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Everything posted by Efriani

  1. It sounds so overly attached girlfriend/boyfriend But, overall I love the lyrics
  2. Good news for you guys who want free tticket. Go check MIKA fanpage on Facebook. There's a competition for free ticket So good luck for all of us
  3. I wrote the links where you can buy the ticket online : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3887203&postcount=23 . Have you read it?
  4. If I got any information from the promoter, I promise I'll tell you all here
  5. About the time, we don't know yet. Pihak promotornya belum ngasih tau info selain harga tiket
  6. it's not too expensive. My first expectation about the price if Mika came to Indonesia was above 900rb. That's why I've been saving for years for it. But I do believe it will be giveaway ticket. Just be patient. And I hope you'll see the concert
  7. Okay, today you can buy the ticket online! These links below provide the online ticket for MIKA live in Jakarta @ticketonfire http://ticketonfire.com/?page_id=675 @expresslive http://expresslive.co.id @IbuDibjoTBox http://ow.ly/iY2s8 @disctarra http://tarratix.com/index.php/ticket/concert_detail/4864
  8. Hola Mod! :biggrin2:


    I just read the latest information from the promoter, the concert in Indonesia has been changed to May 10th.

    Would you help me to change the date on thread?


    Thank you

  9. I just read the latest information from the promoter, the date has been changed. The concert will be held on May 10
  10. In case you don't have idea which ticket you'll buy, here the layout http://t.co/kCGwEAqNxv
  11. Boring people always bored. Even if magical thing happened, they will be bored. Boring people never please you
  12. We have a plan to greet him and the band at the airport. To make it works, we are trying to have connection with the promoter. Let's pray, they will tell us Mika's schedule in Jakarta. What's your twitter account? I'll contact you Moga ketemu nanti
  13. I think we can only privately meet him after the gig at backstage. Let's hope You can buy presale ticket online. It starts March 15 - April 10. You can buy it here http://t.co/SwbJS5N6 and http://ticketonfire.com
  14. Thank you, mama Mod! It's really a dream comes true
  15. Of course dong, sayang :biggrin2:


    Kamu nonton di green section kah? Beberapa fans lain yang aku kenal milih di green section. Yuk barengan

  16. Aaand, it's officially true!!!! Thank for all the crossed fingers!
  17. I hear it from one of music news in Indonesia. Well, it's not official yet because Mika and management haven't confirmed the news. Thank you, Christine
  18. Well, there's a rumor he'll come to Indonesia on May 11. I hope it's true
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