda vai voltar depois disso. Certeza : Eeehh, muitas fotos @_@
  23. Pois é. Eu já começava a saltitar enquanto lia sobre isso, e quando apareceu essa restrição... murchei totalmente. ._. Mas vocês vão poder ir! E eu vou ver fotos e videos, né?
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