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Rosie-Posie Boffin

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Status Updates posted by Rosie-Posie Boffin

  1. Sorry for the late answer dear...I'm on holiday and my connection here sucks:mf_rosetinted:



    Medicine is great too:aah: at least it's beneficial...unlike literature :lmfao:


    I still study in Turkey :aah: but just in another city...:naughty:


    I knew Mika for a long time actually...OK maybe not mika but his songs:aah: about a year ago when I had nothing good to do, I remembered how I love relax take it easy :naughty: than I thought who da hell is that curly haired weird boy??:roftl:so I started to watch his other videos...the more I found out about him the more I loved him...:wub2: and at first I literally struggled not to love him...Because I knew I would be obsessed with him if I don't do sth about it...but I couldn't help it eventually...:aah:


    He came to Turkey...yes...but that was before I found out abou him:tears: I knew he would come but I was sick and it was a loong way... so I didn't much bother to go... Now I'd kill to go one of his gigs :aah:

  2. Eee ama tam ben gittim sen döndün yahu :aah:

  3. Not all of them :aah:




    blameee it on theeee Meeeeekkksss...blame it on the meeeeks....:roftl::roftl:

  4. Coz I love rain so much...:naughty: obviously :mf_rosetinted:


    I'm on holiday after struggling to pass my final exams...:teehee:

  5. Ask me whatever you want to know about me! :pinkbow:


    I normally live in here...Turkey...




    but now I'm in a different city for collage.... :teehee: I'm a literature student :naughty:


    You?? :aah:

  6. Ah valla kendi rekorumu kırdım yemin ediyorum:aah: Bugün hiç uyumayışımın 3. günü... :boxed::roftl: metroda orda burda hertarafta uyuya kalıyorum :roftl: şimdi bi yatıcam 3 güne anca artık :roftl::roftl:

  7. *sings hold on little tomato* :aah:


    Oh my god I've just had a brain crash :mf_rosetinted:


    *drools unconsciously* :aah:

  8. Actually... he probably knows...:lmfao: Othervise he wouldn't do so much of the lip biting or finger nibbing or other ''Look-how-seductive-I-am'' expressions...:fisch:

    Ah thankies dear!! I'll need luck that's for sure...:wink2:

  9. I'll blame it on mika if I fail my ATW course...:mf_rosetinted:





  10. Struggling to start an essay instead of :fangurl: over da boy's pics:roftl::roftl: and guess which one I decide :mf_rosetinted: you?? :aah:

  11. Ah!! I love london too...:naughty:



    Guess why...:mf_rosetinted:

  12. Ok...Let's start with where I live...:aah:




    ask me whatever you wanna know about turkey...:naughty:

    and tell me more about where you live!!

  13. Depends on what you're asking...:aah:

  14. Get yourself a cup of tea dearie...:naughty: But be careful...it may be a bit hard to drink with that horn...:mf_rosetinted:

  15. 6a00e553838b91883301157.png




    You're invited to a party in my head luv...:mf_rosetinted:





  16. Awww...hope you'll be fine soon!!! :huglove:



    *sends you tea* :mf_rosetinted:

  17. I'll start studying soon...:roftl::roftl:


    for my final exam!! :eek:


    and the hardest...:mf_rosetinted:

  18. I go back to black:mf_rosetinted:







    if you don't know the song and if it does not makes any sense that's your problem :mf_rosetinted:

  19. You!! Back to the tea parteey NOW!!:mf_rosetinted:

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