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Everything posted by atreyu

  1. kakashi rules!!:punk:

    yeah it´s so hard to follow long animes, I always abandom them ...actually I drop Naruto for months after Itachi died :crybaby:

    I´m so happy there´s a Naruto fan here :kachinga:

  2. We are the same! didn´t see your reply after I posted mine! ups stupid money
  3. Don´t worry with your spanish, for what I´ve seen it´s quite good well I´m not going to neither Argentina is pretty far away it´s like a 10 hours flight Brazil isn´t that far, atually is a border country with ours, but unfortunately my family´s economic situation isn´t at its best right now, I can´t afford to go
  4. Mika was wearing an orange sweater, the japanese interviewer was a woman and the guy in the middle of this pic http://static.last.fm/proposedimages/original/6/1196601/218665.jpg was in the interview that´s all I know ah! well.. here at min 2:44 his with the guy in the mask, I think that guys´s also a singer Edit: I found this http://server4.foros.net/viewtopic.php?t=46&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0&mforum=BigLolipops the link is broken:shocked:, but before you hit play you can see a screenshot thanks for your help
  5. hi!! yeeees:aah: I have always watch anime, but Naruto was the first one that I watch in japanese :biggrin2: and was the first manga I start reading.


    Naruto is pretty much the reason why I started to study japanese:mf_rosetinted:

    so yeah I think you could say I love Naruto ahahaha:blush-anim-cl:

    so you like NAruto?? :shocked::wub2:

  6. Hi! I´ve been looking for a really old interview, of maryvivian in japan..it seems to be a great interview of Meeks, but I haven´t seen it and it has been removed from youtube:shocked:, so if anyone has a link where I could download it from THANKS:huglove:
  7. hi! I´m form Venezuela, so my native language is spanish. In my country, by law all schools have to teach englis..so I started to study when I was 4 until I was 17, when I graduated I keep reading books, watching movies and reading things on internet in english so I won´t lose the hang of it. But I have always been terrible with spelling, even in my own language I make horrible spelling mistakes Now at the university I´m trying, TRYING to learn japanese
  8. ahaha yeah love that vid! I can´t get tired of watching it, I love the way he laughs:wub2:
  9. :shocked:bad Mika! no wonder he looked like he was thinking: I´m going to hear about this later EDIT: oh my! how rude am I, I didn´t thank you ... THANKS!!!
  10. si las vi toditas si en verdad que fastidio los paparazzis en algunas fotos mika se veia como hostinado de ellos Me altera algo la conciencia verlas pero no tanto creo q puede más mi obseción con las fotos. Y no puedo evitar envidiar el trabajo d esos paparazzis, seguir a mika y tomarle fotos todo el día jajajaj es algo q haría gratis PERO la verdad nunca me ha gustado toda la parafernalia de la vida d los artistas para mi deberian ser como cualquier otro profesional, q cumplen con su trabajo y cuando no, es como otro ser normal, a los pobres no los dejan descansar de su imagen pública tengo +/- la misma opinión q mika en cuanto al mercadeo y las modas ugh pues si como vez mis pensamientos están divididos
  11. aaaaw! reading sweet things like this make me over this website and Mika ditto! wow! I had never seen that absolutely amazing thanks for posting it!!!!! I wish I could understand what he and Yasmin are saying after heputs on the mask ..darn me little knowledge in french I love his house, is so neat, I thought it would be a mess or maybe he just arranged it before the cameras arrived ahaha
  12. jeje quebueno q aqui estamos aclarando cosillas para hacernos más tecnologicas esoooo!!!!!
  13. jajaja trankis no suenas nada vieja, por lo menos estás sobreviviendo en el foro mi mamá le cuesta meterse en su mail ah! los multiple quotes esa si me la se abajo al lado de quote hay un boton q dice MQ le das a ese en todos los q quieras citar y al ultimo le das quote normal
  14. jeje para ser más discreto la cambio a italiano que inteligente!
  15. pues la verdad ni idea yo soy muy bruta con las compus ....de hecho tenemos una relacion muy mala, anualmente daño mi compu de maneras imposibles de entender por is amigos computista y siempre me la formatean yo pues en stadistics si quieres ver un thread q tienes tiempo sin ver pero si estas en el thread ps no se yo sólo la reviso de vez en cuando o refresco la pag:blink:
  16. Wao!!! no sabia! me parece tan genial q haga canciones para otros artistas, aunq me molesta un poco no saber cuales son por sus seudonimos ...entiendo sus razones y me parece muy inteligente su forma de actuar pero igual me mata la curiosidad!
  17. I bet one of this days we´ll see him doing something like that
  18. verdad! es eros ramazzotti ...? es como EL cantante, o sea es super reconocido...pensé q el hacia sus propias canciones eso hace a mika mas especial
  19. Si!! y me gustan las dos versiones creo q es erase pero la d mika es especial
  20. ahahaha when I read clark kent it came to my mind this image of him running down a street ripping of his cloth to end un in a crazy rainbow-like outfit with his grey undeis on top
  21. bien! y tu? en uno de los threads encontre un link q según tiene las canciones q Mika a hecho como escritor y hay una de que es canta eros ramazzotti me quedé
  22. hi!! it isn´t Mika´s hehe sorry

    it´s from a manga character, the one in the pic of my signature :biggrin2:

    but I like how twisted and deep it sounds. I consider it a bite mika-ish :teehee:

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