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Everything posted by Siu

  1. "I was considered to have a very high voice and ... ehm ... you know and ... and actually I was kinda bullied in a million different ways you know, things from... These are all the things that kinda are the fabric of you growing up, they make you up." "I have a high voice. Yeah, you had a problem with it? Well, I've put it on record."
  2. It's always great to wake up to so many smiley faces!
  3. Hi, I'm MIKA and I know I have a dazzling smile!
  4. That's what I mean when I say his utterly aware of his charm and professionally (sic!) uses it for his own behalf.
  5. I'm so in the same boat with you! Though I don't think he was naive back then, but not so aware of his power. And more spontaneous, less finished.
  6. Size DOES matter! And bigger is not always better! I'm talking about this hair that is peeking out of Meeks' nose:roftl::roftl:
  7. "the person that is recording lives in isolation; the person that is playing live hates the man who wrote the songs, which is obviously me, and ... ehm ...because they are too difficult to sing and they are too hard to play"
  8. Me too, but I thought this was obvious by now! :roftl:
  9. Lucky Imogen Heep I see it rather as a "f**c I shouldn't have partied all night" pic
  10. Tnx, but does it mean what it's supposed to mean? Looking at some of the pics I'm starting to doubt that :roftl: But to start off the morning:
  11. If it weren't the SMILE thread, I'd say: Look at the nose, girls! Heh, what the hell, I'll still say it: LOOK AT HIS NOSE, GIRLS!!!:roftl: Do we have the "nose" thread? We so need the "nose" thread.
  12. That's exactly what I'm talking about And that is why I keep raising the issue. He doesn't seem to feel too comfy about the idea of having hair at places were a man should have it. On most pics he is more or less shaved, it's a shame! Beaware, I'm about to start a new thread: Mika's chest hair FC That's just so mad! :roftl: OOPS, forgot it's the EYES thread :roftl:
  13. I wasn't sure what to call it, I'm not native, you know I did change it later here and there but some of the nipping is still there :roftl:
  14. All the gasping made me forget I actually had a pretty smile to post
  15. OK: T-H-E S-M-I-L-E ! but also T-H-E H-A-I-R! :roftl: It's pure silk, cat you see!? :roftl: + thanks, Silver!
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