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Everything posted by A&J

  1. Oh, you saw my vids and like them? Thanks! @_@ I will definitly make some with a Mika's song! Just gotta get inspired ^^

  2. OOOhhh >./emoticons/default_teehee.gif" alt=":teehee:" /> I'm sorry *feel ashamed*

    Well, but since we're now talking: I'm Ariane, nice to meet you! ^^ and again, sorry for the misunderstanding ):

  3. Yeah *I call Mika* Me: Hey, stop what you're doing Mika: No what am I doing? Me: You're making the girls fight over you U_U Mika: Well, it's not my fault I'm simply and extremely attractive, sexy and modest Me: Modest? Mika: Yeah. That's what makes me so special Me: But still, you can't put girls to fight for you! Mika: What can I do.... *Andy grabs the phone* Andy: THEY WANNNA FIGHT? *Mika grabs the phone back* Mika: Listen, I gotta go solve a problem... A PROBLEM BETWEEN FRIENDS! *hangs up* Me: I think that cleans things up
  4. Oohh, so that's why you wrote "Lost" on your Location
  5. I go away for like, two hours and when I come back Mika is married to Roxy, stalking Sasje and throwing away iPhones?
  6. Yeah, he doesn't forget the sex things, does he? :mf_rosetinted: I only knew about chicken :teehee:

    I have bought in mercadolivre, but never from another country. Well, I'll figure a way, even if i have to stand hours searching for it on the web :biggrin2:

  7. What do you mean he's not going to pay us? Then I.. I... Oh crap, I can't quit this job *mika calls me* Mika: I just read what you wrote, so, that means you're going to work for free? Me: I... Mika: Great. So, your first job is.... Me: I was kidding. I won't work for you for free. You're not that big *hangs up* Mika:
  8. :roftl: How can Roxane be the only that talks to Mika and don't faint? Ok, so I'll make your job easier A is from my name, Ariane, and J is from my husbands name, Junior. I just put that everywhere, don't know why
  9. I put Roxane in the tags a newbie can recognize the famous members, ok? Yeah, breathe! You gotta concentrate in small things to remember to breathe, like the fact that your going to live with Mika, travel with him on tour and spend every moment of your live next to him so that you can remember things for him. I thinks i just killed her. liked that call
  10. If Mika was a vampire, both Edward and Jacob would be replaced :naughty:

    Now "lollipop" is a Mika word for virgin? HAHAHAHA :roftl: I liked that. And the interviewer was quite naughty too :mf_rosetinted: "Would you like to be her first?" :teehee:

    Oh, makes me so glad to know you liked the story! :blush-anim-cl: But you know, i want to find a way to sell to other countries, 'cause i know a lot of portuguese people that maybe would want it too. I was thinking... you know mercadolivre.com? I don't how it is in spanish, maybe mercadolibre.com... So, you know if they make money conversions? 'Cause in the website I will put the book, the delivery is only avaible for Brasil, but I can buy it and then put it on other site.. Oh, oh, or maybe Paypal! But I don't have a clue on how this works :mf_rosetinted: Do you?

    God, I talk too much. Write too much, actually :biggrin2:

  11. Thanks! and yeah, you were supposed to laugh but since I'm not that funny, I can't blame you if you didn't
  12. I didn't know this thread! Liked it 8D bopsterjazz, yeah, I think you really love music *-* that's so cool! Good luck with the guitar toy girl, hey, you can dance! That's cool too ^^ Ok, now I'm the actual newbie here U_U so here I go: My name is Ariane nad I live in São Paulo, Brasil. I'm married and live with my husband and my mom. I don't have kids. I like to walk. Not walk like, "go for a walk", I mean walk inside my house. I wake up and start to walk from my bedroom to the kicthen, bedroom, kicthen, bedroom, kicthen... I'm strange. I like the game "The Sims". but I don't play it very often. I love to make videos with it, tought; I'll make a Sim video with some Mika song soon I like to dance. I like to sing. I like to sleep. I'm a writer; wrote one book and I'm writting the second one I loooove to read. Especcially vampire things; Anne Rice, L. J. Smith, a brazilian writer André Vianco, I love them. Stephenie Meyer too, but is not one of the tops. I love music. I don't play anything (want to learn yet), but I really appreciate good music. I can't listen to a good song while I'm doing something else; I gotta pay attencion, I have to feel it. Sometimes I even close my eyes to feel the melody and to reflect about the lyric; that's why I love Mika so much. He makes me do that. He makes me stop whatever I'm doing and LISTEN. And I think that's basically it.
  13. * I call Mika * Me: HI! Mika: *sound of crying* hello... Me: Are you crying? Why??? Mika: Yeah... I haven't received a call from MFC in two days! I feel abandoned. T.T Me: Ohhh.. But you always complained abou the calls. Mika: I lied, girl! I loved that calls now bye, I can't be talking, gotta wait for some MFCer to call me. Me: But I'm from MFC! Mika: YOU ARE??? Me: Yeah! Mika:... *five minutes later* ok, now I wanna talk to Roxy. Me:
  14. Ótims idéia! A América do Sul precisa ser mais notada Mas então não tem nada programado ainda, né? Bom, tudo bem. Na verdade, eu queria que ele viesse antes de fazer muito sucesso por aqui, porque aí vai ter mais chances de nós o encontrarmos. Com mais 50 mil pessoas atrás de nós, não teriamos muitas oportunidades de vê-lo, e nem de ficar perto do palco. Enquanto ele ainda não é tãooo famoso aqui seria melhor. Mas concordo contigo, o público do Mika é mesmo mais exigente.
  15. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH i loved that interview! Now I'm feeling proud 8D He admires writers! And he's cute even when he's talking about the things he take out of his nose. xD

    Thank you for that link, 'cause there's a lot of interviews that i can't understand, but in this one i got everything ;)

  16. OOOWww thanks! Makes me really happy to hear (or read) that! :biggrin2:

    The name of the first one is Blood Kisses, or Kisses of Blood. Is mostly about a man who wants his daughter back, 'cause she's kinda "kidnapped" by other vampire. And the father is making other vampires to help him get his daughter back! And in the middle of it, it has some love story too ;)

    I like Twilight. Is not one of my favorites books, but I like it. Yeah, Jacob is really good, indeed :mf_rosetinted:

    And you know, my mom like vampires too, and she always says that Mika could be a great vampire. Can you imagine, the innocent face, the hair, the eyes, all going to bite you? :teehee:

    Oh, I wish you could read my book... But it's in portuguese, and you live in other country, and the money is different :boxed: btw, what's your currency?

    Thanks for the link, I'm going to watch it now ;)

  17. OOww I loved the space ducks and the space cat! I wonder if he had any ideia of how your heart beats were at the moment Mika effect you make me be afraid of meeting him 'cause when I'm nervous, or I start to say stupid things, or I don't say nothing at all. And none of the alternatives would be good with Mika standing right in front of me
  18. Hi! :)

    I have the texture you used in your sign ^^ liked what you did.

  19. Então povo, é muito entrevista pra ver e ler, então é mais fácil perguntar aqui (^^): O Mika não mecionou uma vinda pro Brasil nenhuma vez? Sei que falou que viria pra América do Sul (e ele não se ATREVERIA a vir e não passar por aqui U_U), mas não sei quando e nem se ainda pode acontecer antes dele lançar o 3º CD ;-; alguém tem uma luz?
  20. Então, eu não sei >.<' acho que não, é só um site em que a gente vota nas coisas. Mas não sei; na verdade, só conheci esse site agora, votando no Mika. Não entendo lhufas das coisas de MTV. Oi!
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