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Everything posted by AndyFerrari

  1. This....got me confused I loved the shoes....I'm not sure about the coat ( I kindda like it, but am not sure about the material....looks kindda rubbery like a diving suit >D)
  2. I like the paaants..... (I'm actually sewing one for myself ) And I like the yellow glasses as well....but that may be 'cause he was wearing them in the first interview I saw on youtube (and he was so adorable <3)
  3. Oh dear....I actually saw this on tv (so surprised, 'cause had never seen anything about him here in Brazil) and I must say I didn't even noticed what he was wearing XD Man, do I love him singing live.....
  4. Katita's translated! Excuse me for any mistyping *tired* ________________________________________________________ Took me a while to read all the reports, Cibele basicaly summed up what happened na posted the pics, thank you Cibele We were really blessed that day everything was so perfect and we got our xmas gift, and new year’s, actually it was a gift for a WHOLE EXISTENCE I’ve had my first experience watching the secret gig in London last year and the oportunity for a M&G with Mika and I must say, it was simply extraordinary, the most incredible day of my life. And now it happens again, here in my country. After they confirmed Mika was coming to Brasil, I was really excited, of course, and thought mostly of my friends that would have this oportunity, after all the experience of seeing Mika live is different from everything, there’s no video in the world that can express what his presence live reveals. So, I tried by all means, helping organize a great reception and try a meeting to all of us, even not quite understanding how it’s done, only my great desire that this day would be unforgetable for all of us and for Mika. And we did it, omg, can’t believe it, everything was perfect, since the Festival organization tha was perfect, great structure, great support team, that helped us even in delicate moments, wich were resolve in the best way it could. THE FESTIVAL and preps: I live in São Paulo, friends that came from other cities started arriving during the week, Cibele, Milton, Francine, Leonardo, met them all the day before the show, it was fantastic meeting them personally, Cibele went to my place, loved that, the others stayed in hotels. The day of the show my house was full and I was very happy with Cibele, Stella, Lucy, Katia 2 and Fabiana my friend, who came specially to photograph and record the event for us and take us by car to Playcenter. Only one problem happened, we were supposed to take neon ballons, but the Festival organization told us we couldn’t, forbidden item. We got there, I had the bags with the heart shaped cushions, the gifts, and the welcome banner, the festival organization previously warned, let us in with no problem. Went to the meeting spot at the food court, we were the main attraction among people, ‘cause we were organized and very excited, we were even interviewd by local press The fans started arriving, amazingl, Jéssica brought the pompom and neon bracelets, was crazy, and our friends coming: Luana, Andy, Tata, Mara, Sweet, Francine, Milton, Leonardo, Cazinha and sister, mom, friends, Sheila who had watched Mika in Argentina the day before and was very tired, with no sleep. Sorry if I forget anyone, my head is flawed and emotion takes control, it was crazy people from everywhere in Brasil came, our country is enormous and getting around is not easy, but all the effort was rewarded in this day. We stayed there for a couple of hours and at 5.00 pm we went to the stage area, stayed right in front of the stage, and settled that after the show we’d meet. THE SHOW Started at 8.30pm and what followed was amazing, the reception from the audience was heated, many already scramed for Mika and when he came it was a explosion of joy, we showed our heart cushions, the bracelets, we screamed, sang and jumped, all toghether, singing along with Mika all the songs, from the begining to the very end, fantastic, when I recall emotion takes over, what a wonderful show, what an enthusiastic croud, even who wasn’t there for him, couldn’t help but get excited and he definitely aggregated some new fans with his performance. Right in front of us there were some Smashing Pumpkins fans who wouldn’t give their spotsr, but it wasn’t a problem, they were so kind, asked them to put the welcome and thank you banners on the grid and they kindly did it, na more, got our câmeras to take pics and Record for us too, and the mosta amazing thing happened, they also got excited with Mika’s show and didn’t spare compliments, I was a witness and was very impressed by all that was happening. Mika’s performance dismiss my comments, lol, as always He was brilliant, energetic, thrilled, He was very very happy, the energy Exchange with the audience was somethingo BUM lol no words. It was magical, some threw the cushions and Mika got them, took the EPIC WIN pic, my God! Concert ending: When it was all over, we wen’t to the meeting spot and got together, walked through the huge croud, were in a line and glued our hands together so no one would get lost and wen’t to the entrance gate to the backstage, I told someone from the organization that we were Mika’s fans and wanted to a contact with someone in his crew, she asked us to wait and went in. Who came back was Mr. Rich Issacson who gave us all acess, Mika wanted to meet us, what a feeling, I couldn’t believe what was to come, the joy the and tears already taking over us. Mika was giving na interview for the local pressl, didn’t see him at first, only lots of photographers and Tv cameras, etc. Rich asked us to be in line and still, and we stood waiting like this, put the welcome banner once more and Mara’s beautiful flag (she gave it to him later). Cherisse, beautiful, wonderful, sweet and very joyfull came, she spoke to us and took pics Andy was there and talked to us. THE MEET & GREET Mika shows up and had the most beautiful smile in the world, was impressed by so many people, with the banner and the flag, as usual extremely polite, kind, smiley, took photos in groups, we gave him the gifts, He spoke to each one and gave autographs, what’s to say about that??? MIKA is the best artist and the best person we could have as na idol, his generosity is impressive and our sights and smiley across our faces demonstrate that, the Love between Mika nad his fans is reciprocal. Mika goes and waves goodbye, ownnnnnnnn. We stayed all togheter and went back to the food court get togheter and share all the emotions and also say our goodbyes, friends I have you all in my heart and want you all in a little pot so I can keep you with me forever Proud of Mika and my friends This was our gig and the day everything went perfect, really a magical day. Sorry about the huge text, there’s so much in my head still to be shared, mas slowly I’ll remeber and tell and post more photos and vids. Now I can lol kisses to all
  5. Translated Cibele's report (felt really weird translating th "looking stupid" part XD) _______________________________________________________________ So, how to begin? I left home on Friday and spent the night at Katita’s place. On Saturday morning Stella (Stelar) and Lucy (Lollipop Love) met us and we went togheter to Playcenter, by car with Katia’s friend, Fabiana who is very fun and took great photos an videos that will be posted here soon by me or Katia. We arrived just when they opened the gates, but the stage area was still closed, and we stayed at the food court to give away the neon bracelets and the heart shapped cushionso. There I met other fans: Mara, Cazinha, Sweet, Milton, Tarcísio, Leo, Fran, jéssica, Cyan, AndryFerreira etc...loved to meet them all!!! But as soon as they opened the gates to the stage area there were already a lot of Smashing Pumpkins (?) fans there, and they would’nt leave ‘till the show started, I was afraid to catch a really bad spot and ended up going with Stella a bit earlier then thought(4:00 PM) and the concert only started at 8.30 pm.It was really hot (34°C) but no sun, it wasn’t very comfortable, even more with all the squeezing during the other bands presentations ¬¬' Soon the others went to meet with us there. The first band was really boring (Mombojó). The second I loved (Novos Paulistas). Of Montreal is tôo weird and I didn’t think their songs are that good >.<. Now the show: The longest half hour in my life, seeing the stage getting ready, the flower courtain, the piano with the flowers…. The anxiety only groing. When the lights went down all the arena started asking Mika to come yelling MIKA MIKA MIKA ... I was surprised by the amount of his fans there, there were so many! When the band appeared all you could hear the shouting and screaming and claping and then the first notes of Relax...and then he emerges on stage. There are no words ou feelings that manage to explain what happened to me and to all the others at that moment. Everyone jumped, screamed, sang till got out of breath, including me:naughty: Soon I noticed that He was surprised with this reception and by everyone singing along and knowing all the lyrics...many times He would stop and stared the audience applauding and claping when he finished singing. After came Big Girl, Blue Eyes, Billy Brown, Happy Ending wich was beautiful, thought I was gonna cry but kept myself toghether lol Love Today, We are golden (the one that most sang along, the high point of the show to me), Grace Kelly and unfortunatly the last one, Lollipop, the reaction of the audience to the cans was great, they loved it (proud)...106 days of waiting and only an one hour concert...but it was all worth it, every second of it. He said it took him 5 years to come and that he was so happy to have the chance to have his last show here in Brazil After Katia who had already spoken to Deb (thank you for your help) was trying to organize a M&G after the show. We thought only 10 people would be aloud, but they let 40 fans in the VIP area. The festival organization was awesome, asked to be in a line and be still and quite and that he would pass giving autographs and taking pictures in small groups. Before him Cherisse came and took pictures with everyone and autographed tôo, she’s so cute! Really cute. Then Andy came too and He and Cherisse went of to see the Pavement show And it didn’t take long for Mika to come, it was so quick...very organised, there was no tumult, nobody left the line, and only one person was taking pics (Fabiana). Couldn’t say anything to him (fool (? XD)) got completely jammed =( he signed my cd and I stood there looking stupid. http://images.orkut.com/orkut/photos...rg6suB0rZh.jpg Then He came to take pictures and this is mine http://images.orkut.com/orkut/photos...EKavXOx0l3.jpg And that’s all I can write at the moment. Don’t have to say it was the Best Day of my life, do I? Yesterday I fell in Love with him for the second time! _______________________________________________________________ Katita, sweetheart, I'll have to do yours later ;A; have to go now, but it will get done today
  6. Não sei se alguém já está traduzindo, mas se precisar eu faço sem problemas ;D Katita é a mais querida <3 até me lembrou a minha mãe, cuidando de todo mundo la ahushaus
  7. Well first...I wasn't sleeeeepiiiing!!! But I have almost no internet acess here HELP I posted some pics on my blog (the only in english for now) My camera did a lousy job, but I'll post more when I get home tomorrow (maybe the vids too) Well.... I wrote on the blog too....I'll write more when I'm thinking straight I'm having a serious case of post-concert depression
  8. Cara, que acontece com esse Enem? (nem to sabendo do que houve direito, mas já aconteceu algo pra ser anulado não muito tempo atrás, não? Ou eu to viajando demais no tempo? )
  9. AAEeeHoooo duas semanas people!!! Alguém sabe se a vã do playcenter vai funcionar do dia do festival? ( eles tem uma vã que vai buscar na estação barra funda e leva até o parque)
  10. Já passei ;D Provável que no dia do show ela acabe ficando sozinha sim...falo pra ela da 25 de março (até pq eu poderia aproveitar pra pedir umas coisinhas de lá ) E chuva...chuvisco vai deixar com o cabelo parecendo que fui eletrocutada XD e chuva forte pode interferir no som ;A; isso não pode acontecer
  11. chuva + Mika + roupas brancas = vcs Não tinha pensado por esse ângulo......... XD que tenso
  12. Oh dear, I loved your blog! Your garden is so beautiful!

  13. Minha mãe idem o meu tb fica perto, se quiser te passo o link do google maps ;D Gosh, não quero nem pensar em chuva ;A; tb to com o cabelo todo programado XDD Sem contar a camiseta que não tive coragem de testar....espero que nenhuma das tintas manche/escorra/estrague/entreemcombustão...
  14. Olha....eu estou torcendo pra que o povo que não curte saia pra outro lugar....pq convenhamos, além de encherem espaço a toa provavelmente vão ficar enchendo o saco ¬¬ (sabe como o povo é aqui né....) Seria interessante chegar um pouco antes, mas não muito tb pq se a gente for no meio da outra apresentação a gente só vai ficar lutando contra o povo que gosta da banda que está ali...aí não é legal tb. Alguém sabe se tem um espacinho entre uma banda e outra? E nem me fale...;A; fico tensa de pensar que não dê pra falar com ele depois XD
  15. Pior que provavelmente a idéia deles é mesmo fazer o povo comprar la dentro...água de copinho a três real, quem quer? xAx E comida vai ser tenso x-x vegetaria no parque = morte *escondebarrinhasnoallstar*
  16. Eu chego sexta a tarde, vou ficar no hostel perto da praça da república....seria bom se desse pra se encontrar antes pq eu sou perdida XD e quero tentar ficar na frente .A. pelo menos meio na frente ;A;
  17. Nooooo nem fale dele perder o cabelo XD Tadenho, deve ser um perrengue 20 e tantas horas de avião pra ficar só 3 dias =p Da próxima vez ele tem que vir no final do ano e já aproveitar pra pegar umas férias por aqui Magina ir passear na praia e encontra a família por la >DD
  18. Eu...to pensando =p pq ela ta meio enorme XD aí vou ver tudo oq vou ter que levar e aí eu decido se não vai ser muito tenso (pq nem vai caber na minha mochila xAx)
  19. .A. ta me dando um nervoso, to fazendo trocentas coisas pra ir nesse show (camiseta, sapato, melancia @.@) XD
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