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Naectegale last won the day on April 19 2022

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About Naectegale

  • Birthday 03/09/1962


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    Goldilocks Zone
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  1. Only met him once, but it was fun to him chatting on twitter. Very sad This is him at Sadlers Wells in happier times
  2. Thanks for explaining I like EMD & BBB but I agree the other French songs sound derivative and a bit dull. And I haven't listened to the latest album much - it just misses for me, apart from Last Party.
  3. b.b.but..hang on a bit - you live in Quebec - how do you manage to avoid French songs in Quebec? Sorry to bang on about it - it's well I know - but I'd never thought about it before Edit: In my excitement I confused you with Christine so maybe it's English songs you have to seek out?
  4. I am a bit surprised that you don't hear French songs in Canada? or aren't the French Canadians allowed out of Quebec? Are you culturally segregated? I ask only because I don't know Is Canada so big that you can have separate industries with their own charts and for things never to cross over?
  5. Don't we all do that? When was the last time you did something because someone told you to, when it didn't match your own "thoughts, tastes, interests and worldview" Unless it was your boss or your mother doing the telling
  6. Disapproving? or just honest? I don't speak much French - I recognise odd words, that's about it, so I would answer no. But I like BBB - I understand it in a way that doesn't require words - it's in the music, and the way he sings it
  7. I didn't here anyone booing BBB at the Adelphi. It was a great gig. Mika must be doing something right to get such a good reaction. Statistics had nothing to do with it.
  8. Exactly - it's not as if the whole audience joined in the heckling or sat down or walked out or even looked bored. I remember it as being fun song, and one of the highlights.
  9. You are entitled to have your say, as we all are. And no reasonable person would take offence at your reasonable points, reasonably made
  10. Suppose it was actually the other way round, and 80% were happy to hear it? Why should a vocal minority determine Mika's set list?
  11. Are you seriously saying that Mika should devise a set list on the basis of I-tunes popularity? With no flexibility to play new songs or songs the audience may not have heard or songs that provide space for some creative staging? So no Toy Boy? no Promise Land? or Over my Shoulder? Because I-tunes users haven't picked up on them? Since when have I-tunes users been synonymous with Mika fans? It is not a representative sample. Popular Song (feat. Ariana Grande) wouldn't be so high on Mika fan votes alone - AG has a massive fanbase. Set lists are part of the creative process and shouldn't be dictated by some pseudo-scientific statistical nonsense. I'm not saying he shouldn't play hits - that would be silly - but there should always be room for something new or different to be included.
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