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Lady Mika

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Status Updates posted by Lady Mika

  1. yeah,stupid politicians! but I believe that one day you'll be able to come back to your homeland :huglove:


    Thank you for beautiful pic of beautiful man :wub2:

    I have sth for you too:naughty:


  2. Of course I heard about the riots in Iran in 2009.This had to be hard times

    for your nation:aah:

    I'm from Poland:) Here was a tough political situation too but luckily before I was born :D

  3. boom boom boom boom HEEEEEEEEEY !!:biggrin2:

    I sympathize with you!:huglove:Not having the net must be terrible! I can't imagine now that cos I'm probably addicted to the Internet:naughty:


    aww poor you:huglove:That's always sad when someone close to us moves out and begins a new life...But he surely loves his girlfriend and probably he's happy with her as well:)

    Have you another siblings?

    I miss my siblings too when I goes to university but I come back home every weekend and I try to spend with them as much time as possible then:)


    Have fun tomorrow sweetie!!

  4. Hello!:bye: Thank you for your friend request:huglove:

    Are you from Iran.Arent you?How's life there?


    Have a nice day!

  5. Yeah,I saw "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" too.This movie was so touching, sad and giving food for thought (I have to admit that I cried watching this film and this rarely happens to me :aah:).Music and films are endless topics (as endless as Mika's legs:naughty:sometimes I envy him those long legs cos I'm short, I'm 1.57 m so my legs are short as well:furious:)

    Also I'm always sad when someone young and talented dies.Especially when it's so stupid death:(


    I'm good,thank you:) I'm waiting for my siblings.When they come back from school we'll do puzzles. I love it:biggrin2: And I'm playing with my little kitten which is called Mika:biggrin2:. I love her so much:wub2:

    and how have you been? :D

    oh thank you:huglove: I love to read your message as well:blush-anim-cl:

  6. part 2:teehee:


    I love comedy and true stories too,and also romantic movies (though I don't have luck in love:sneaky2:).

    The Devil Wears Prada is awesome movie:biggrin2: I love also Remember Me ,Schindler's List,The Pianist,Brokeback Mountain,Casanova,Candy,Breakfast at Tiffany's,Catch Me If You Can,10 Things I Hate About You,Rosemary's Baby,Passion of the Christ,Butterfly Effect,Billy Elliot and every film with Louis de Funès :)

    From series I love Scrubs,Emergency Room,Two and a half men,How I met your mother,Dr House,The vampire diaries,Desperate Housewives ,Wilfred and Bones.( I probably like too many movies and series:aah:)And you?

    My last film in cinema was Harry Potter too:biggrin2:Popcorn tastes the best in cinema:licks_lips:


    Have a great day! :huglove:


    We both like write a lot:naughty:

  7. Yeah,He's always handsome. And IMHO he's like wine, the older the better:naughty:

    And what I love the most about English version is that I'm able to sing along:biggrin2:And I hope he'll record it.I would then :fangurl: over this by months.:aah:

    So don't you have real winter there? LUCKY YOU!!

    Now in Poland is the end of the summer, but the weather is like in the middle of autumn:sneaky2:. and just a few days ago it was 30°C,so I know sth about crazy weather:biggrin2: and in winter it's sometimes even -15 (or 20) °C,and A LOT of snow:naughty:

    I see we have similar taste of movies:biggrin2:

    Addition to the actors you mentioned I also like Heath Ledger:tears:, Joaquin Phoenix, Jude Law, Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey, Charlie Sheen, Elijah Wood,Hugh Grant,Orlando Bloom, Noah Wyle,Owen Wilson, Louis de Funès and Adam Rodriguez.

    p.s.the second part will be soon:biggrin2:

  8. I love that song too (much):naughty: And I spend too much time watching this

    and that
    .:biggrin2: I know by heart lyrics for She Tells Me but I have big problem with EMD (Who non-french-speaking doesn't?:naughty:),yeah,it's very hard to pronounce:aah:


    Good news are always desirable:biggrin2: Do you have winter now in Uruguay? I hate it too. I mean, I love the snow, but only when I look at its sitting in a warm room :biggrin2: And I don't like go out much then like you (I hate the cold so much),but from my dorm to the two the nearest discos I have literally 2 minutes:naughty:

    And no,this doesn't sound boring but awesome:biggrin2: What kind of movies do you like the most?


    kisses :huglove:

  9. Hello:huglove: thank you!

    I'm fine but a bit bored:naughty: I read books by Stephen King,play with my much younger siblings,listen to Mika's songs(especially Elle Me Dit:mf_lustslow:),sing along(or rather sing flat:naughty:) and I count down days until October when it'll end my vacation.I know it's strange :aah: But I miss my lovely roommates from dormitory and friends from university and I just miss student life:naughty: My parents don't like when I go back home late so when I'm home I can't go out too often but I'll make up for it in my lovely Cracow where I study:biggrin2:

    sorry,sometimes I write too much:blush-anim-cl:


    and how about you?

    Have a beautiful day!!:D

  10. You know,my English was really awful before my mikaism:naughty:

    I didn't understand much though I had English in school for 9 years:aah:

    But everything changed when I discovered MFC:biggrin2: Now I practise my English everyday-by watching Mika's interviews,reading forums,writing from time to time,analyzing song lyrics...and so on and so forth...

    so my advice to you-come to MFC more often:naughty:

    I know,my English isn't very good (and never will be:naughty:)but it's much better than before:) And I think,because of Mika and MFC I don't have any problems in college:biggrin2:

    and you know :it's never too late to learn:thumb_yello:


    p.s. And for me your English is quite well :biggrin2:

  11. I'm gonna show pic of your cake to my mum or grandma before my next birthday:naughty: or eventually I'll bake it by myself:biggrin2:


    when I watch his French interviews I always think that three years of teaching French in high school was in vain,I don't understand even one word:aah:

    But his accent,his voice and of course his laugh always make me smile:wub2:

    I love compilation of his laugh,it's sooo cute:mf_lustslow:

    But I miss interviews in English:(

  12. heh,jak widać patrol sprawuje się doskonale:biggrin2:

  13. cześć!Jestem,jestem, jako mikoholiczka:)

  14. yeah,these pics are so beautiful:wub2:

    And I think no one is as photogenic as he is:naughty:


    p.s.I just wanted to add you are very lucky that you were a Big Girl and you were able to dance on stage:wub2: And also you have amazing friends-your birthday cake was so wonderful:mf_lustslow:

  15. You're welcome:biggrin2:

    I wonder how on earth, he looks so amazing in every single photo:wub2:

    when someone takes me pictures with surprise-I look like dumb.:sneaky2:

    And when someone takes pictures of Mika with surprise-he looks cute:aah:

  16. Hello!I'm fine,thx. And You?

    Yeah,that's Mika:naughty:

    Here you are full pic:http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150260997398040&set=a.10150260993658040.333014.6006248039&type=1

    In this album is a lot of beautiful pics :wub2:

  17. My mom says that I don't want to eat meat since I was 4 years :naughty:

    I know-watching vids may be very depressing :sad:

    But hey,he will certainly set off on tour next year and he'll come to USA:)

    I've already started saving money for next year-if he won't come to Poland I'll visit other countries:biggrin2:

  18. I'm pretty good too-I think because of vids from gigs :biggrin2:


    p.s. Are you vegetarian?(I deduced it from your signature:wink2:) Me too,I hate meat:aah:

  19. Hello:bye:

    Thank you for add me :huglove:

    How are you? :)

  20. Thank you very very much:huglove::flowers2::huglove::flowers2:

  21. Thank you very very very much:huglove::flowers2::huglove::flowers2:

  22. I'm in pretty good mood coz I have a whole day off :biggrin2:

    Where are you from?:)

  23. Hello:bye:

    Thx for the request:biggrin2:

    How are you?

  24. I overcame lazinessand I go to study:D

    so bye:bye:Have a nice evening:)

  25. For example, I should now learn the Russian, but I'm too lazy atm:naughty:

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