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Everything posted by cat_loves_mika

  1. The Grammar Master. :mf_rosetinted:

  2. Haha, I tried :aah: haha, I just noticed you have the same birthday as my brother :aah:

  3. That's not too long I suppose! :pinkbow: I made you a get well soon thread, but the link seems to not be working :aah: sorry :huh:

  4. haha you too! We can recover together :mf_rosetinted:

  5. Yay :boing: I'm so glad it went well! How long is recovery then?

  6. I'm kind of sick too :huh: but its all good.

  7. I'm sorry I left ChickenFM bro, I had to take my test that I memorized everything with Elle Me Dit :fisch: I hope you dig my user title :das:

  8. I'm praying for you, Annu! :huglove:

  9. Good luck, babe! :hug: Talk to me as soon as you can after, alright? I'll be waiting to hear from you (:

  10. Hey Annu! :) Everything going okay?

  11. That's a long time :/ At least you get to go on the internet! I didn't get to!

  12. I know :aah: I was in the hospital for a few days due to my asthma and I was bored out of my mind! :boxed:

  13. I'm good :) Just studying!

  14. I know that we don't know each other very well, but I'm genuinely worried for you. :hug: Talk to me as soon as you can after your surgery, please. I would like to know how you are recovering :cheerful_h4h:

  15. Ouch, that seems unpleasant. :huh: I wish the best for you with your surgery, Annu. Everything is going to be okay :huglove:

  16. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry :huglove::hug: I know what its like, darling. I've been in that situation before. It's horrible, I was so scared. :boxed: How badly are you injured?

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