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Trix the Mubbin

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Everything posted by Trix the Mubbin

  1. Oh whatever. They're eyes. He has them. That's really all that matters.
  2. Let me just point out now - If his eyes are ever violet sky, I'm worshipping him as the new God, 'kay? Pretty sparkly violet eyes.
  3. Sunlight. Purest light known to mankind. Pure brown, no hint of any other colors. Kind of syrupy, but definitely brown. Light brown eyes tend to look hazel! My best friend has light brown eyes and people always think they're hazel. I'm pretty good at telling them apart.
  4. I've never noticed green. Like I said, it may just be lighting. Oh whatever, it's an eye color, what does it matter.
  5. His eyes are never green! It's probably lighting. 99% of the time, they look brown. That usually means they ARE brown.
  6. I'm okay now. I have 6 smiling/laughing Mika's and How Much Do You Love Me playing.



    :wub2: Mika makes everything better.

  7. No, really, they're not. I'm not dramatic - wheen I know someone's coming, I won't say they aren't. I've asked - a lot of them aren't coming.

  8. because they're idiots who didn't try to get in contact with me sooner.


    Yes... Yes I am. :bleh:

  9. Please don't. I don't think anyone but my brother is coming.

  10. Dunno. Hoodwinked Too.

  11. I'm having a party tomorrow, maybe going to see a movie, there'll be a 2 day sleepover...

  12. :) Yeah... but there's not really much to do today...
  13. :aah: It's only about half 6 pm here. :aah:
  14. Is it the 28th there? :teehee:

  15. Hey! The Doctor deserves to be over here too. I'd think, what with the TARDIS, America should be one of the first places he goes. We seem to be prone to ignorance and alien attacks, we NEED him.
  16. YAY! on my birthday! What a nice present. Hey Mika... you could make it better by posting the original that day too...
  17. Yeah there's a general rule of things here - don't post about it unless you want people to know about it.
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