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Everything posted by A&J

  1. *I call Mika* Me: You told her didn't you? Mika: What? No, I didn't Me: Yes you did! She knows, she just told me... Mika: Really? Oh, crap. I thought I had told her something else... Me: Me too, you told that to Sasje, but you lied Mika: Oh. So the secret isn't a secret anymore. Me: No. And you should tell Sasje, cause she thinks you didn't tell anything. Mika: Ok, I'll call her *hangs up* BTW, I don't have any ideia of what secret we were talking about but maybe, with Mika calling Sasje, we get to know
  2. Oh, thanks! You too ;)

  3. @_____________@ I love photoshop too, and that is wonderful. I had to say something! Did you make the drawings? The book too? If no, can you pass it to me? I would love to use that in my next blends
  4. God that won't happen. I'm listening to I Will Survive, and that is giving me good luck. I pass it to you and to Mika Hey HEY!
  5. I don't care if he doens't appreciate your calls, I do so that means we're not going to see you in two days?
  6. He won't pay you. He didin't pay me when I was one of his three assistants. But he will use the flirty voice, so you better be prepared to say 'no' when he ask "Can you pleeeease work for me for free?" I think that's another thing he likes to put in his songs.. Not a sentence, but a word: "boy". I can think of at least 3 songs he... no, 4... 5... well, you got it
  7. Yeah you're right and I'm pretty sure he needs two managers John is tired, poor John '-' Now a call that has nothing to do with the John talk : Me: Hey, what's the matter? Mika: With what? Me: I don't know. You seem to like that sentence. Mika: I do? Me: Yeah. "What's a matter with, going places"; "Like lovers on the open shore - what's the matter" ; "I'm talking bout blue eyes, blue eyes, what's the matter, matter". See? Mika: Oh. I never realized this before. Me: So, now you know. Mika: You call just to say that? Me: Err, not actually. I'm not saying that to you, I'm saying to anyone that reads this call Mika: Ok. You want me to stop saying that on my songs? Me: No, no, I like that sentence too Mika: Ok then. And what do we do to end the call? Me: Err... this *hangs up* Mika:
  8. UAHSUSHA' também odeio as aulas de inglês escolares. Aprendi mais com filme legendado e música que com aquilo >.<' Perguntei pra ver se te apresentava pra uns tópicos daqui, e pra umas pessoas também posso ainda te apresentar, sim Ah, eu também uso o tradutor assim, deixo ele na abinha aqui do lado o tempo todo. ^^' UHASUHSAU' Valeu pela estrela *pega e coloca na testa* É, ele é do Rio sim.. Você não é o único! @_@ vou ver se faço ele vir, é que ele é muito ocupado, fazer ele se cadastrar já foi um grande feito
  9. Oh, that's great! Because you found something you like to do, and if you get to work with it, then you'll be happy while working! And it's hard to find a job we really like to do ^^

    Wish you luck ;)

  10. Tô! Trouxe um amigo de outro fórum, Luan, mas ele não se apresentou.. Tudo bem, ele é mais um pontinho pro Brasil, no Rio. Gabs, qual seu nível em inglês? EDIT: Vou ter que sair... Volto segunda e aí a gente conversa mais
  11. *I call Mika* Me: Hello hello baby Mika: NOO! You're Lady Gaging (?) me! Me: I wasn't... you don't like when we steal other people's lyrics, right? Well, that's not fair, and it's really not OK... It's really not ok.... It's REALLY not ok! Mika: Lily Allen? stop it, Ariane! Me: Hey, don't call my name, don't call my name! Mika: gaga again? So that's how you wanna play hã? Well, I know something bout Lily Allen too... Me: What? Mika: F*CK YOU! F*ck you very very much... *hangs up* Me: yeah, I think he won
  12. Olha ela aí bem-vinda! Entãoooo, cadê minha estrelinha dourada por trazer mais uma brasileira pra cá?
  13. Oiiii Gabs! @_@ Deixa eu te dar as coordenadas UHASUHASUA'

    Esse é o tópico brasileiro, pode falar oi lá:


    Esse é o tópico português, são todos uns amores!:


    Você pode fazer sua introdução em inglês lá em Introductions, que todo mundo te dá as boas-vindas!

    Qualquer coisa, só perguntar! ;)

  14. OOh, now I'm feeling golden OMG I'm still here >.<' now, I really gotta go. Like, now. .... What does this place has? I can't stop stalking MFC anymore But I have to. Bye!
  15. Thaaaanks! then I'll tell basicamenteyo. I'll be back tomorrow, and you don't do something big while I'm not here! U_U (yeah right, like I'm that important)
  16. Oh, sorry you guys, I'll have to leave ;-; can't figure it out by myself right now. Elaire, pm me with the explanation, pleeease?
  17. Yeah, that's a good thing, indeed ^^

    Cool! You're one of my youtube's saviors, then; the ones that put a music that i love with pics that I like ;)

  18. *Mika calls me* Mika: Why aren't they fighting? If they're worry about And... I mean, bout my mom, tell them I convinced her is safe and healthy for you! @_@ and you start to fight too! Like, now! *hangs up* Me: This poor boy... '-'
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