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Trix the Mubbin

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Everything posted by Trix the Mubbin

  1. Comments and suggestions... uhm... Do you go to your "User CP" and refresh often? It'll let you see new posts quicker... not really having anything to do with anything, just randomly putting that out there. :aah:


    A REAL comment or suggestion... uhm... When you're making Mika say something, it would be less confusing if you did it a similar way I do it... :dunno:


    Glad you had fun... hope you'll be here sometime when Fuzzy is here too and all 3 of us can party! :aah:

  2. There are moments when I squeak. (short high pitched noise) There are moments when I squeal. (long high pitched noise) This was one of those moments where I couldn't even squeal and I just exhaled slowly, TRYING to squeal and failing. I think I've died.
  3. That is totally what I need. A PhD in Awesomeness. or hopeless dorky-ness.:aah:


    Glad you're at least better...


    ... I'll be posting the prologue soon.

  4. Yes. I do. And if why would I suggest it if I didn't want to? :aah:


    But again, it wasn't philosophical... and I'm EXTREMELY sarcastic. quite often. It's fun. aah:

    I'm awesome. You?

  5. :D Got it all set up!


    That wasn't philosophical. Like, at all. :aah: And I'm not being sarcastic.


    Goodness. I do that a lot. :teehee:

  6. How about... I have "Story Sundays" and I'll post what I have of my Story each Sunday for you all to read? :D I'll do it in Hot Pants...


    eehhh... I used to think that a lot...


    People letting you down is unfortunately a common part of life. :huglove:

  7. Actually, I am writing a story... about a cursed monkey named Flipper. Chapter One - Monkey In My Closet. :lmfao:


    Aw. :sad: What happened? Wanna talk about it?

  8. Mmmhhh.... I'll bring the Nutella, no worries... you bring the strawberries. :naughty:


    Yeah he's good with drama... :aah:

    I'm doing pretty awesome. I had a "quiet fit" as I call them... points in time when my IQ actually spike and I get more... "intelligent" sounding, much more soft-spoken... much more gentle. They aren't bothersome, mind you. :) Also... Get Home. It's an epic game.... you should look it up and play it. :teehee:


    How are YOU?

  9. I know it sounds weird. That's on purpose. :D


    Huurrryyyyy............... I want someone to hang out with when the Fuzz is gone. and she's gone a lot. T-T


    Mika and I are all alone in a hospital room together. :das:


    With a nice, comfy bed. :das: :das:

  10. Oh, hey, I didn't even notice. :aah:


    Yay, party... for me? :teehee:

  11. :teehee:



    Yeah. Storyline. It's okay to chat normally, you can put it in parenthesis. (like this :aah:)


    I live in eastern America... you?

    It's 9:00 pm here. :aah:

  12. :aah: Well thank you for thanking me for thanking you. :aah:



    Heh, thanks. :biggrin2:

  13. I'll know when I know. *shrug*



  14. Uh... well see that's just it. The topic isn't gonna change much. My fave movies are the Twilight movies.

  15. I know right, he's got that "See? I told you I can do it, I'm good right? Right? :biggrin2:" look. Aww...
  16. Oh... I looked it up. UV rays. You should say you're allergic to UV rays. saying you're allergic to sunlight sounds... well... lame. :aah:


    that sucks. Your immune system seems to be confused. :aah:

  17. wait wait wait wait wait. How can you be allergic to sunlight? How on earth is that possible??? I've heard of it, but I didn't think it was real....


    Yeah... i think... yeah.

  18. Allergic to sunlight? ... Are you kidding? :huh:

  19. Aw. :bye: Yeah it's evening. :aah:

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