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Everything posted by Siu

  1. One of my all times favourite! Thank you, Eriko, for the bigger version! I wish I could save it, but my laptop broke down and I'm using the 'family' one, which means that everything I save is automatically shared with my husbands laptop . I can already imagine the face he'd pull if he saw Dropbox being updated with MIKA_KOKO_swoon.jpg
  2. With a bit less than 9 days remaining until the end of the May contests, there are a few, where we can improve the present positions: Up-up-up contests Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2 Top_YouTube_Musician http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Musician/2011/05 Best_Music_Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Music_Website/2011/05 Best_Fansite http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Fansite/2011/05 Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/05?page=2 Top_YouTube_Channel http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Channel/2011/05 Contests, where the next position is only a few votes away are marked with
  3. See you again on the Manic Monday Morning Until then: Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2011/05?page=2 (continues on page #3) Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2011/05?page=2 Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2 Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/05?page=2 Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2
  4. I wonder, why do I look like a big fat MAN on the Buddy TV Glee page and Alice looks so nicely MIKA ? I also wonder, why can't I log in with my Facebook account or share the article on Twitter ? http://www.buddytv.com/articles/glee/5-glee-theme-week-ideas-for-se-40326.aspx?fmTw=1#comments
  5. But of course! Think of his gigs - he doesn't just step on the stage, sing, bow, and leave. It's an amazing musical show he pulls off! And a clown is also an actor, right!? [YOUTUBE]lPSLAFiyNdk[/YOUTUBE]
  6. Another round of votes here please: Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2011/05?page=2 (continues on page #3) Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2011/05?page=2 Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2 Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/05?page=2 Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2
  7. I'm pretty sure I will do that. I've been to most of the parks already - on the first day by bike and later on foot, although I will definitely go back to some of them again. I did most of the touristy stuff you mentioned and some others, plus spent Friday and Saturday nights at various museums. It was the Museum Night weekend and there were so many interesting tours and events in many of the museums. I walked around a lot, browsed the pubs , did some shopping (fell in love with Desigual on Regent Street . I've ordered a few things from Desigual online, but this shop was like heaven on Earth .). The last day before catching the train back I had thought to quickly hop in the Camden market, but ended up spending most of the day there. I have an idea of the city now and can prepare for the next visit a bit better, I hope. Although we might go there by car in summer, I doubt I will be able to drive there . I've got used to driving on the left by now, but traffic in some parts of the city is just too crazy for me, I'm afraid. I didn't know you lived in London! I wouldn't mind living there for some time, but I doubt I would want to make it my home.
  8. My little one got 'A Flying Elephant' as her home reading yesterday. I found it amusing and listened to the story. When she read 'And it rained and rained' she paused for a moment, thinking, and started singing 'When it rain and rain and rain and rains, ...'. The studying had finished for the day . [YOUTUBE]K1t3DTZSE0U[/YOUTUBE]
  9. More comments and thumb-ups needed for 'MIKA in Glee'. Thanks!
  10. Amazing lashes! Though I must have said it already before
  11. On my way to post my comment and turn all the MIKAthumbs up-up-up!
  12. Another round of votes here please: Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2011/05?page=2 (continues on page #3) Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2011/05?page=2 Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2 Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/05?page=2 Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2
  13. OK, I will 'cause he's also so colorful: I second to that
  14. So he's no good at card tricks. And he's a terrible driver. And he can't cook. So what!? He is the Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2 who knows how to make the Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2011/05?page=2 (continues on page #3) And he's indisputably the Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/05?page=2 And the Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2 so Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2011/05?page=2 and vote for him!
  15. Don't worry! Although I thought I wasn't that well prepared I had tons of things I would have wanted to do and see, but didn't have time to. Bike tour was one of those. On the first day I met up with a friend of mine from home, who told me how he had been using the Barklays cycle hire for the entire week, so we ended up having our own bike tour. It's ingenious! Just take a bike and ride and you don't even have to pay, if you're using it less than half an hour! But I'm pretty sure I'm going on an organised bike tour in summer, when I have more time to spend in London.
  16. Links in my previous post don't work for me . So here they are again: Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_Video/2011/05?page=2 (continues on page #3) Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2011/05?page=2 Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2 Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/05?page=2 Best_Celebrity_Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Celebrity_Website/2011/05 Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_the_Month/2011/05?page=2
  17. . . . . . . . . Up to page #1 Musician_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Musician_of_...2011/05?page=2 Top_YouTube_Video http://tweeter.faxo.com/Top_YouTube_...2011/05?page=2 Follow_Me http://tweeter.faxo.com/Follow_Me/2011/05?page=2 Actor_of_the_Month http://tweeter.faxo.com/Actor_of_the...2011/05?page=2 Best_Celebrity_Website http://tweeter.faxo.com/Best_Celebri...2011/05?page=2 Sexiest_Twitter http://tweeter.faxo.com/Sexiest_Twitter/2011/05?page=2
  18. It all became clear to me after I had done some last minute changes on my iPod a second before catching the train to four-day freedom last week and instead of adding a few playlists I ERASED everything I had. Panicking, I did what I think any one of you would have done – quickly copied all my MIKAmusic on the iPod. Although in random order, everything vital was there again. And then, having only MIKA to listen to during the extended weekend I re-realised that the man is an effing genius, a magician of melodies. During the last few months I've been lacking time and motivation (not due to fading interest, no! but due to Life and its twists ) to keep the thread on surface and up to date. And to vote. But now I've decided to give it another go! Besides, the man who's gonna give us new music “top of next year” deserves to be on top of all tops . So Hi again all crazy voters !
  19. My feet hurt, my face is one big freckle, but I'm happy from top to toe
  20. Nothing new about my friend, unfortunately. It's been nearly two months :no:

  21. I just wanted to say hi to you Alba :wub2:. I hope you've been well! :huglove:

  22. Thanks, Christine! I'm going there next Thursday One thing I'm definitely planning on doing is taking a bike tour (http://fattirebiketours.com/london/tours), but I haven't decided which one. If possible, I always take a bike tour, when I'm in a new city. It's such a fun way of getting to see more than on foot. I'm also interested in architecture. And I love going to parks. You've given me some very good ideas already ! Luckily I have another week to decide what to do. I'm so much better prepared for the the time I'm going to London with my kids next year - Sea Life Aquarium, Pollock's Toy Museum, the zoo
  23. Your London - what to do and where to go to see the best of the city? I'm well aware of the landmarks/POIs, but I'd like some advice you can't get form any tourist book. What do you/what would you always go back to?
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